Title: ARENA
- Nicolas Epchtein
- coordinator
2Dome C
- In the infrared-submm range the site is unique
and only superseded by space conditions. - There is no reason to build another IR/mm
facility anywhere else on Earth (at least in the
3A growing number of proposals at Dome C
- IRAIT Infrared telescope, Italy
- PILOT project for a pathfinder 2m optical/IR
telescope (Australia) - Large wide field telescopes De, It, Fr,
- AMIDST Deep WF thermal IR surveys,
- Giant Telescopes (GMT, Angel et al., ELT?)
- interferometric demonstrators (OP, LUAN..)
- KEOPS (km array, LUAN)
- Exoplanet detection a-step, iceT
- Planetary seismology (Siamois)
- (Sub)Millimeter/cosmology (Clover, Brain..)
- Super DARN
4A need to coordinate actions at CONCORDIA at
the European level in connection with the
operators IPEV-PNRA? end 2004 LUAN proposed a
FP6 coordinated action ARENA
5ARENA reminder
- Research Infrastructures FP6
- Coordinated action/networking
- Submitted March 2005
- Approved June, 2005
- Started Jan, 2006
- budget 1.335 M (incl. 20 overheads)
- 21 partners (7 EU Australia)
- 4 Networking Activities management
- Duration 36 months (2006-2008)
- Covers IPY (2007-9)
6ARENA miletsones deliverables
- Milestones
- Conferences (1 per year)
- Workshops (3-4 per year)
- Meetings (ad libitum)
- Deliverables
- Proceedings of the 3 conferences
- Presentations at wkshop. available on our
Website - Record of the discussions (SOC)
- Conclusions and recommendations for the final
white book
- Not just another source of funding to contribute
to individual projects! - Not aimed at doing science! nor RD
- A framework for reflection
- agreement on the long term utilisation of
CONCORDIA in astrophysics at the European level - adding value to CONCORDIA station
- To evaluate projects and make recommendations to
the Polar Institutes and the Commission - To prepare responses to future FP7 calls
8EU recommendations
- mutual co-ordination
- pooling of resources
- culture of co-operation
- generate critical mass
- create common databases
- publicity concerning new opportunities for
access? other partners (PECO) - dissemination of knowledge ? public
- Organise training for potential users and
foresight studies.
9Structure of the ARENA consortiumthe partners
- 15 laboratories, Universities in 7 EU countries
Australia - IPEV and PNRA
- Industrial partners AMOS, SESO, Shaktiware
- Involving more than 100 individuals
- Totalizing 70 FTE
10Partner countries
- Belgium
- IAG Liège (Surdej)
- AMOS, Liège (Chisogne)
- France
- CNRS, OCA, OAMP-Marseilles, LAOG-Grenoble,
CRAL-Lyons, IAP (Epchtein) - Paris Observatory (Bensammar)
- CEA /SAp(Lagage)
- IPEV, Brest (Jugie)
- SESO, Aubagne (Fappani)
- Germany
- I A Potsdam (Strassmeier)
- MPIA -Heidelberg (Henning)
- DLR Berlin (Rauer)
- ESO (Melnick)
- Italy
- INAF Arcetri, Teramo, IASF, Roma, INFN, Pavia,
Padova (Candidi) - U. Perugia (Busso)
- PNRA (Cucinotta)
- Portugal
- University of Porto (Garcia)
- Spain
- University of Granada (Abia)
- ICEE Barcelone (Isern)
- IAC Tenerife (Martin)
- UK
- University of Exeter(McCaughrean)
- Australia
- UNSW (Storey)
11Structure of the ARENA PoW Networking
activities (NAs)
- 4 Activities management
- NA1-Management
- NA2- Site quality assessment
- NA3- Polar constraints on Instruments
- NA4- Operations- logistics, requests to operators
and added value to CONCORDIA - NA5-Astrophysics (optical/IR) key programs
- 18 tasks 4 management tasks
- (see http//arena.unice.fr)
12J. Vernin J.-P. Swings M. Candidi H. Zinnecker
13(No Transcript)
14Technical Committee
15Network activities NA2 Site qualificationleader
Jean Vernin (LUAN, Nice, France)
- astronomical assessment of the site for
optical/IR observations - Task 2.1 Review of the critical parameters
- (Cn2, seeing, Lo, Sky transmission, emission,
airglow, cloud coverage..) - Task 2.2 Synthesis of observations at Dome C
- (? database of parameters)
- Task 2.3 Modelling the site properties for
science optimization - (? consequences on astronomical programs)
16Networking Activity 3 list of tasksleader
Jean-Pierre Swings (Liège, Be)
- Task 3.1 Low emissivity Optical configuration
for IR and HighDynamical Imaging in Antarctic
conditions (R. Lenzen, MPIA, Heidelberg, De) - Task 3.2 - Telescope and instrumentation
robotization (K. Strassmeier, AI Potsdam, De) - Task 3.3 - Focal instrumentation fo Antarctic
telescopes (J.-P. Maillard, IAParis, Fr) - Task 3.4 - IRAIT (telescope)(G. Tosti, Perugia,
It) - Task 3.5 - IRAIT instrumentation (O. Straniero,
Teramo, It)
17Networking Activity 4 (NA4) an astronomical
observatory of a new type (Leader, M. Candidi,
INAF- Rome, Italy)
- Mainly aimed to facilitate relations between
operators and users of CONCORDIA (24 months) - logistics
- Transportation
- power supply
- large structures on ice
- wide-band telecommunication requirements
(computer networking in Antarctica) - human constraints training
18Networking Activity 4 list of tasks
- Task 4.1 - construction and on site
transportation of large instruments (P. Godon,
IPEV, Brest,Fr) - Task 4.2 - building and enclosures (C. Montanari,
PNRA,Rome, It) - Task 4.3 - consumable requests and
communications (Malagoli, PNRA, It) - Task 4.4 - Training and human questions
(Bachelard, IPEV, Fr) - Task 4.5 - Environment preservation (Y. Frénot,
19Networking Activity 5 (NA5) Which
astrophysics at Dome C? (Resp. Hans Zinnecker,
IA Potsdam, Germany)
- To Identify scientific programmes that require
Antarctic conditions - new spectral windows from the ground
- long term continuous observations
- unique seeing conditions (hgt20-30m)
- Synergies with European agencies ESO, ESA other
FP6 actions, OPTICON, RADIONET, EPC - Complementarity with existing/ in construction
/approved ground based astronomical instruments
and space missions.
20Networking Activity 5 list of tasks
- Task 5.1 Wide field imaging surveys in the
thermal IR (M. Busso, Perugia, It/Mc Caughrean,
Exeter, UK) - Task 5.2 New windows in the far IR (P.O.Lagage,
CEA, Fr) - Task 5.3 Long duration time series photometry
and spectroscopy (H. Rauer, DLR, Berlin, De) - Hélio/asteroseismology (E. Fossat, LUAN, Nice,
Fr) - Search for extrasolar planets (H. Deeg, IAC,
Tenerife, Sp) - Solar stellar connection (K. Strassmeier,
AIPotsdam, De) - Task 5.4 Obtaining Ultimate angular resolution
(F. Vakili, LUAN,Nice) - Task 5.5 Spectroscopy and spectro-imagery
(C.Abia, Granada, Sp)
21NA5 milestones deliverables
Task Description Months after start organizer
5.1 Conference 1 with NA4 10 IPEV
5.2 Conference 2 20 AIP
5.3 Conference 3 30 Exeter?
D5.1 Proceedings conf 1 12 Book proceedings IPEV CNRS
D5.2 Proceedings conf 2 24 Book proceedings AIP-DLR
D5.3 Proceedings conf 3 36 Book proceedings U. Exeter?
D5.4 Executive summary 36 Report all
22Agenda of 2006 activities
- 10-12 May workshop on interferometry Nice
(with OPTICON JRA4) - 14-16 June workshop on Wide field astronomy
Paris (OAP/OP/APC) - 12-13 September visit of IRAIT before leaving
for DC (Perugia) - 16-19 October 2006 Intl. Conference Roscoff (100
attendees) - Organisers IPEV/CNRS
23Agenda 2007 (provisional)
- Workshop on Asteroseismology (Tenerife) June?
- Workshop on Robotization (Potsdam) September ?
- Workshop on extragalactic astronomy at DC (Porto)
- 2nd Conference Potsdam (September 2007) science
- Marie Curie Training Course and Conferences
submitted May 17, 2006 - Young researchers/engineers training for
astrophysical progammes at Dome C - Participation to ARENA
- 3 astrophysical schools
- 1 school Antarctic Engineering
- Coordinator P. Persi (IASF/INAF, Rome)
25(No Transcript)
26Future of astronomy at Dome C
- Site testing optical (seeing)
- IR- submm- mm tbd, but OK
- Logistics, operation, communication, energy
- Robotization (cost)
- Science case
- Multidisciplinary
- European status of CONCORDIA?
27Proposals for FP7
- ARENA is a starting point
- Antarctic Astronomy in FP7
- Join new OPTICON activities OR
- create a new dedicated action of I3 type
- Optical/IR/mm/submm astronomy
- Atmospheric sciences possibly other activities
- Polar engineering
- Start a new infrastructure project (e.g. a
pathfinder) soon (2008) ? first light 2014 - Scatter effort/resources is the WRONG way to
28What do we expect of this meeting
- Survey the existing projects in the field
- Discuss science case
- Feasibility of project in the present context
- Road map of instrumental developments
- Inter partner collaborations
- how to implement them
- Set up working groups with objectives meeting
agenda ? 2008 - Clarify the role of ARENA in evaluation process
- Think about FP7
29Round tables/ Final conclusions
- Long term actions (1st RT)
- Short term actions (2nd RT)
- What recommendation shall we forward to
- Polar Institutes
- National Agencies
- European Commission
- Prepare Roscoff Conf.
- Think Potsdam Conf.