Title: Voorspellen van het Verleden: GIS en Predictive Modelling'
1Voorspellen van het Verleden GIS en Predictive
- Hans Kamermans
- Universiteit Leiden
- 13-04-2005
2Predictive Modelling
- Predictive Modelling is a technique to predict,
at a minimum, the location of archaeological
sites or materials in a region, based either on
the observed pattern in a sample or on
assumptions about human behaviour. - (Kohler Parker 1986 400)
3Reasons to apply predictive modelling in
- To gain insight into former human behaviour in
the landscape an academic research application. - To predict archaeological site location to guide
future developments in the modern landscape an
archaeological heritage management application.
4Valletta (Malta)
5 European Treaty Series - No. 143 EUROP
6- Article 1
- The aim of this (revised) Convention is to
protect the archaeological heritage as a source
of the European collective memory and as an
instrument for historical and scientific study.
7- Article 5
- Each Party undertakes
- to seek to reconcile and combine the respective
requirements of archaeology and development plans
by ensuring that archaeologists participate
8Article 5
- in planning policies designed to ensure
well-balanced strategies for the protection,
conservation and enhancement of sites of
archaeological interest - in the various stages of development schemes
9Indicative Map of Archaeological Values of the
Netherlands (IKAW)
10Our goals
- A thorough analysis of the various models and
methods used in current predictive modelling
practice, - The exploration of possibilities for
methodological improvement, and - The formulation of recommendations for the
Netherlands Handbook of Archaeological Quality
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12"When you can measure what you are speaking about
and express it in numbers, you know something
about it." Lecture to the Institution of Civil
Engineers, 3 May 1883 Lord Kelvin (William
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- Correlatie archeologische vindplaatsen met
variabelen van het natuurlijke landschap - Aangevuld met expert opinion
- Geeft kaart met indicatie waar archeologie in de
bodem zit
- Correlatie archeologische vindplaatsen met
variabelen van het natuurlijke landschap - Kritiek t.a.v. de gebruikte variabelen
- Hoe heeft het natuurlijke landschap de locatie
keuze van mensen in het verleden beïnvloed? - Zijn er nog andere factoren te bedenken?
Culturele misschien? - En zou die factoren niet verschillen per
archeologische periode? (Neolithicum versus
- Correlatie archeologische vindplaatsen met
variabelen van het natuurlijke landschap - Kritiek t.a.v. de techniek
- Is de correlatie getest? Vergeleken met een
willekeurige verspreiding? - Is er gekeken of er een causaal verband is?
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- Correlatie archeologische vindplaatsen met
variabelen van het natuurlijke landschap - Aangevuld met expert opinion
- Kritiek
- Wat is expert opinion? Intuïtie?
- Correlatie archeologische vindplaatsen met
variabelen van het natuurlijke landschap - Aangevuld met expert opinion
- Geeft kaart met indicatie waar archeologie in de
bodem zit - Kritiek
- Klopt het een beetje?
- Archaeological heritage management perspective
predictive modelling is a cost-effective
alternative to large-scale archaeological
prospection - Academic research perspective predictive
modelling should not be used for archaeological
heritage management
23Brandt et al. (1992 276)
- Given the numerous difficulties and data
limitations that confront archaeological model
development in the Netherlands, together with
many simplifications and assumptions that one
must make, it is imperative that sufficient tests
be performed before any serious consideration of
a model is undertaken.
24David Wheatley (2003)
- However, it has been argued above that
correlative predictive modelling does not
actually work very well and, more significantly,
will lead to an increasingly unrepresentative
archaeological record. If resource management
requires a methodology that does work and will
lead to a more representative record, then it
follows from this that archaeology would be
better served by a focus on well-designed and
properly implemented sampling strategies, rather
than correlative predictive models.
25Find more sitesin high probability areas
Biased database
Look more carefully in high probability areas
Biased model
Wheatley 2003
26Thomas Whitley (2004)
- In many cases it is too costly or even
impossible to do an correlative predictive model
and ultimately the resulting model does not
provide better insight into site placement
processes than intuition.
- The models should not reach land managing
officials and certainly not the planners. Their
only role should be in an initial phase, to aid
archaeologists to stratify an area in order to
plan various forms of archaeological prospection
on the basis of a good sampling design.
28Malta Magazine April 2005