Title: Steven Glaser
1" Structure - anything built by people, from a
dam built of earth or a pyramid of stone to a
power station or an earth satellite." (Scott,
Steven Glaser glaser_at_ce.berkeley.edu
2Consider the following scenario Tiny
self-contained sensor Motes are installed near
critical structural points in a key building.
Onboard intelligence discerns normal structural
deterioration and meaningful damage. Sensors
report the location and kinematics of damage
during/after an extreme event, allowing rapid,
accurate structural health determination. Public
safety is assured as unseen structural damage is
identified without costly and dangerous
3- Imagine an
- intelligent
- self-networking
- asynchronous
- wireless
- adaptive
- dynamically reprogramable
- cheap
- small
- Sensing Platform
- a "MOTE"
4Imagine a dense array of Motes clustered around
key structural elements.
- damage occurs locally,
- effects globally
Suppose that during the normal life of the
building the seismic response to ambient
excitation is monitored by these 1000's of Motes
- too much data to send back
- to traditional server
- we want information, not
- data
5Imagine that the self-assembled networks examine
structural response amongst their topologies,
identifying an optimum system characterization of
the local structural state.
- computation is much more energy efficient
- than data transmission
- send back a few poles rather than terabytes of
raw data - institute algorithms that allow the
computational - burden to be shared amongst local processors
6Imagine the multiple Mote networks as part of a
global adaptive feedback system.
- a detailed constitutive model of the structure
is - initialized with the installation of the
sensor webs - the model is continuously updated by the
constant - feedback of local state
- the model instructs the Mote assemblage to
re-configure - in order to vary characterization
granularity (self-scaling)
7Imagine this same organic system applied to an
infinite family of applications
8In place today Adaptive Real-Time Geoscience
and Environmental Data Analysis, Modeling and
Visualization Nicholas Sitar (Civil and
Environmental Engineering) George Brimhall (Earth
and Planetary Science) Steven Glaser (Civil and
Environmental Engineering) John Radke (Landscape
Architecture and Environmental Planning/City and
Regional Planning) Raja Sengupta (Civil and
Environmental Engineering) 1.5 million from NSF
- GIS - real time updating from multiple
information streams - Adaptive digital field data acquisition/mapping
- GPS Mote - field networks capable of real time
distributed data evaluation and transmission - Visualization and adaptive modeling of observed
- Sychip 12 channel GPS
- ARM thumb MCU
- 1 Mb memory