Jerusalem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth' Greece ... Returns to earth to overcome the powers of the world. Destroys all the legacy ... Telegraph ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jerusalem

Jerusalem the Middle East the Bible Answer
Prophecies of Today and Tomorrow
Seminar Six
Session 1 World History in One Vision Daniel
ch 2Session 2 - The Present Dispute Over the
Land Ezekiel ch 36/37Coffee Break and
DiscussionSession 3 World Powers Attack
Israel Ezekiel ch 38News review - what the
Bible says
Seminar Six
Seminar Six
  • To explore Bible prophecy of future events
  • To see how they centre on Jerusalem and the land
    of Israel
  • To appreciate how prophecy is being fulfilled
  • To discover what really will happen in the future
    in Israel

Session One
  • World history in one vision - Daniel 2

Nebuchadnezzars Image
  • An example of prophecy from the book of Daniel
  • Nebuchadnezzars Dream

Breast Arms of Silver MEDO-PERSIAN EMPIRE
Belly Thighs of Brass GRECIAN EMPIRE
Feet of Iron Clay
Head of gold
  • Thou art this head of gold.
  • Babylon
  • Assyria and Egypt were conquered which gave
    Nebuchadnezzar the riches of the ancient world.
  • The empire lasted for a period of exactly 70
    years as prophesied by Jeremiah the prophet.

Breast and arms of silver
  • And after thee shall arise another kingdom
    inferior to thee
  • Medo-Persia
  • Cyrus the Persian king took Babylon in BC 536 and
    the kingdom lasted for 203 years
  • tribute and taxation was paid to the government
    in silver

Belly and his thighs of brass
  • A third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule
    over all the earth
  • Greece
  • In BC 333 Alexander the Great defeated the
    Persians at the battle of Issos. This empire was
    famous for its use of copper and brass.
  • Alexander's soldiers were known as the 'brazen
    coated Greeks' due the brass armour that they

His legs of iron
  • And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron
    forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth
    all things and as iron that breaketh all these,
    shall it break in pieces and bruise
  • Rome
  • The Greek Empire then split into 4 and gradually
    each was defeated by the ironclad legions of Rome
  • The Roman Empire later split into two parts, the
    Eastern and Western Roman Empires

feet part of iron and part of clay
  • the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly
    broken the kingdom shall be divided but there
    shall be in it of the strength of the iron.. they
    shall not cleave one to another,
  • 10 toes feet where?
  • East West Roman empire?
  • Europe?
  • Land of Shinar Iraq?
  • Enemies of Israel?

Roman empire
Roman empire
  • Europe and the Middle east

Nebuchadnezzars Image
  • Head Gold Babylon
  • Chest and Silver Medo-Persian arms Empire
  • Stomach Brass Greece
  • and thighs
  • Legs Iron Roman Empire
  • Feet and Iron and Unstable
  • Toes clay Powers

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The end of the vision
  • Jesus stone - miraculous birth cut out
    without hands
  • Returns to earth to overcome the powers of the
  • Destroys all the legacy of those powers
  • Replaces those powers with a worldwide kingdom

Session One - Summary
  • Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's vision
  • The Empires of Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome are
    accurately predicted
  • The present day political situation in Europe and
    the Middle East is also predicted
  • The vision then shows Jesus setting up God's
    kingdom on earth

Session Two
  • The present dispute over the land
  • Ezekiel 36/37

Ezekiel predicts
  • Chapter Picture of Kingdom
  • 35 Judgement on Edom - typifying some Arab
  • 36 Israel returning to worship God
  • 37 A king ruling over a united Israel with God
    dwelling amongst them
  • 38 Judgement against many nations who attack
  • 39 Israel turning to God a sign to other nations

Ezekiel 36
  • 1 Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the
    mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of
    Israel, hear the word of the LORD
  • 2 Thus saith the Lord GOD Because the enemy
    hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high
    places are ours in possession

Ancient High Places
  • Jerusalem
  • site of creation
  • Place of Abrahams altar and of Solomons temple
  • Place where God would dwell for ever
  • Of Muhammads alleged ascension
  • Hebron
  • is one of the most ancient cities in the world
  • Burial place of Abraham Isaac Jacob
  • Possession of both is disputed

  • The temple mount
  • The golden gate
  • Now shut but will be opened again

Ezekiel 37
  • v1/2 - the prophet sees a valley of very dry
  • v7-10 - the bones are miraculously resurrected
    into a great army
  • v6 - this is a sign of God's power
  • v11 - the bones represent the whole house of
  • v12 - they are to be brought out of the grave and
    brought into their land

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Holocaust Memory and Resolve
  • The Nazi achievement lay in constructing an
    industry of death never before or since seen.
  • the Jews are much and grotesquely envied for
    having suffered the greatest crime in history.
  • Auschwitz was the apex of a campaign by one
    people, the Germans, to exterminate another, the
    Jews. They almost succeeded. They killed 6
    million, 2 out of every 3. They annihilated a
    civilization more than a thousand years old.

Ezekiel 37 stage 1
  • 21 And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD
    Behold, I will take the children of Israel from
    among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will
    gather them on every side, and bring them into
    their own land

1948 Jews flock to Israel
Ezekiel 37 stage 2
  • 22 And I will make them one nation in the land
    upon the mountains of Israel .

Ezekiel 37 stage 3
  • .and one king shall be king to them all and
    they shall be no more two nations, neither shall
    they be divided into two kingdoms any more at

The last stage the return of Jesus to reign
from Jerusalem
Jews in 1995
Jews in 1910
The Return of the Jews
  • In the 19th century few Jews in Israel
  • The holocaust 6 million Jews killed
  • 1948 State of Israel is declared
  • Jews have returned to the land in significant
    numbers from Africa, Europe and Asia and
    particularly Russia
  • A nation is reborn out of the grave

Their future
  • Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with
    them it shall be an everlasting covenant with
    them and I will place them, and multiply them,
    and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them
    for evermore.
  • We have seen their rebirth their peace is yet
    to come

Session Two - Summary
  • Ezekiel received visions of the future of Israel
  • He saw the Arabs and Israelis disputing the Holy
    Places in the land
  • He saw the rebirth of the nation of Israel
  • He also saw the regathering of Israel to the land
  • His visions concluded with Israel living in the
    land at peace with God ruling over them
  • He saw the Bible answer to the Middle East

Session Three
  • World Powers Attack Israel
  • Ezekiel 38

The Timing of Ezekiel 38
  • Israel, the land, is brought back from the sword
  • Israel, the people, are brought forth out of the
  • Israel are dwelling safely

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The Identity of the Nations
  • Magog S Russia Russia
  • Rosh Ukraine Russia
  • Meshech Armenia Russia
  • Tubal Geogia
  • Gomer Migrated to Germany
  • Western Europe France
  • Togarmah Turkey Turkey

The Identity of the Nations
  • Persia Iran Iran
  • Ethiopia NE Africa Ethiopia
  • Libya N Africa Libya etc
  • Sheba Arabia Saudi
  • Dedan Arabia
  • Tarshish Western sea Britain
  • power
  • Young lions USA etc

Recent events
  • Persia changes from a pro-western government to
    Islamic fundamentalist
  • The European Union is formed and reduces previous
    sympathies for Israel
  • Russia is forced to recognise Islam in its
    southern states

Iran Acquires Russian FightersMiddle East
Newsline February 8
  • Iran has quietly acquired three fighter-jets from
  • Russian industry sources said Teheran has
    procured three Su-25UBT twin-seat attack aircraft
    from Moscow. The sources said the contract was
    concluded in 2005 and deliveries would take place
    in 2006.
  • The deal marked the first Iranian purchase of the
    Su-25. In 2001, Iran negotiated with Georgia for
    surplus MiG-25s, but the two countries failed to
    reach agreement.
  • The sources said the Su-25UBT marked the most
    advanced model of the attack aircraft. They said
    the fighters received new electronic warfare and
    jamming systems.

Iran to build 2 new nuclear reactors 4 December
  • An Iranian news agency announced Sunday that Iran
    would begin construction on two nuclear reactors
    beginning in March. The report added that an
    Iranian parliamentarian confirmed that one of the
    reactors would be funded by Russia, at a cost of
    1 billion, Army Radio said.

Rosh Persia
  • Western officials have long criticised Russia for
    helping the Iranians to build the Bushehr nuclear
    plant and selling Tehran weapons, including 700
    million (400 million) of missiles.
  • Russias interests here are mainly commercial
    its nuclear and arms industries will lose out on
    billions of dollars of business if sanctions are
    imposed on Iran.
  • Times 17 February 2006

Israeli fury as Moscow plans talks with Hamas
Daily Telegraph February 11 2006
  • Israel reacted furiously yesterday to Russia's
    plans for talks with Hamas, the Islamic movement
    that won last month's Palestinian election but
    which Israel wants shunned as a terrorist group.
  • Meir Sheetrit, the education minister, said the
    move was a "knife in the back" while Tzipi Livni,
    the foreign minister, warned it was the start of
    a "slippery slope" towards compromise with
    terrorism. Moshe Katsav, Israel's president, said
    the Russian move endangered the peace process in
    the Middle East.
  • .

Moscow courts Hamas in effort to revive Middle
East influence Times 17 February 2006
Exiled Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal
RUSSIA plunged deeper into the maelstrom of
Middle Eastern politics yesterday, saying that it
might sell arms to the Palestinians after talks
with Hamas in Moscow next month.   The
announcement by Yuri Baluyevsky, Russias Chief
of General Staff, came as Hamas and Russian
officials confirmed that they would meet in
Moscow in early March
Islam and the churches?
  • The spokesman of the Greek Orthodox Church in
    Jerusalem Atallah Hanna, left, meets the Islamic
    group Hamas' new parliament member Mohammed Abu
    Teir before a press conference in Jerusalem,
    Thursday. (AP) 16 February 2006

Russia offers Palestinians emergency aid Hamas
seeks financial support from Iran Haaretz 22
February 2006
Iran offers Hamas financial aid BBC 23 February
Moscow's Mad GambleHeadline - 9
February 2006
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin,in an interview
    several years ago, criticized America's decision
    to go to war against Iraq and told me, "The real
    threat is Iran. He was right. But Russia has
    become part of the problem, not the solution.
  • Iran today is the mother of Islamic terrorism.
    Tehran openly provides funding, training, and
    weapons to the world's worst terrorists,
    including Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian
    Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the
    Liberation of Palestine, and it has a cosy
    relationship with al Qaeda.
  • And Russia has made the threat more real. It sold
    the nuclear power plant at Bushehr to Iran and
    contracted to sell even more to bring cash into
    its nuclear industry. As one American diplomat
    put it, this business is a "giant hook in
    Russia's jaw."
  • Russia provided critical assistance in the
    development of Iran's Shihab missile, which has
    an ever expanding delivery range and can carry a
    warhead designed for a nuclear charge.

Tarshish the lions
  • US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear
    sitesDaily Telegraph 12 February 2006
  • Strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans
    for devastating bombing raids backed by
    submarine-launched ballistic missile attacks
    against Iran's nuclear sites as a "last resort"
    to block Teheran's efforts to develop an atomic

Events this year
  • Russia agree to further Irans nuclear capability
  • Russia continue to sell arms and technology to
  • Iran looks for the destruction of Israel
  • Hamas come to power in Israel
  • Supported by both Russia and Iran
  • The chessmen are on the board and in position
    will the next move be the final move?

Summary Session Three
  • Ezekiel sees nations forming an alliance to
    attack Israel
  • These nations can be identified with nations in
    existence today
  • Other nations question such a attack
  • The attitudes of the modern day equivalents of
    the nations of the prophecy mirror what Ezekiel
  • He then saw the attackers being defeated by God
    fighting of behalf of His people
  • The first part of the prophecy has gradually been
    fulfilled over the last 50 or so years
  • The remainder is now ready for fulfilment

  • The Bible in the news

Next Week
  • The Return of Christ and the Future of the Land
  • Session 1 Armageddon the final conflict
  • Session 2 - Christ delivers Israel
  • Session 3 The future of the earth

  • Sunday 6.30pm
  • Prophecy proves the Bible true
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