Title: P1254156750paVKo
1John Wesley and the Idea of Errors in the
2I read Mr. Jenyns's admired tract, on the
"Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion." He
is undoubtedly a fine writer but whether he is a
Christian, Deist, or Atheist, I cannot tell. If
he is a Christian, he betrays his own cause by
averring, that "all Scripture is not given by
inspiration of God but the writers of it were
sometimes left to themselves, and consequently
made some mistakes."
3(No Transcript)
4This book is not the work of some enthusiast or
Methodist, some beggar, or some madman. ... the
Scriptures are not revelations from God, but the
history of them. The revelation itself is
derived from God, but the recording of the
revelation is the production of men. Some of
the Bible comes from God and some comes from
How do you decide which is which? Whatever seems
best to you.
5The writers of Scripture were undoubtedly
directed by supernatural influence in all things
necessary to the great work which they were
appointed to perform ... but in the sciences of
history, astronomy, and philosophy ... they were
... liable to ... errors. The truth of the
Bible is like a diamond in the mud of human
God made sure the Bible is correct in what it
says about what we should believe and how we
should live, but it can be wrong in all other
How do you know what is diamond and what is
mud? Whatever seems best to you.
6Do the authors of Scripture assert infallibility
for every part of the voluminous collection of
historical, poetical, prophetical, theological,
and moral writings which we call the Bible? The
Bibles human authors do not claim infallibility.
All Jesus requires for salvation is that one
believe in him.
God made sure the Bible is correct in what it
says about how to be saved, but it can be wrong
in all other matters.
How do you know what to trust? Acts 1631
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be
saved. All the rest you are free to doubt.
7Nay, if there be any mistakes in the Bible,
there may as well be a thousand. If there be one
falsehood in that book, it did not come from the
God of truth.