Title: STAR TPC Luminosity Limitations
1STAR TPC Luminosity Limitations
- Bar Harbor
- June 2002
- Howard Wieman
- Efficiency dependence on luminosity (hit
density) - Momentum dependence on luminosity (hit density)
- Space charge distortions
- Normal collisions (luminosity dependent)
- Beam gas showers (beam current dependent)
- Conclusions
3Method for efficiency estimate as a function of
luminosity, i.e. pileup
Use Bum Chois embedding analysis of efficiency
for the high Pt paper. This gives efficiency as
a function of track multiplicity. Estimate
pileup track multiplicity as a function of
luminosity. Multiplicities are expressed as dN/d?
4Tracking efficiency in central events as a
function of luminosity
- Mean dN/? 164 from high Pt paper
- Time for pileup 2 x drift, 70 ?s
- Linear extrapolation
Result 41 at upgrade luminosity
13 events have lt 70 pileup tracks
5Method for Pt resolution estimate as a function
of luminosity effects do to pileup
Use Bum Chois embedding analysis of Pt
resolution for the high Pt paper. This gives Pt
resolution as a function of track
multiplicity. Use track pile up multiplicity
expected for different luminosities Multiplicitie
s are expressed as dN/d?
6Pt resolution in central events as a function of
- Mean dN/? 164 from high Pt paper
- Time for pileup 2 x drift, 70 ?s
- Linear extrapolation
Result ?Pt/Pt 7.4 at upgrade luminosity, up
from 6.1
7Space charge distortion what to expect
r? distortion from radial E field component and
8Space charge from normal collisions
ionization density rate as a function of r
- Design luminosity 2 x 1026 1/cm2
s - Mean dN/d? 400
- dN/d? constant gives uniform ionization in z
- dN/d? constant gives ionization ? 1/r2
- Ionization density for dN/d? 400 event at
inner radius 4 ion-e pairs/cm3
5000 ions/cm3 s
r (cm)
ion charge density
peak 3000 e/cm3
z (cm)
r (cm)
9Space charge error potential in the TPC gas volume
Solution for designated charge distribution in a
conductive 0 volt box with the STAR field cage
r (cm)
2 volts
z (cm)
Space charge from normal collisions at design
Central Membrane
10Calculated distortion from normal collisions
(beam axis view)
- Mean dN/d? 400
- Design Luminosity 2 x 1026 (1/cm2 s)
- Full drift length
- DCA 700 ?m
- Dunlop DCA 3 mm
r (cm)
Circle fit
Space charge distorted track
Apparent DCA 700 ?m
Undistorted track Pt ?
x (cm)
11Calculated distortion from normal collisions
(beam axis view)
- Average dN/d? 400
- 40 x Design Luminosity 80 x 1026
(1/cm2 s) - Full drift length
- DCA 2.7 cm
r (cm)
Circle fit
Space charge distorted track
Apparent DCA
Undistorted track
x (cm)
12r? distortion as a function r and z
- 3 methods of calculation
- 1/r2 charge distribution, no end cap coax
geometry - HIJET r dependence, coax
- Full 2D solution
- Note z dependence shows advantage of TPC with
shorter drift distance
r 195 cm
r 50 cm
210 z (cm) 0
13Space charge summary
L DCA measured (beam gas) DCA expected (beam gas) DCA calculated (normal collisions)
Year 1 0.5x1026 3 mm 0.2 mm
Design 2x1026 3 mm 0.7 mm
Upgrade 80x1026 3 mm 27 mm
- Pt resolution loss is not significant
- Tracking efficiency drop to 40 is a problem, but
this is a trade off with efficiency. Efficiency
can be increased at the expense of Pt resolution - Space charge distortion with a DCA 2.7 cm is a
real problem that requires a 100 to 1 correction
to reach TPC design specification but, not as
much to be equal to what we have today - Additional issues to be resolved wire chamber