Title: Managing Leadership Derailers!
1Managing Leadership Derailers!
- Mali
- mahalingam.c_at_symphonysv.com
2Statutory warning
- All truth passes through three stages.
- First, it is ridiculed
- Second, it is opposed
- Third, it is accepted as being self-evident !
- Arthur Schopenhauer
3What is up?
- Three Questions
- Todays Managers Employees
- Congrats, You are here! But can you get
there? - Devil is in the derailers!
- Managing the Derailers
- Good News!
4Three Questions
What can I do with these ideas?
How can I apply these ideas at work?
How can I make this work for me?
5Todays Managers
- accountable for higher levels of growth, targets
and results - relying more and more on their juniors
- required to make
- their juniors know their potential and give their
best - understand their behaviors and their impact
- respected for what they know, more than what they
6Todays employees
- Free Agents see jobs as experiences
- Can handle higher responsibilities sooner
- Well educated, ambitious demanding
- Independent mature
- Wants to be consulted and involved
- In a hurry !
7Derailers grow on Managers
8Defining Derailers
Are those annoying personal habits or
interpersonal flaws
- Nothing to do with skill or intelligence but
- Challenges in interpersonal behaviours
- Transactional flaws performed by one against
9Monkey business!
Higher the Monkey climbs up, more of its back is
visible to others!
10Too much need to win
- at all costs, in all situations
- when it counts, and when no one is counting
- putting down other people in discussions
- ignoring others views
- wanting to be the alpha male (or alpha female)
Learn to win with grace
11Making Excuses
- blunt or subtle
- blaming someone else (do you have a secretary?)
- playing wooden leg
- self-deprecating or stereo-typing ones
Ask why not?
12Refusing to express regret
- Sense of losing a contest
- painful to admit we were wrong
- amounts to ceding control
- what happens to my self-esteem or self-respect?
Build the courage to apologize
13Failure to express gratitude
- my boss did so it to me so
- it spoils the kids
- Iam confused by what you are saying
- Difference between a fine human being
ungrateful s.o.b.
Become a connoisseur of gratitude!
14Punishing the messenger
- manifests itself in big and little ways
- how we respond to bad news helpful warnings
- momentary snort of disgust we exhale
- arguing with the bad-news bearer
Learn to say Thank you sincerely
15Speaking when Angry
- you can always reason it out
- this reputation outlives any other good quality
- it is a paradox we hate with passion!
- root of the rage often inside and not
Keep your mouth shut, when angry
16Practice, Practice, Practice
Learn to practice Feed-forward
Note the difference Dont practice till you get
it right Practice till you cant get it wrong!!
17Thank You
If you want to walk on waters, you have to get
off the boats first!