Title: Issues in Animal Sciences
1Issues in Animal Sciences
- Food safety
- Environment
- Use of biotechnology
- Animal welfare and animal rights
- Diet health
- Marketing globalization
- Animal Sciences 600
2How Do Issues Arise to the Public Arena?
- Advanced by Special Interest Groups
- Small political party, narrow agenda and concerns
- Socioeconomic status??
- Upper middle class may have a bias view from
the masses - Level of concern over economic aspect of proposed
changes? e.g. harvest of horses for meat?
Gestation crates for swine? - Cheapest food in the world in the USA
- Desire to bring agenda to public focus vs
prevention of this by other side
3How Do Issues Arise to the Public Arena?
- Animal, consumer and environmental groups
- Well funded, activist in nature
- Require high media visibility to send their
message to the masses - Some questionable practices staged events,
incomplete or misleading information - Agriculture out voted (5M vs 240million)
- Must deal with issues dictated by special
interest groups
4Issues in Animal Sciences
- Animal welfare and animal rights range of
groups - Exploitation - abuse
- Use animal industry
- Welfare concern for animal treatment/well-being,
humane societies, welfare agencies humane
treatment - Rights animals have intrinsic rights like
humans - reproduce??
- Liberation no work or produce for humans
5Issues in Animal Sciences
- Purpose of this exercise
- Think for yourself.
- Dont be swayed by a few chosen pictures, partial
quotes, etc. - Dont let yourself be manipulated by special
interest groups. - Before you decide your position on any issue, get
all of the facts. - Research something besides a special interest
groups information it is designed to make you
believe their position. - Make an educated decision regarding your
- Do you think the person that leads PETA is
- Ignorant, out of touch with reality, or an
idealistic radical - A political animal that has decided they will
destroy animal agriculture, research, etc.. and
make a good living doing it. - Perhaps misguided, but one that sincerely cares
about the welfare of animals and helps ensure
that they do not suffer - Right on! and doing a great job.
- Dont know enough to choose on s 1-4.
6Issues in Animal Sciences
- Recombinant products for animals bST
- Transgenic Animals
- Bioreactors to produce pharmaceuticals Gene
Pharming - Sources of transplant organs
Xenotransplantation - Animals with enhanced nutritional or production
characteristics future goal! - Cloning
7Gene Pharming
- Compounds produced
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin
- Human serum albumen
- Human clotting factors
- Human-like milk from cattle
- Transplant into humans
- Animal cells
- Animal tissues
- Animal organs
- Active areas of research
- Bone marrow from baboons
- Liver cells from pigs
- Hearts from pigs
- Brain tissue from pigs
- Artificial blood from cows
- Very useful and versatile technique
- Production of identical research animals
- Propagation of exceptional animals
10Issues in Animal Sciences
- Use of Biotechnology
- public perception moral ethical dilemmas,
human health concerns
11Issues in Animal Sciences
- Environment
- Waste management and water quality
- Animals, sewage, landfills, septic systems,
industrial - Pathogens
- gt900,000 water borne infections/year
- 900 deaths each year
- Animals, sewage, landfills, septic systems
- Steroids, heavy metals
- Infertility (human birth control, other sources?)
12Issues in Animal Sciences
- Environment Continued
- Nitrates, phosphorous, pesticides, herbicides
- Fertilizer, manure, sludge, crop production
- Major sources of pesticides, fertilizer runoff???
- Global warming is it real? is it natural or
induced? - Use of resources in other countries??
- Driving to Macs vs. hamburger production?
- Contributions from other countries?
13Issues in Animal Sciences
- Land Use
- Grazing, Endangered Species vs Property Rights
- If you support endangered species act do you
support eminent domain? Are they even analogous? - Urban Sprawl Farmland Preservation?
14Issues in Animal Sciences
- Food safety
- antibiotic, pesticide residues
- drug resistant bacteria
- bacteria (salmonella E.Coli 0157H7, Listeria)
- county fairs more bacteria or more susceptible?
- growth promoting hormones - EU
- Irradiation
15Issues in Animal Sciences
- Marketing globalization
- concentration integration
- export opportunities
- value-based marketing
16Integrated Systems Approach to Agriculture
Model for all work in the College of Agriculture
at The Ohio State University