Title: DLP Overview
1 Dairy, Livestock and Poultry Division Foreign
Agricultural Service U.S. Department of
Agriculture An Overview
2DLP Mission Statement
- To support the U.S. agricultural sector in its
efforts to increase exports of dairy, livestock,
and poultry by means of - Market Development
- Market Intelligence
- Market Access
3DLP Overview
- Work with non-profit agricultural associations
(Cooperators) in developing overseas markets
through FAS administered programs, i.e., the
Foreign Market Development Program, the Market
Access Program.
- Cooperators submit a Unified Export Strategy
application, incorporating FAS programs in a
strategy to develop and maintain foreign markets
for their products. DLP evaluates and approves,
Cooperators implement.
4DLP Overview
Marketing (cont'd.)
- In 2001, DLP worked with 9 cooperators,
administering over 22 million in program funds
to develop and maintain worldwide markets for
dairy, livestock, and poultry products. The
- Represent the broadest industry groups
- Provide trade support, educate buyers and build
buyer loyalty, increase market presence of
product, develop product images, work to secure
market access.
- Operate overseas regional offices that promote
and facilitate trade.
5DLP Overview
- Commodity Analysis Provides comprehensive and
timely international supply and demand analysis
with monthly U.S. trade projections.
- FAS Program Support Researches and analyzes
data for Divisional support of USDA initiatives,
including briefing papers and memoranda.
- Information Management Updates country pages,
international trade reports, and provides timely
updates of trade developments on the web.
- Customer Service Advises the public on bi- and
multi-lateral regulatory changes and their impact
on U.S. export opportunities.
6DLP Overview
Sanitary/Phytosanitary Trade Issues
Liaises with agricultural organizations and
domestic government agencies (federal regulatory
agencies such as FDA, FSIS, APHIS Office of the
U.S. Trade Representative) regarding
- Animal and animal products trade issues
- Changes in the regulatory environment and trade
that affect the status of animals and animal
products in overseas markets.
7The following slides show samples of products DLP
provides to its customers, including DLP web
pages and the variety of information available
through these pages.
8DLP Homepage
9Sample International Agricultural Trade
Report Provide trade data analyses, market
assessments, competitors' marketing efforts
10Country Page Summary of a countrys meat
situation and outlook, with a special emphasis on
11Sample Country Page Commodity Situation
12Sample Country Page Commodity Trade Matrix
13Sample Trade at a Glance Monthly data updates
of exports and imports
14Sample Commodity Page - Dairy Analysis,
exports, links, and data by commodity
15DEIP Analysis Page Information related to the
Dairy Export Incentive Program
16USTrade - Online Database
17USTrade Sample Trade Report
18DLP Contacts
Ph (202) 720-8031 Fax (202) 720-0617 Email