NCLB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Florida Virtual School. Opportunity Scholarship Program. John M. McKay Scholarships ... If the virtual school is not operated by the LEA, the LEA could enter into a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NCLB

  • NCLB
  • Public School Choice

(No Transcript)
Consequences of Failure to Make AYP Schools
serving students with Title I, Part A Funds
  • Two years designated as a school in need of
    improvement parents offered public school
  • Three years school in need of improvement
    status continues parents options include
    supplemental services (SES) or public school

School Designations
  • In accordance with Title I Federal
    regulations, a school is identified for school
    improvement when it fails to make AYP for two
    consecutive years.
  • It remains in improvement, continues into
    corrective action, and then restructuring
    status, until it makes AYP for two consecutive

Two or more consecutive years in need of
improvementChoice - vs. - SES
  • Eligible students may receive Choice
  • OR
  • Supplemental Educational Services
  • But Not Both

What can LEAs do prior to assessment results?
  • Review your current Choice options for students
    and determine if additional options are necessary
    to fulfill NCLB requirements
  • Begin work on a student prioritization plan
  • Begin work on a communications plan
  • Begin work on a transportation plan
  • Define Options

Choice Options Review you
current choice plan
Current Choice Plan Modification
  • An LEA may choose to introduce or expand
    programs that allow open enrollment, which may
    then be modified to accommodate students who will
    be eligible to transfer if their school is
    identified for improvement.
  • USDOE Non-Regulatory Guidance Draft February 6,

Current Choice in Florida
  • In education, Florida has a history of
    breaking the mold and doing whats right for our
    students and their families. Districts in
    Florida, through controlled choice, voluntary
    choice and targeted student choice programs
    lead the nation in providing families quality
    choice options.

Review Current Choice Plan
  • Carefully review your LEAs choice plan, and, in
    particular, its provision for meeting the needs
    of the lowest achieving children from low-income
    families and that these families have been
    informed of and given priority to take advantage
    of genuine school choice options.

Review Current Choice Plan
  • Federal Desegregation
  • If an LEA is subject to a desegregation plan,
    whether that plan is voluntary, court-ordered, or
    required by a Federal agency, the school district
    is not exempt from offering students the option
    to transfer.
  • The school district may take into account the
    requirements of the plan in determining how to
    implement the choice option.

Review Current Choice Options Offered to Priority
  • Controlled Open Enrollment
  • Voluntary Choice Programs
  • Magnet schools, alternative schools, special
    programs, advanced placement, dual enrollment
  • Charter Schools

Review Current Choice Options Offered to Priority
  • Charter Technical Career Centers
  • Florida Virtual School
  • Opportunity Scholarship Program
  • John M. McKay Scholarships
  • Corporate Scholarships
  • Private Tutoring

Choice Best Practices
  • Lee Zoned Choice where each zone offers the same
    choice programs
  • Okaloosa A franchise arrangement with Virtual
    School, thereby providing this option to all
    students in all schools but priority given to
    disadvantaged students
  • Flagler Comprehensive shuttle system, students
    are transported to home schools and then transfer
    to a shuttle bus to school of choice
  • Seminole Expanded transportation services to
    enable Choice students to participate in before-
    and after-school programs

Mentor Voluntary Choice LEAs Looking for a Mentee
  • Brevard
  • Duval
  • Flagler
  • Hillsborough
  • Working with one of these districts to
    implement a Voluntary Choice Program includes
    funding of 50,000

Key Principles for Quality Choice
  • Choice is an important opportunity for parents
    and children.
  • Choice is an important component of the overall
    LEA educational improvement plan.
  • An overriding goal is to provide students with
    access to quality instruction.
  • Communication with parents is timely and
  • Information on choices is provided to parents and
    students in a format that is easy to understand,
    and in a language the parent understands.
  • Real choice means giving parents more than one
    option from which to choose.

NCLB Choice
  • Choice for all students attending schools that
    have been identified as in need of improvement
  • Schools in first year in need of improvement
    status must provide meaningful Choice options
  • Amount equal to 20 of the LEAs Title I
    allocation must be set aside to fulfill this
  • This includes ALL students
  • Note targeted assistance and school wide

NCLB Choice
  • For schools in second year in need of
    improvement status
  • Choice with transportation or SES
  • An amount equal to 20 of LEAs Title I
    allocation set aside to fulfill this
  • 5 SES
  • 5 Transportation
  • 10 one or combination of both
  • Priority to lowest performing students

What is meaningful choice?
  • No less than a choice of two schools
  • LEA may choose to offer school choice with
    transportation, and additional school choice
    without transportation as long as the school
    choice without transportation does not unfairly
    exclude the lowest achieving children from
    low-income families

FLDOE Responsibilities to LEAs
  • The DOE must provide to each LEA in a timely
  • student assessment results
  • lists of schools identified as in need of
  • Allowing the LEA, before the new school year
  • to identify those schools whose students may
    transfer and
  • to inform parents that they may choose a
    different school for their child.

LEA Responsibilities
  • The LEA, not later than the first day of school
    provides students with the option to transfer to
    another public school, which may include a public
    charter school, that has not been identified as
    in need of improvement Section 1116(b)(1)(E).
  • The LEA shall give priority to the lowest
    achieving children from low-income families.

FLDOE Responsibilities to USDOE
  • The Florida Department of Education must
    include, in their annual NCLB Consolidated Report
    information on
  • the number of schools that offer choice under the
    Title I provision and
  • the number of students who exercise the options
    to change schools Section 1111(h)(4)(F).

FLDOE Data Collection
  • The Florida Department of Education will
    create a new MIS data element to track students
    that have taken advantage of this choice option.
  • The data element will be collected each time a
    student enrolls in a school.
  • The system will begin in the 2004-2005 school

Choice ?s
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Student PrioritizationBegin work on a student
prioritization plan
What does it mean to give priority to the
lowest-achieving children from low-income
  • In implementing this option to transfer, however,
    there may be circumstances in which the LEA needs
    to give priority to the lowest-achieving children
    from low-income families Section
  • The LEA must give ALL students in a school
    identified as in need of improvement the
    opportunity to transfer to another public school.

Giving priority to the lowest-achieving children
from low-income families
  • If not all students may attend their first choice
    of schools, an LEA would give first priority in
    assigning space to the low-achieving low-income
  • If an LEA does not have sufficient funding to
    provide transportation to all students who wish
    to transfer, an LEA would give first priority in
    assigning space to the low-achieving low-income

How does an LEA determine which students are from
low-income families?
  • The law requires that LEAs make this
    determination using the same data that they use
    in allocating Title I funds to schools Section

How does an LEA determine which students are
lowest achieving?
  • LEAs have flexibility in determining which
    students from low-income families are lowest
    achieving and thus must be given priority for
    public school choice.
  • Ideas
  • Rank-ordering based on FCAT achievement levels in
    reading and/or mathematics
  • FCAT Cut-off scores
  • Level 1

Student Prioritization
  • When defining your LEA student prioritization
    plan it is imperative that the priority for
    Choice opportunity is equal for all students and
    communities in the LEA.

What about students not yet enrolled?
  • Students planning to enter a school for the
    first time, such as
  • entering kindergartners
  • students moving from elementary to middle school
  • those who have just moved into the school
    attendance area
  • should have the same opportunity to exercise
    choice as students previously enrolled in a

Student Prioritization ?s
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CommunicationBegin Work on a Communications Plan
Communication to Parents
  • An LEA shall promptly provide to a parent or
    parents (in an understandable and uniform format
    and, to the extent practicable, in a language the
    parents can understand) of each student enrolled
    in a school identified for school improvement an
    explanation including
  • what the identification means

Communication to Parents
  • the reasons for the identification
  • what the school identified is doing to address
    the problem
  • what the LEA is doing to help the school address
    the achievement problem
  • how the parent can become involved in addressing
    these issues and
  • the parents option to transfer their child.

Communication to Parents
  • The LEA should also include an explanation of why
    the choices made available to parents may have
    been limited.
  • Additional information should be presented in an
    unbiased manner that does not seek to dissuade
    parents from exercising their opportunity to
    choose a new school.

Communications to Parents
  • Communications should include multiple
    delivery systems
  • Mailing notices
  • Newspapers
  • Posters
  • Internet
  • Local television and radio
  • Community centers and organizations

Communication to Parents
  • The LEA should work with parents to ensure they
    have ample information and time to take advantage
    of the opportunity to choose a different public
    school or program for their child.
  • Policies should not impede parents opportunities
    to exercise choice options.

Procedures for enabling parents to communicate
their choice
  • Parents should be able to communicate their
    choices in a variety of ways
  • Standard mail
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Intranet
  • In person
  • The LEA should confirm with parents that it has
    received their communication regarding choice.

Choice Best Communications Practices
  • Leon Choice Brochures provided to all local
    day care centers billboards strategically
    located in hard to reach neighborhoods
  • Manatee Partnership with Title Is Family
    Involvement Team and bi-lingual staff to assist
    with communication with parents
  • Palm Beach Community Volunteers and Business
    Partners are provided materials and technical
    assistance concerning choice for use as they work
    with schools and students

Communication ?s
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  • Transportation Begin work on a
    transportation plan

School Choice Transportation LEA Successes
  • Pinellas implemented a full scale school
    choice program in 2003-04. There is one
    countywide choice zone for high schools, three
    geographic zones for middle school, and four
    zones for elementary school. Each parent has
    approximately four school options to choose from
    within their zone of residence.
  • Miami-Dade offers all of the legislatively
    authorized types of choice programs to varying

School Choice Transportation LEA Successes
  • Lee County most widespread choice program.
    The district is divided into three large
    geographic zones and parents may select any
    school of the appropriate grade level that is
    available within that zone. Nearly 96 of the
    students attend schools chosen by their parents.
  • St. Lucie adopted a controlled choice open
    enrollment plan in 1991. The county is divided
    into three geographic zones, each containing
    several elementary schools and two or more middle
    and high schools.

Transportation Plan How to Start What do we
already know?
  • LEA transportation and Title I folks work
    together to determine
  • the total of amount of funds set-aside and the
    fund sources (20 of LEA Title I Allocation)
  • the location of schools that are probable choice
    options and
  • the location of schools most likely to be in
    need of improvement.

Transportation Plan What do we already know?
  • Student transportation options
  • Current transportation routes
  • Number of students in Title I schools (those
    currently transported and those not transported
  • Approximate cost per pupil to be transported
    certain distances within the LEA
  • School time schedules

Calculating Per Pupil Cost
  • Choice LEA pays for the costs of transportation
    associated with the provision of choice (up to an
    amount equal to 20 of the LEA Title I Part
  • SES LEA pays the lesser of
  • actual costs, or
  • amount of the LEAs Title I allocation divided
    by the number of poverty children (based on the
    latest census data)
  • Prior to any reservations (administration, set
    asides, etc.)

How long must students be allowed to attend the
school of their choice?
  • If an eligible student exercises the option to
    transfer to another public school, and LEA must
    permit the student to remain in the school until
    he or she has completed the highest grade in the
  • However, the LEA is no longer obligated to
    provide transportation for the student after the
    end of the school year in which the home school
    is no longer identified for school improvement.
    34 CF.R. Section 200.44(g)

School Transportation Options
  • May an LEA establish transportation zones within
    an LEA based on the geographic location of
  • Yes, an LEA has latitude in deciding which
    options to provide for eligible students.
  • For example, it might establish transportation
    zones based upon geographic location and fully
    fund transportation to different schools within a
  • This option would allow the district to offer
    more than one choice of school while ensuring
    that transportation can be reasonably provided or

School Transportation Options
  • Outside the transportation zone, the district
    could decide to pay for only part of the
    transportation to the school.
  • Parents might select a school outside of their
    designated attendance zone, but they would be
    informed prior to making this decision that they
    may be responsible for providing or arranging
    transportation for their children.

School Transportation Options
  • If transportation zones are developed, they
    should be drawn to provide genuine choice and
    address only issues of geographic distance.
  • LEAs should ensure that there is sufficient
    capacity to accommodate the demand for choice
    within each zone.
  • If this cannot be done, students must be given
    the opportunity to attend schools outside their
    zone of residence and provided with

School Transportation Challenges
  • What must an LEA do if funds are not
    sufficient to provide transportation to all
    students wishing to transfer?
  • If the funds available are insufficient to
    provide transportation to each student who
    requests a transfer, the LEA must give priority
    to the lowest-achieving students from low-income
  • However, LEAs must still offer the opportunity to
    transfer to all students.

School Transportation Challenges
  • How much must an LEA pay to provide
    choice-related transportation?
  • The law establishes a joint funding
    mechanism for choice related transportation and
    supplemental educational services Section
    1116(b)(10). Unless a lesser amount is needed
    to meet demand for choice-related transportation
    and to satisfy all requests for supplemental
    educational services, an LEA must spend an amount
    equal to 20 percent of its Title I, Part A
    allocation, before any reservations, on
  • Choice-related transportation
  • Supplemental educational services or
  • A combination of (1) and (2).

Transportation ?s
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A Bit of Perspective
  • A Florida Power Light crew putting in lines
    for an addition to the Orlando International
    Airport found the following in a culvert they
    were using...

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • And we thought our jobs were tough!

No Schools to which students can transfer ????
  • Options to consider (USDOE Non-Regulatory
    Guidance Draft February 6, 2004)
  • Creating new, distinct schools, with separate
    faculty, on the site of the home school
  • Bus the teachers instead of the students, place
    the highest quality instructors with the highest
    priority students.

Virtual School
  • As long as the virtual school is public and has
    not been identified for school improvement it can
    be among the schools to which eligible students
    are offered choice.
  • If the virtual school is not operated by the LEA,
    the LEA could enter into a cooperative agreement
    with the school as a choice option.

No Schools to which students can transfer ????
  • Attractor Programs within the school for priority
    students only
  • Rigorous magnet programs
  • Highest quality instructors
  • Looping paired with quality instructors
  • Interdisciplinary teaming
  • Assistance programs mentor, guidance, health,
    extended services

No Schools to which students can transfer ????
  • Options to consider (USDOE Non-Regulatory
    Guidance Draft February 6, 2004)
  • Supplemental Educational Services (SES)
  • Reconfiguring space into new classrooms
  • Expanding space, portable classrooms
  • Redrawing zones
  • Satellite divisions of receiving schools

No Schools to which students can transfer ????
  • Supplemental Educational Services (SES) can be
    offered to all students that would otherwise be
    offered Choice with transportation but without
    the regulations of a school that has not made AYP
    of three consecutive years

No Schools to which students can transfer ????
  • Options to consider
  • Encouraging creation of new charter schools
  • Distance learning programs
  • Reshaping long-range renovation plans
  • Modifying school calendars or the school day, in
    order to expand capacity
  • Enhancing inner-district choice programs

Options ?s
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School in need of improvement Responsibilities
  • Not later than 3 months after being identified
    develop or revise a 2-year school improvement
    plan that
  • Is written in consultations with parents, school
    staff, the LEA, and outside experts
  • Incorporates research-based instructional
    strategies, curriculum programs and professional

School in need of improvement Responsibilities
  • Directly addresses the academic achievement
    problem that caused the school to be so
  • Establishes annual, measurable objectives for
    continuous and substantial progress by each group
    of students that did not meet performance targets
    for AYP
  • Describes how written notice about the
    identification will be provided to parents

School in need of improvement Responsibilities
  • Includes strategies to promote effective parental
  • Incorporates before school, after school, during
    the summer and during any extension of the school
    year educational activities and
  • Incorporates a teacher mentoring program.

LEA Responsibilities
  • The LEA within 45 days of receiving a school
    plan, shall, establish a peer review process to
    assist with review and work with the schools as
    necessary to approve the school plan. At the end
    of this period, after LEA approval, plans will be
    reviewed by the state.
  • The LEA shall ensure the provision of
    research-based technical assistance to the school
    with implementation of the approved plan
    throughout the plans duration.

Support from the State
  • The state has provided web-based school
    improvement plan and district assistance and
    intervention plan databases to provide a format
    that will fulfill NCLB requirements.
  • The timeline for submissions is dependent upon
    the release of statewide AYP data and appeals

  • Contact Information
  • Public School Choice
  • Mary Jane Tappen, Bureau of School Improvement
  • Transportation
  • Herman Carter, School
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Lou Marsh, Bureau of Grants Management
  • Title I Program Implementation Project
  • Lisa C. Saavedra, Bureau of School Safety
    School Support
  • Lisa.
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