Implementation of NCLB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementation of NCLB


Core Academic Subjects English, ... This Power Point presentation will be ... to teach a core academic subject and is teaching that subject. Foreign ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Implementation of NCLB

Implementation of NCLBs Highly Qualified
Teacher RequirementsSecondary
  • Presented by
  • Kate Fenton
  • September 2004

Highly Qualified Teachers
  • NCLB requires that all school districts must
    ensure that all students are taught by Highly
    Qualified teachers in the core academic subjects
    by the end of the 2005-2006 school year.
  • The Highly Qualified teacher requirements apply
    to all core academic teachers employed by the
    school district, regardless of funding source.

Core Academic Subjects
  • English, Reading or Language Arts, Mathematics,
    Science, Foreign Languages, Civics and
    Government, Economics, the Arts, History, and

Demonstration of Subject Matter Competency
  • A teacher must demonstrate Subject Matter
    Competency in each of the core academic subjects
    that the teacher is teaching.

Highly Qualified Requirements
  • In order to be considered Highly Qualified,
    teachers of the core academic subjects must
  • possess a Bachelors Degree, and
  • possess a Massachusetts teaching license.
  • License can be at the Preliminary, Initial, or
    Professional level (Equivalent to Provisional,
    Provisional w/ Advanced Standing, and Standard

Highly Qualified Status of Teachers
  • All teachers that currently hold Highly Qualified
    status must fully document subject matter
    competency by 2006 to maintain their status.

Options for Demonstrating Subject Matter
  • Option 1
  • Passing the MTEL Subject Matter Test
  • Option 2
  • Completion of an appropriate academic major,
    graduate degree, or coursework equivalent to an
    undergraduate academic major
  • Option 3
  • Completion of the Massachusetts HOUSSE (an
    approved Individual Professional Development Plan
    aligned with HOUSSE requirements)

Highly Qualified Status
  • Having a Bachelors or Masters Degree in the
    area in which you are teaching demonstrates
    Subject Matter Competency.

Two Categories of Teachers
  • Generalist
  • Non-Generalist

Generalist Teacher
  • Generalist teachers licensed in a specific area,
    but are teaching more than one core academic
    subject (Elementary, Middle School Generalist,
    K-8 Generalist, ELL, Special Education

Non-Generalist Teachers
  • Non-generalist teachers
  • teachers who are licensed to teach a core
    academic subject or subjects and who are teaching
    those subjects.

High Objective Uniform State Standard of
  • NCLB allows States to define a High Objective
    Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) to
    provide educators with an additional option to
    demonstrate subject matter competency.

  • To meet HOUSSE requirements teachers must
  • create a supplemental log that documents how
    they are meeting their HOUSSE requirements.
  • Log will allow teachers to draw PDPs from
    multiple rounds of license renewal dating back to
    1999 through the end of 2006 to meet HOUSSE

HOUSSE Requirements
  • IPDPs must contain 120 PDPs in total.
  • HOUSSE Log requires documentation of 80 of the
    120 PDPs (96 PDPs) which must focus on the
    content or pedagogy related to the core academic
    subject(s) that the teacher teaches.

  • A teacher at any level of license renewal can use
    the HOUSSE IPDP to meet the Highly Qualified

Out-of-Field Teaching
  • Massachusetts allows teachers to teach
    out-of-field for up to 20 of their time.
  • NCLB requires a teacher to demonstrate a high
    level of competency in each of the core
    academic subjects in which he or she teaches.
  • A teacher who is teaching out-of-field will not
    be considered Highly Qualified in the
    out-of-field subject area until he/she has
    demonstrated subject matter competency in that

  • An Art, Music Foreign Language, or Science
    teacher who is teaching a core academic subject
    for 20 of the day must be Highly Qualified in
    that core academic subject.

Demonstration of Subject Matter Competency
Teaching Out-of- Field
  • A teacher who is teaching a core academic subject
    20 Out-of-Field must document on the HOUSSE Log
    30 PDPs in that area by 2006 to be considered
    Highly Qualified.

For Your Information
Are License Renewal and Highly Qualified the same?
  • No
  • Completion of the 2004 license renewal
    requirements do not mean you are Highly

Self-Contained Classrooms
  • If you are the primary teacher in a Special
    Education self contained class, you must be
    Highly Qualified in each subject area you teach.

Generalist Teachers Teaching ELL Students
  • If you are a generalist teacher having ELL
    students in your class and you are the primary
    instructor, you must hold an ESL, ELL, TBE, or
    ESOL license as well as demonstrate subject
    matter competency in the areas you teach.

  • Inclusion Models
  • If you are a special education teacher and are in
    an inclusion model, you must have a SPED license,
    but you do not have to be designated as Highly
    Qualified in that content area.
  • If you are a generalist teacher in a Bilingual or
    ELL inclusion model, you do not have to hold a
    license in ELL, TBE or ESOL, but you must be
    Highly Qualified in all subject areas you teach

Parent Notification
  • Districts that receive Title I, Part A funds are
    required to notify the parents of students
    attending any school that receives funds under
    Title I, Part A that a parent may request, and
    the district will provide the parent on request,
    information regarding the professional
    qualifications of the students classroom

For More Information
  • This Power Point presentation will be available
    on the SPS Intranet.
  • A Frequently Asked Questions document will also
    be available on the SPS Intranet.
  • The Professional Development Department and the
    Human Resources Department are available to
    answer your questions.
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