IPv6 in France - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IPv6 in France


2 articles in ' Le Monde ' May, 2005. Conference 'IP communications' at Lannion (Brittany) ... C sar Viho, Annie Floch. info_at_point6.net. http://www.point6.net ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: france | ipv6


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: IPv6 in France

IPv6 in France
  • Patrick Cocquet, IPv6 Forum VP
  • Chair of the French IPv6 FT
  • CSTI and ISTAG member

  • Overview of the IPv6 TF activities
  • Evangelization, support and training
  • Public policy
  • Deployment projects
  • Lesson learnt conclusion

Overview of the IPv6 TF activities
IPv6 RD for more than 10 years
  • Strong RD activities
  • Universities and high schools ENSTB, IRISA,
    INRIA, Strasbourg, Nancy, Grenoble, LIP6
  • Industry Dassault then 6WIND, FT, Renault,
  • Defense projects Hipnet (US-FR), INSC (Nato)
  • National RNRT projects
  • Parcipation to European programs
  • Associations
  • G6 academic and industry experts
  • GN6 academic IPv6 user's group
  • Aristote experts and users
  • TFF to promote deployment
  • AFNIC first European IPv6 ready DNS
  • RENATER first IPv6 ready NREN in Europe
  • 6WIND first startup providing IPv6 ready

TFF Story
  • September 2002 Creation of IPv6 TFF at French
  • January 2003 Support brought by Claudie
    Haigneré, French Minister for Research and New
  • IPv6 pavilion at NI Paris 2003
  • November 2003 Recommendations for a Strategic
    Plan in the Development and Implementation of
    IPv6 Technologies in France
  • About 300 members
  • Bimonthly meetings, press conference, regular
    journalist interviews, participation to
    conferences, etc.

Last Events
Next IPv6 European Summit, November 13-15 2006
Cannes, FRANCE
Evangelization, support training

  • Articles in news papers
  • Conferences (GN6/Aristote activity)
  • The GN6 IPv6 conferences
  • http//aristote1.aristote.asso.fr/Presentations/in
  • Broadcasted live over the RENATER network
  • Next event The V6 Day, June 6, 2006
  • http//www.aristote.asso.fr/V6Day2006/
  • Reference book on IPv6 (G6 activity)
  • IPv6 Théorie et pratique , edited by O'Reilly
  • High-level pedagogical slides (G6 activity)
  • More than 400 slides, frequently used within
    academic learning events
  • E-learning on IPv6
  • http//www.aristote.asso.fr/Canal-RA/index.html
  • http//www.aristote.asso.fr/Canal-RA/indexIPMultic
  • http//www.aristote.asso.fr/Canal-RA/IPv6.html

2 DVD bookson the new Internet

Oct 2004 IPv6 le nouvel Internet Nov 2005
Internet foresight governance
Philippe LEQUESNE plequesne_at_ctn.asso.fr
DVD book IPv6 le nouvel internet
  • Cooperation with 20 partners
  • oct 2004 the first e-learning tool on IPv6
  • 90 min DVD 13 speakers
  • 16 pages booklet
  • QCM
  • http//www.isi.unicaen.fr/CTN.php

2006 2 new e-learning DVDs on IPv6

IPv6 the new Internet for the EU TF6
english An intro to IPv6 technologies french
/ english for network engineers

IPv6 Skill Center
  • Located in Brittany (West of France)
  • For one year (2005)
  • Organization is evolving to take into account
    commercial activities and the creation of a new
    RD Cluster

With the support of
A bipolar organization
  • Goal to promote IPv6 towards SME
  • GET/ENST Bretagne (L. Toutain)
  • IPv6 expertise support training, software
    system design
  • INRIA/IRISA Armor (C. Viho)
  • IPv6 protocols conformance and interoperability
  • European Lab working on the IPv6 Ready Logo
  • Provides support to companies wanted to test the
    conformance of IPv6 products

Point6s open call
available and opened to any company (industrials,
small and medium companies, very small companies)
and any public organization in Europe willing to
know more about IPv6 or access our IPv6 tests
platform CONTACTS for test aspects César Viho,
Annie Floch info_at_point6.net http//www.point6.net

Normandy Task Force
  • Task Force meeting every quarter
  • IPv6 is available on the regional VIKMAN network
  • Universities, schools, public sector
  • Can be be used by companies if RD purpose
  • Creation of an IPv6 portal to support regional
    actions and provide pointers on
    national/international sites
  • Region eases the use of IPv6 ready products
  • Region can fund innovative IPv6

Public policy
IPv6 in Public sectors
  • We have the .fr DNSv6
  • That means .gouv.fr is v6
  • That means .defense.gouv.fr is v6
  • That means all agencies can move!!
  • We have IPv6 NREN some RREN
  • 17 RREN (regional Metropolitan)
  • 63 university networks connected natively
  • More than 100 /48 allocated
  • Ministry of Defense defined procurement rules
  • National Backbone is upgrading with v6
  • V6 addressing plan defined

Promoting IPv6 in Universities
  • Ministry of Research finances a project named
    ADIRE to promote the deployment of IPv6, to
    define general rules to apply, and to experiment
    mobility services.

11 Universities are involved
ADIRE to promote Method and rules
  • http//ipv6.u-strasbg.fr

Deployment projects
Too limited number of projects
  • More and more questions
  • More and more training and tests
  • But IPv6 is NOT YET a priority for many
  • Among the actors
  • France Telecom (FT)
  • Gonfreville-Lorcher (Metropolitan Net)

FT IPv6 deployment
  • Commercial IP wordwide network (OpenTransit)
  • 50 POPs worldwide are Dual Stack since June 2005
  • Nationwide IPv6 broadband access experiment
    launched by France Telecom/Wanadoo to its
    Internet clients in June 2005
  • IPv6 connectivity based on 3 technicsTeredo,
    Tunnel Broker and ADSL
  • A P2P application "Wanadoo Responsive" dedicated
    to social network services sector
  • http//www.ipv6.wanadoo.fr
  • FT was recently assigned a larger IPv6 prefix
    (/19) in December 30th,2005

Gonfreville-Lorcher deployment
  • On going experiment
  • Use of TabletPCs at school as well as library or
    at home
  • FTTH IPv6 infra
  • 100 Mb/s at home
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • City service on environmental industrial risks
  • Service starts end 2006

Lesson learnt
Building a new infra is difficult !!
Why? Do I need it? When?
Whats the risk? Can I avoid?
What the cost? What is the Business model?
Broadband explosion but no v6!
Fix lines 35,3 millions, Q2 2005
Mobiles 45 millions, Q2 2005
The box phenomena!
Broadband access 7,9 millions, Q2 2005
Mobile Internet users 10,7 millions ?
We are still on the bottom of the curb
  • IPv6 is still an early stage technology
  • We dont have any commercial offer from ISPs
  • Only few companies have IPv6 ready products
  • But
  • We have v6 in more and more public infrastructure
  • Few consultant firms start to provide expertise
  • Large companies are defining plans to have
    products or services in 2008

My comments
  • Only big players can accelerate the global
    deployment process
  • As we have v6 in public networks, we need to work
    on new applications using this infrastructure
  • E-plublic-services (e-health, e-care, e-safe)
  • We have to target vertical applications where v6
    seems to be an obvious solution
  • Defense, Transportation systems
  • And M2M
  • We have to address the emerging market of the
    Mobile Internet

My Questions?
  • How to accelerate the creation of new innovative
  • Country/ region level
  • New product or service
  • New startup taking advantage of v6
  • How to create a business interest on v6?

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