Title: University of Alberta
1Max van Manen
University of Alberta
2During my high school and college years in
Holland, I read the postwar existential and
philosophical literature of Sartre, Camus, Hesse,
Frisch, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and others.
3In Teachers College our pedagogical studies were
shaped by the phenomenological thinking of the
Utrecht School scholars such as Langeveld,
Buytendijk, van den Berg, Linschoten, and Beets.
4Research Office CPIn web server
5this is my writing place
6this is where I write
7this is where I write
8and I like to read write in coffee shops
9Still, I wonder, where am I when I write? in
my office chair? in my gazing out of the
window? in my mind space? in the cyberspace
of the screen? in the words I write? in the
thoughts I think? in the space of the
text? in
10While writing, I seem to experience myself
dwelling in some world on the other side of my
everyday world even when I gaze out of my window
11the writerly gaze
from my window
12the writerly gaze
from my window
13the writerly gaze
from my window
14Writing is like falling forward into the dark
15here I may feel lost, unable to write or
16in a moment of bliss, suddenly grasp something
in words, see its uniqueness, its singularity,
its secret
17My favorite line still remains to be written it
would show how originary experience, meaning, and
language are related
18SSHRC funded research projects
- Human Science Research Methods
- Epistemology of Practice
- Childhoods Secrets
- Language of Pedagogy (Recognition)
- Writing Online
19SSHRC related publications
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21Monash University, Health Sciences Keynote
22Bunhwangsa Bulguksa temples, Buddhist priest
Jong-Su Lee
27International Institute of Phenomenology and
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30Kaplan Award
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