Title: Taxing Jurisdiction Advisory Committee
1Taxing Jurisdiction Advisory Committee
2TJAC Agenda- November 17, 2008
3Review of agenda new faces on TJAC
- Acceptance of Agenda
- New Faces
- Harry Mercer, VP Business and Customer Services,
BCA, replaces Connie Fair, CEO BC Assessment - Colin Fraser, Director, Customer and Systems
Services, BCA, replaces Dave Chater, Manager,
Planning and Risk Assessment and the new Chair
for TJAC - Mike Veenbaas , Revenue Manager, City of
Abbotsford, replaces Karen Sinclair - George King, City of Kelowna, replaces Paul
Macklem, Director of Finance.
4TJACNov 19, 2008Impact of proposed legislated
changes to 2009 property assessments
- Mark Katz,
- Assessor, South Fraser Area
- Market overview from 20,000 ft!
- Chronology
- Key features of proposed legislation
- Impacts for Local Government
- Preview Roll
- Preliminary Roll Reporting Comparison Report
- NMC Reporting / Calculation
6Market OverviewJul 2007 Jan 2009(?)
- Property values have been on a continual upswing
for the past 8 years - Despite values declining in the US markets and
some parts of Canada, residential values in most
areas of BC were increasing from the 2008
Assessed levels (July 1/07) - In the South Fraser Region, most residential
properties as of July 1/08 showed increases of up
to 10. - In most areas values were still increasing until
April-May and then started to drop.
7Market OverviewJul 2007 Jan 2009(?)
- While most values started declining in April-May,
some geographic areas were experiencing declines
prior to this, and values as of July/08 were in
fact lower than the 2008 Assessed values
(July/07) - Sales volumes have declined dramatically in most
areas since mid year. (50-60) - Current listing prices indicate we will see
further declines in the market as properties
trade over the balance of the year and into 2009.
8Market OverviewJul 2007 Jan 2009(?)
- Our expectations are that when assessment notices
go out in January/09 residential market values
in most areas of the province will be below the
value of those same properties in July/08, in
some cases significantly lower. - For some properties, the values will be below
those levels set out on the previous 2008 Roll
(July/07) - Most commercial properties have not shown
significant declines at this point.
- Nov 1st Government announces freeze on 2009
Assessments - Nov 13th Minister Krueger provides head-up on
proposed modification to Don Cayo Vancouver Sun - Nov 14th Modifications to proposed legislation
announced based on input received by government - Nov 20th Estimated date for changes to be
introduced in the legislature
10Key Features of Proposed Legislation
- 2009 assessment notices will show values as at
July 1st 2007 (previous roll value ) and as at
July 1st 2008. - 2009 Assessed value and Assessment Roll for Local
Government will reflect the lower of these 2
values - Lower value applies to
- Class 1 Residential
- Class 5 Light Industrial
- Class 6 Business Other
- Class 8 Recreation/Non-Profit
11Key Features of Proposed Legislation
- Class 2 Utilities will stay at 2008 values
- Improvements regulated and frozen at July 1, 2007
Rates - Will not receive additional depreciation or cost
factors - Class 3 Supportive Housing (New) Set by
regulation at nominal values - Class 4 Major Industry
- Land at Lower of July 1/07 or July 1/08
- Improvements regulated and frozen at July 1, 2007
Rates - Will not receive additional depreciation or cost
12Key Features of Proposed Legislation
- Class 7 (Forestry) and Class 9 (Farm) land is
regulated and will stay at July/07 rates - Rules for Classification/Declassification for
farm properties with apply as in past years - Class 2 Utilities will stay at 2008 Roll values
- For properties with non market changes -
assessments will reflect inventory as Oct.31/08
but market level as of July 1/07 or July 1/08
whichever is lower
13Key Features of Proposed Legislation
- Correction of errors will be reflected on the
2009 Roll, at 2008 roll valuation levels (July
1/07) - Property owners or their representatives will
have the right to appeal the 2009 Assessment as
in prior years - BCA Communications will need to deal with the
fact that property owners may be appealing values
at either the July/2007 or July 2008 market
level. - 2008 Roll decisions from PAAB and Courts will
carry forward to the 2009 Roll so long as the
same circumstances in the decision still apply - Applicability of decision to other properties not
the subject of the appeal will be decided on a
case by case basis.
14Key Features of Proposed Legislation
- Currently, this legislation is proposed to apply
to the 2009 property tax year only - You will be kept advised of any new information
and this will be posted to BCAs public website
www.bcassessment.ca - 2009 Roll Information
- For Government Section
15Impacts on Local Government
- Significant changes to BCAs roll production
processes are being undertaken to correctly
calculate and report out 2009 Completed Roll. - Calculating Non Market Change (NMC) based on
October 31st 2008 Inventory but July/2007
valuation levels - Reworking BCA 2009 Roll support communications
- Assessment Notice Inserts
- Web Site
- e-value BC (ASBA)-Will need to support review of
values as of July/07 and July 08 - Press Releases
16Impacts on Local government - NMC
- For properties with
- New Construction/Development
- Subdivisions
- Zoning Changes
- Exemption Changes
- Changes in Class/Use
- Non Market Change Calculation will reflect
inventory as Oct.31/08 but market level as of
either July 1/07 or July 1/08 - Whichever date has the lower value
- November 28th Non Market Change (NMC)
Reporting to Local Government _at_ 90 - Delayed from November 17th
- Previously provided dynamic access October -
17Impacts on Local government Roll reporting
- October 31st Preview Roll Cancelled
- Given the nature timing of this legislative
change BCA is unable to provide a preview roll
for the 2009 Roll only - October 31st Roll Comparison Report - Cancelled
- Roll totals vs. previous Roll year
- Market Change vs. Non-Market Change
- Roll total comparison reports can only be
generated once new 2009 values have been
determined, the lower value selected, and NMC
calculated based on this selection.
18Impacts on Local government Roll Reporting
- End of November- Roll production completed
- Input to BCA valuation systems is essentially
completed - Final audits take place in early December
- Dec 5th /- is cut-off for changes not required
to be processed via PARP - December 31st Completed Roll reports prepared
- Unchanged
- 100 NMC Reported
- Distributed to Local Government by 1st week in
January - Supporting information on Market Movement, NMC
192009 Rolls and Notices update
- Information and reports
- Non Market Change reports.
- November 17th, is the date BCA promised to
provide this information. Reports may be 1 week
late. Estimated value for the province is 14
billion Now Nov 28th. - PVS (Property Value Summary) reports.
- Due to multiple values being presented on the
2009 roll, BCA is not sure if we can produce
these? Under review. - Data Advice
- Will produce this at completed roll. How we do
this is under review? - eValue BC (formerly ASBA assessment and sales
by address) - Changes underway to show multiple sales 2007
20Your Questions/Concerns?
21 22Update on 2008 Projects and April TJAC Action
ItemsNovember 2008
- Wendy Norman
- Manager, Customer Services
23(No Transcript)
24Update on 2008 action items/projects
- Mailing address
- Streetsweeper 4 times a year
- Next run end of Jan, then every three months
- Big push pre-tax, then again for roll
- Ongoing audits supplement
- LTSA Address Project
- Engaging with LTSA to clean at source (legal)
- Hired consultant to address broader context
(internal and external)
25Communications Project
- Report by Sierra and Internal Communications
Report completed - Major Recommendations
- Refine roles and responsibilities BCA and
clients - Create standard suite of templates
- Develop a portal
- Use communication matrix
- Allow membership self-service
- Integrate with Outlook
- Use new tech where possible, eg. RSS feeds
26Communications, continued
- Investigate Client Management System
- Improve the website, measure takeup and effect
- Use redundant Communications
- Segregate messaging monthly updates
supplemented by urgent issues - Publicly gather and respond to client questions
- TJAC recommends more presence
- GFOA, Western GFOA, Tax Collector Forums, LGMA,
MISA, Tempest - 2009 Project
27Information Interchange Project
28Information Interchange Recommendations
- Website Integration
- Data Warehouse
- Data Advice
- Self-Serve Reporting
- Spatial Information
- Information Product Development
- External Data Upload Service
29Special Messages
- Email communication, two conference calls
- 29 jurisdictions exercising option
- Review before frozen value?
30New Roll Number Format on Assessment Notice
- Example for
- 09 Vancouver was 001-019-632-06-0000
- 11 South Fraser
- 14 Surrey
- TJAC requests November 15 completion date
- Affected by Frozen Value Issue
- Next steps
32ALBC new version
- Rolling out December 15
- Two versions in place for 1 month
- CBT assisted by BCA Deputies
- Head Office Support
- Municipalities and regional districts are not
required to make a copy of the assessment roll
available for public inspection - Web-based product, with id/pw (because of owner
name) - Looks exactly like fiche
- Minimal search FOI requirement
- History next year
- Additional functionality or new product next year
34(No Transcript)
35Other Action Items from Last meeting
- Demo of new ALBC
- List of enhancements
- liveMeeting demo
- Future enhancement
- Appropriate number of Supp Rolls
- Can give detailed overview at next meeting
- PARP Decisions on Revised Roll
- Investigating report production
36Actions from Last meeting
- DA Glossary
- Internal reference guide as a template, or more
basic? - Procedures on returned and undeliverable notices
- Project has reviewed, made recommendations to
exec - QA overview of QA plan, results from BCA staff?
38BC Assessments Planned Projects for2009
- TJAC Presentation
- Colin Fraser
- November 19, 2008
39Implement a Customer Management System
- Develop a database linking customers to the
services and products consumed - Track requests for services
- Measure performance
- Automate workflow
- Improve communications
- http//www.bcassessment.ca/local_gov_customer.asp
- Select Report to BC Assessment Customer
Management - Select Customer Business and Technical Change
Communications Strategy
40Data Enhancement initiative to improve Mailing
- Scope includes
- Formed joint project team with LTSA (Nov 08)
- Delivering on internal processes (Steelnet
report) - Delivering on UVIC project team recommendations
- Engaging Ministry of Small Business and Revenue
- Project deliverables TOR with LTSA to be
finalized in December
41Data Collection enhancements
- GIS reference aerial photography (orthos
oblique's) to BCA parcel - Implement change detection software
- Use hi-resolution photography to measure property
- Use street front photography to assess quality
42Data collection enhancementsGrowth in BC
43Data collection enhancementsCompleted Roll Value
by Year 82-08
44Data collection enhancementsIn the Past
- Saying we sometimes used in the past to encourage
appraisers conducting data verification
fieldwork - Real Estate doesnt come to you..you have to
go to it. - Result
- Less uniformity
- Cost - Mileage
- Time - Production
45Data collection enhancementsTechnology Today
- Today - Various Technologies now bring better
real estate information to the Appraisers Desktop - Advances in Technology has allowed
- Multiple streams of data at the desktop
- Oblique Imagery
- Street Front Photos
- Lidar
- GIS Integration
- Higher production yields
- Less cost to maintain data
- More uniform and consistent data
- Web based sharing of information with the public
46High Resolution Oblique Imagery
47Accurately measure 2,281 sq ft detached garage
and the addition built onto the house.RESULT
Added 325,000 in value to tax roll.
Addition to house
Detached Garage
48No CO issued for the subject property.
Discovered through imagery reviewAdded
707,000 to tax roll
49Field appraiser visited the house 3 times over a
3 year construction period. No CO issued.
Identified with oblique imagery that house was
substantially complete. RESULT Appraiser made
4th site visit no access to property Added
1,035,000 in Imp value to tax roll thru
measurements from imagery.
50Merging building outlines with orthos
Missing Addition
51Street Front Imaging
52How does this all come togetherTechnology The
Desktop of the Future
53I.A.A.O. Standards on Mass Appraisal(Internationa
l Association of Assessing Officers)
- 3.3.5 Alternative to Periodic On-Site Inspections
- Jurisdictions may employ a set of digital image
technology tools to replace a routine cyclical
field inspection with a computer assisted office
review. - This tool set should include
- High-resolution street-view images that enables
quality grade and physical condition to be
verified updated at least every 6 years -
- Ortho-photo images (minimum 6 pixel resolution
in urban/suburban and 12 resolution in rural
areas, updated every 2 years in rapid growth
areas, or 610 years in slow growth areas). - Low level oblique images capable of being used
for measurement verification (four cardinal
directions, minimum 6 pixel resolution in
urban/suburban and 12 pixel resolution in rural
areas, updated every 2 years in rapid growth
areas or, 610 years in slow growth areas).
542009/2010 projects
- Data Quality initiative -Inventory Reduction
- Reduce the key elements collected to assess
properties from 128 to 54
55Data Quality initiative -Inventory Reduction
- The recommended optimal data set list represents
the minimum list of elements needed for BCA to
provide a quality uniform roll for residential
properties across the province. The team
identified and accepted minimal impact to BCAs
quality measures of ASR and COD. - The primary benefits of implementing the Optimal
Data Set include - Effort savings during original data collection
and maintenance. - Cheaper Cost Manual maintenance (fewer data
elements to cost in the future when revising the
Cost Manual) - Greater accuracy and equity in the variables that
are publicly reported (external clients,
stakeholders, shareholders etc.) - Cheaper system maintenance for IT (fewer data
elements makes changing the system architecture
much easier) - More concise self-reporting by the property owner
with fewer variables to consider.
56Inventory Reduction - Example
57Utilize BC Hydro data to find new inventory
- Build Strategic Field Inspection Plans in
Non-Permitted Areas - Connect hydro meter GIS reference points to BCA
Parcel info - Locate new construction
- Pilot was successful
58Utilize BC Hydro data to find new inventory
Preliminary Findings Hydro Data vs BCA Data
- Currently BCA records show 263 vacant lots on
Cortes Island - 39 BC Hydro data points on vacant land
- 1 federal government dock
- 1 provincial campground/park
- 2 old homesites/campsites with power poles
- 35 remaining folios with 3 already tagged for
servicing - Net Result
- 32 properties have been identified using BC Hydro
data points and flagged for inspection on Cortes
Island. - Inspection will determine if new improvements
have been built
59BC Hydro Customer Care Points are Consistent with
BCA Property Address
60BC Assessment Vacant Land Indicated in Yellow(BC
Hydro connections indicated by green points)
61Develop an information interchange
- Make it easier to send and receive information
for stakeholders and local government through
improvement to BCAs web tools - http//www.bcassessment.ca/local_gov_customer.asp
- Select Report to BC Assessment Customer
Management - Yarra Consulting report (to be posted)
62Additional 2009/2010 projects
- Web Mapping
- Connect GIS and parcel information through
e-Value BC website for property owners - Pilot in Kamloops for 2009 roll
- Permit property owners the ability to e-update
some of the key elements - Simplify owner agent access to valuation data
- Web integration project
- Improved navigation, standards, and look feel.
- Telephone and network upgrade
- Improve access to BCA
- Data Advice enhancements
- Part will be covered under the information
interchange - May not be fully completed in 2009