Title: Chap' 6 Camera Models
1Chap. 6 Camera Models
- Wonwoo Lee
- 2006. 01. 13
- GIST U-VR Lab.
- In this chapter, we will review
- Geometric model of camera
- Pinhole camera
- Projective camera
- Affine camera
3Pinhole camera model
- A mapping from Euclidean 3-space to Euclidean
2-space - In Homogeneous coordinates
4Principal point offset
Principal point
- Generally, the origin of coordinates in the image
plane is not at the principle point
Camera calibration matrix
5Rotation and Translation
- In general
- A point is expressed in world coordinate system
World coordinate system
Camera coordinate system
Rotation Translation
6Rotation and Translation
World coordinate system
Camera coordinate system
R 3x3 rotration matrix
- 9 DoF
- Parameters in K internal parameters
- Parameters of R and C external parameters
7CCD Camera
- Pinhole camera model assumes that the image
coordinates are Euclidean coordinates having
equal scales in both axial directions. - CCD cameras
- Image coordinates are measured in pixels
- Unequal scale factors in each direction
CCD Charge-Coupled Device
8Finite projective camera
s skew parameter Finite projective camera 11 DoF
M can be decomposed as a product MKR
Homogeneous 3x4 matrix for which the left hand
3x3 sub-matrix is non-singular
Matrix of finite projective camera
9Summary of camera models
10Summary of camera models
11Summary of camera models
- Finite projective camera model
12Projective Camera
- A general projective camera P
- Map world points X to image points x
- Geometric entities
- Camera center
- Column points
- Principal plane
- Principal point
13Camera Center
Rank(P) 3, 1D null-space
A line L through C and any other point A in
(C 4-vector that is PC0)
- All points on L are mapped to the same image
point PA - L should be a ray through the camera center
14Column vectors
Vanishing points of the world coordinate x, y
and z
the image of the world origin
15Row vectors
- Principal plane
- the plane through the camera centre parallel to
the image plane - Consists of the points on line at infinity
16Principal point
- Principal axis
- The line through the camera center C
- Intersect the image plane at the principal point
- Projecting the point on plane at infinity
Principle point
17Cameras at infinity
- Cameras with center lying on the plane at infinity
M is singular
- An affine camera is one that has a camera matrix
P which the last row is of the form (0,0,0,1) - Points at infinity are mapped to points at
18Affine cameras
Moving backward Camera center moves backward
Zooming Increasing focal length by a factor k
19A hierarchy of affine cameras
- Orthographic projection
- 5DoF
M Last row zero, The first two rows
orthogonal Unit norm,
- Scaled Orthographic projection
- 6DoF
M Last row zero, The first two rows
orthogonal Equal norm
20A hierarchy of affine cameras
- Weak Perspective Projection
- 7 DoF
M Last row zero, The first two rows
orthogonal Not equal norm
21Affine Camera
- General camera matrix of the affine form
- 8 DoF
- An orthographic projection from 3-space to an
image - An affine transformation of the image
- Camera with principal plane being the plane at
infinity ? Affine camera - Affine camera maps parallel world lines to
parallel image lines - The vector d satisfying M2x3d0 is the direction
of parallel projection