Title: Objectivity
1Objectivity the role of space-time models
Peter Ván HAS, RIPNP, Department of Theoretical
- Introduction objectivity
- Traditional objectivity - problems
- We need 4 dimensions
- Non-relativistic space-time model
- Some consequences
- Discussion
2Why nonequilibrium thermodynamics?
science of temperature
Thermodynamics science of macroscopic
energy changes
general framework of any Thermodynamics
(?) macroscopic (?) continuum (?)
- General framework
- Second Law
- fundamental balances
- objectivity - frame indifference
3Material frame indifference Noll (1958),
Truesdell and Noll (1965) Müller (1972, )
(kinetic theory) Edelen and McLennan (1973) Bampi
and Morro (1980) Ryskin (1985, ) Lebon and
Boukary (1988) Massoudi (2002) (multiphase
flow) Speziale (1981, , 1998),
(turbulence) Murdoch (1983, , 2005) and Liu
(2005) Muschik (1977, , 1998), Muschik and
Restuccia (2002) ..
Requirements of objectivity ?
5Second Law
basic balances
(and more)
- basic state
- constitutive state
- constitutive functions
Second law
Constitutive theory
Method Liu procedure
6Basic state space a (..)
Nonlocality in time (memory and inertia)
Nonlocality in space (structures)
Nonlocality in spacetime
7The principle of material frame-indifference
(material objectivity, form-invariance) The
material behaviour is independent of
observers. Its mathematical formulation The
material behaviour is described by a mathematical
relation having the same functional form for all
Mechanics Newton equation
8What is a vector? element of a vector space -
mathematics something that transforms
according to some rules - physics (observer
changes, objectivity)
Rigid observers are distinguished
9Observers and reference frames
Noll (1958)
is a four dimensional objective vector, if
10Traditional objectivity
11Are there four vectors in non-relativistic
Traditionally non objective!
is an objective four vector
12Covariant derivatives as the spacetime is flat
there is a distinguished one.
covector field mixed tensor field
The coordinates of the covariant derivative of a
vector field do not equal the partial derivatives
of the vector field if the coordinatization is
not linear.
13(No Transcript)
14Material time derivative
Flow generated by a vector field V.
is the change of F along the integral curve.
15substantial time derivative
16Spec. 2 is a spacelike vector field
The material time derivative of a vector even
if it is spacelike is not given by the
substantial time derivative.
17Jaumann, upper convected, etc derivatives
In our formalism ad-hoc rules to eliminate the
Christoffel symbols. For example
upper convected (contravariant) time derivative
One can get similarly Jaumann, lower convected,
18- Conclusions
- Objectivity has to be extended to a four
dimensional setting. - Four dimensional covariant differentiation is
fundamental in non-relativistic spacetime. The
essential part of the Christoffel symbol is the
angular velocity of the observer. - Partial derivatives are not objective. A number
of problems arise from this fact. - Material time derivative can be defined
uniquely. Its expression is different for fields
of different tensorial order.
space time ? spacetime
19Rotating observer is special there are
more. Observer and continuum is not the same
e.g. there are different angular velocities at
different points. We need a DEFINITION of the
observer and an observer independent formalism.
The clear and unquestionable principle of
material frame-indifference can be formulated
without referring to observers if we use a
convenient mathematical structure for
non-relativistic spacetime.
20What is non-relativistic space-time?
Absolute time.
Space-time M four dimensional affine space
(over the vector space M), Time I is a
one-dimensional affine space, Time evaluation ?
M?I is an affine surjection. Distance Euclid
ean structure on EKer(?)
21What is non-relativistic space-time?
22Space and time in space-time
A direction is necessary
23Consequences four vectors and covectors cannot
be identified, because there is not Euclidean
structure on M Differentiation of
covector field mixed tensor field cotensor field
A tensor and cotensor fields do not have a
trace. A mixed tensor field does not have a
symmetric part.
25World line function
Velocity field
Mass-momentum balance
26Observers smooth a space point of an
observer is a curve in space-time
27Inertial observer Uconst.
t0 ?(x)
28Splitting of space-time
29Splitting of fields
30Relative form of absolute physical quantities
Scalar field
Vector field
Covector field
31Flow of a continuum The velocity field of a
continuum generates a flow, the map
Reference configuration current configuration
Relative form of the flow is the
32Material time derivative
Scalar field
Space-like vector field
33Convected time derivatives VECTOR
Lie derivative of a space-like vector field
upper convected time derivative.
34Convected time derivatives COVECTOR
Space-like part of the Lie derivative of a
space-like covector field lower convected
time derivative.
35Discussion absolute Liu-procedure
(mechanics!) material frame
indifference the constitutive functions must
be absolute Traditional consequences of MFI
must be checked new models in rheology A
particular result If an absolute constitutive
function depends on , then the principle
of material frame-indifference does not exclude,
on the contrary, it requires that the angular
velocity of the observer appear explicitly in
the relative constitutive function.
36References Traditional Truesdell, C. and
Noll, W., The Non-Linear Field Theories of
Mechanics (Handbuch der Physik, III/3), Springer
Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,
1965. Matolcsi, T. and Ván, P., Can material
time derivative be objective?, Physics Letters A,
2006, 353, p109-112, (math-ph/0510037). Space-tim
e models T. Matolcsi Spacetime Without
Reference Frames, Publishing House of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest ,
1993. Matolcsi, T. and Ván, P., Absolute time
derivatives 2006, (math-ph/0608065). Rheology B
ird, Byron R., Armstrong, R. C. and Hassager,
Ole Dynamics of polymeric liquids I., John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., New York-Santa Barbara-etc..,
37Thank you for your attention!