Title: Forest Land Protection Act
1Forest Land Protection Act
2Forest Land Protection Act
- Georgia Forest Land Protection Act of 2008
- HR 1276 created a new class of property known as
Forest Land Conservation Use Property
3Terms Defined in Regulations
- Application (a)
- Contiguous (b)
- Department (c)
- FLPA (d)
- Forest Land (e)
- Good Faith Subsistence (f)
- Local Board of Assessors (g)
- Notice of Breach (h)
- Permissible Breach (i)
- Primary Use (j)
- QFLP (k)
- QFLP Covenant (l)
- Secondary Use (m)
4Forest Land Protection Act
- BOA will now have 3 separate values to track for
properties entered into this covenant - Each will be discussed later
- Forest Land Fair Market Value
- Legislated FMV based on 2008 FMV adjusted by
indexes - True Fair Market Value
- True-Blue old fashioned FMV (based on sales)
- Forest Land Conservation Use Value
- Woodland values of the old trusty conservation
use values
5Forest Land Protection Act
- Defines Forest Land Fair Market Value
- New digest class F
- Used in the calculation of the amount of
assistance grants the state will pay to reimburse
revenue lost.
- New digest code J will be used to identify the
true-blue fair market value. - Used in the calculation of any penalties
resulting from a breach
748-5-2Forest Land Conservation Value
- Forest land conservation value of forest land
conservation use property means the amount
determined in accordance with 48-5-271 - 271 values same as CUV forest land values with
same 3 limit.
848-5-2Forest Land Fair Market Value
- Forest land fair market value 2008 FMV of the
forest land. - 2008 valuation may increase from one taxable year
to the next - Rate of increase equal to the percentage change
in the price index - Index from US Government report
- Gross output of state and local government from
the prior year to the current year as defined by
the US Bureau of Economic Analysis and indicated
by the Price Index for Government Consumption
Expenditures and General Government Gross Output
(Table 3.10.4)
9FL Fair Market Value (cont)
- US index
- DOR will annually publish index and make
available for counties beginning in 2010 there
is no index for 2009
10FL Fair Market Value Simplified
- 2008 Fair Market value
- Value may increase the amount of the index
- 2009 FL FMV is 2008 FMV (Base Value)
- 2010 FL FMV is either
- 2009 FL FMV index
- 2009 FL FMV no adjustment
11Value Examples
- 2010 True FMV (J) 200,000
- 2010 FL FMV(F) 154,770
- (2008 base US index)
- 2010 CU value 48,500
- 48-5-271 (limited to 3 annually)
- Penalty calcs between 200,000 vs 48,500
- Grant calcs between 154,770 vs 48,500
12FL FMV Examples
13FL FMV Examples
- Covenant begins in digest year 2011
- FL FMV is 2008 Base FMV
14QFLP Qualifications Synopsis
- BOA is responsible for approving applications
- At least 50 of the tract must be used for a
qualifying purpose - Portion not in qualifying use must meet certain
criteria so as not to breach the covenant - Covenant is Jan 1 of year filed, provided
owner(s) sign and return Covenant to BOA in year
of application
- Forest land conservation use property means
forest land - more than 200 acres - Excludes improvements
16Primary Uses
- Good faith subsistence or commercial production
from or on the land of - Trees
- Timber
- Other wood and wood fiber products
17Secondary Uses
- May include one or more
- Wildlife habitat
- Carbon sequestration
- Mitigation and conservation banking
- Ecosystem products and services
18Other Primary Uses
- Certified Environmentally Sensitive
- May be managed in accordance with a sustainable
forestry certification program
19FLPA Additional Rules
- When one-half or more is used for the qualifying
purpose, tract shall be qualified UNLESS some
other type of business is operated on the tract
and provided the rest of the tract is managed to
avoid erosion
20FLPA Additional Rules
- The lease of hunting rights or the use of
property for hunting purposes shall not
constitute another type of business
21FLPA Additional Rules
- The charging of admission for use of property for
fishing purposes shall not constitute another
type of business.
22FLPA Additional Rules
- The production of pine straw shall not constitute
another type of business.
23FLPA Additional Rules
- 15 Year Covenants
- Owners allowed a one-time opportunity to change
property from a preferential or conservation use
covenants - One time Any Time
24CUV to FLPA All or None
- Original Covenant 500 acres
- Year 3, 230 acres sold and continued
- Both 230 acre 270 acre tract must both go or
none go
25FLPA Additional Rules
- All or part of the property may be transferred to
a new owner qualified to enter into an original
forest land conservation use covenant - If transfer results in tract being 200 acres or
less the property can continue in current
covenant but cant be renewed unless additional
acreage is added to meet the 200 acre minimum
26Tracts in Multiple Counties
- Applicant must enter into a single QFLP Covenant
for the entire contiguous tract(s) - Covenant must be approved and recorded in each
county where contiguous tracts are located
27Tracts in Multiple Counties
- If any of the counties deny an application, any
portions of the tract that are approved, may
still be eligible provided - Remaining portion meets minimum qualifications of
48-5-7.7 and DOR regulations - Covenant is signed by all owners and appropriate
BOA(s) - Covenant is recorded in countys real property
28Covenant Effective Date
- Covenant shall be effective upon
- County signing Covenant
- County recording Covenant
- Provided application is properly filed
29Covenant Effective Date
- Upon approval of application, owner(s) of record
shall have until the end of calendar year to have
all owner(s) sign the Covenant and submit to BOA
in the county where the application was approved
30Deadline for filing applications
- 2009
- June 1
- May also be filed in conjunction with or in lieu
of an appeal - 2010
- Deadline for filing returns
- May also be filed in conjunction with or in lieu
of an appeal
31Withdrawal of Applications
- Regs 560-11-11-.02 Page 216
- Applicant has 30 days from regs effective date
to provide written notification to withdraw or
amend their application. - If 30 day period lands or holiday or weekend the
notice must be post marked no later than the
first day following holiday or weekend.
- Denial of applications require notice per
48-5-306 - Owners may file Appeals per 48-5-311
33Appeals to Denial
- IF
- an appeal is not resolved until the subsequent
year - the applicant receives a favorable decision
- Applicant
- is entitled to benefits of QFLP Covenant
beginning in the year application - has until end of calendar year to satisfy all
owners signature requirement
34Application Requirements
- All applicants shall include with their
application - A plat of the tract
- A legal description of the tract
- If plat or legal description is contested by
county, county has burden to prove its assertion
that item is deficient
35BOA Approve or Deny Applications
- BOA has 120 days to approve or deny
- Upon approval, BOA must notify applicant within
30 days of decision - Upon denial, BOA must notify pursuant to 48-5-306
- Fees must be returned to applicant within 30 days
of denial.
36QFLP Covenant
- Shall be one (1) QFLP Covenant for all contiguous
tracts - Must be signed by all owners
- Effective Jan 1 in year of application and
Covenant signed by all parties - Applicant receiving favorable ruling in appeal
still receives benefit starting in year of
application irrespective of the date appeal is
37QFLP Covenant
- Covenants not signed by all required parties in
the same year as application approval will expire
on Dec 31 of that year. - Owners must submit new application for QFLP
designation - If applicant receives approval in December
applicant has until January 31 of following
calendar year to obtain all required signatures.
38QFLP Covenant
- QFLP Covenant and benefits shall not extend to
any portion of the tract not properly signed and
recorded - Responsibility for signatures and recording in
EVERY county lies with the applicant.
39FLPA Approvals
- Annual Notification of any change in forest land
fair market value or True-Blue FMV (48-5-306) - Appeals of changes pursuant to 48-5-311
40Notice of Breach
- Notice of breach sent within 30 days from date
breach is reported or discovered to - All owners of record
- Local BOA(s) in every county where QFLP is located
41Notice of Breach
- Contents of Notice
- Location of breach
- Date the breach was reported or discovered
- Explanation of the breach
- Whether remedy is remediation of cease and desist
- Date remedy must be completed
- Penalty for failure to remedy or cease
42Notice of Breach
- Thirty (30) day period for remedy begins when
owner receives Notice of Breach that complies
with DOR regulations
43Inspection of QFLP Breach
- BOA has 45 days, starting first after owners 30
days to remedy or cease, to physically inspect
property to determine if remedy or cease has been
44Release of Covenant
- Owner must file application for release within 60
days - BOA has 15 days to release covenant
- BOA has another 15 days to notify owner
- BOA must also notify Superior Court within 15
days of decision to accept application for
45Forest Land Protection Act
- Penalty for Breach of Covenant
- Savings x factor
- Savings difference between true blue FMV
taxes and FL CUV taxes - 30 days to cure
- Penalty paid by party causing the breach
46Forest Land Protection Act
- Penalty for Breach of Covenant
- Year 1 5
- 3 x total savings (True FMV vs CUV)
- Year 6 10
- 2.5 x total savings (True FMV vs CUV)
- Year 11 15
- 2 x total savings (True FMV vs CUV)
- Interest of 1 per month accrues from the date of
the breach
47FLPA Allowed w/o Breach
- Up to 25 acres sold or given to Church or
Charitable entity under 48-5-41 - Property must be used for church or charitable
purpose - Entity cannot transfer until end of covenant
48FLPA Allowed w/o Breach
- Lease up to 6 acres of every 2,000 acres for a
cellular telephone transmission tower - Acreage used is removed from covenant and
appraised at FMV accordingto its use.
49FLPA Allowed w/o Breach
- Mineral Exploration
- Property lying fallow or idledue to
- Conservation programs
- Federal Ag assistance programs
- Health / Economic hardships(requires owner
notice to BOA) - Economic 2 out of any 5 yrs
50FLPA Breach w/ 1 Year Recapture
- Foreclosure
- Transfer in lieu of foreclosure
- Medically demonstrable illness of owner which
renders the qualified owner of the property
physically unable to continue the property in the
qualifying use
51FLPA Breach w/ 1 Year Recapture
- Owner is 65 years old or older
- Has completed 3 years of renewal contract
- DOR opinion non-individual owners are considered
52FLPA Breach w/ 1 Year Recapture
- Owner is 67 or older when entered covenant for
the first time - Has completed 3 years of covenant
- Has owned property for 15 years or inherited
53FLPA New Digest Codes
- F Forest Land Assistance Grant Value
- 2008 base value any index adjustments
- J Forest Land Conservation Use Value
- BOA Fair Market Value
- SJ Exemption Amount difference of the 40
Assessment (J property) and the Current Use
54Forest Land Protection Act
- Public notice posted in prominent location by
- tax commissioner
- board of assessors
- Rules Regulations will be issued by DOR
- Update Taxpayer Brochure
55Forest Land Protection Act
- New Code Section O.C.G.A. 48-5-271 provides
method for establishing annual table of value - Values for forest land conservation use property
will be the same values that are applied to
conservation use property for timber land - Limited to 3 change annually
56Conservation Use Soil Conversion Table
57Forest Land Protection Act
- New chapter to Title 48 to be known as Chapter
5A - implement the forest land conservation use
assistance grants - To counties, municipalities, and school districts
- 48-5A-1 provides definitions
- 48-5A-2 provides for General Assembly to fund the
- If property entered into this program causes a
reduction in the ad valorem tax revenue,
assistance grants will be paid to the taxing
jurisdiction as follows - Reimbursement of 50 of the first 3
- 100 of the amount over 3
- Grant will be paid based on difference between
the forest land fair market value and the forest
land conservation use value
61Tax Assessor
- Approve/Deny FLPA Covenants
- Classify and Stratify property
- Determine value
- 1. Fair Market Value
- 2. Forest Land Fair Market Value
- 3. Conservation Use Value
- Produce various certifications and reports
62No Buildings
No Buildings
- SP Personal Property valued less than 7500
- SF Freeport
- ST Residential Transitional
- SH Landmark/Rehabilitated Historic
- SA Preferential
- SV Conservation Use
- SB Brownfield
- SJ Forest Land Conservation
- SW Environmentally Sensitive
64New Digest Submission Reports
65(No Transcript)
66REASON CODES LISTCounty should establish a code
for FLPAReason must not be INFLATIONARY
Current BTA value
68INFLATIONARY GROWTHWill not include property
entered into FLPA
Taxpayer Return
70Tax Commissioner
- Consolidation sheets and worksheet
- Forward adjusted digest amounts (PT32.1A
worksheets) to Board of Commissioners and School
Board - Certify and Submit digest to DOR
- Bill Taxpayers
- Request FLPA Assistance Grant
72Board of Assessors
2008 Factor
73Digest totals do not include FLPA FM Asmt
74(No Transcript)
75FLPA Reimbursement Value
76State Forest Land Assistance Grant Value
77Tax Bills
- Taxpayers bill will be based on forestland
conservation use value - FMV Assessent (J) less SJ taxable value
- Taxable value mill rate tax bill
78FLPA Assistance Grant only applies to certain
- 48-5A-1. any millage levied for those special
districts reported on the 2004 ad valorem tax
digest certified to and received by the
commissioner on or before December 31, 2004, but
not including any millage levied for purposes of
bonded indebtedness .
79PT-77 FLCUVA Reimbursement
- Must be accompanied by
- PT-32.1A
- FLPA Revenue Reduction Calculation Worksheet
- PT-35 PT-38
- Millage Rate Certification forms
- PT-77A
- Adjustments from prior years, if applicable
80(No Transcript)
81DOR sends assistance grant to County Tax
82Forms for FLPA
- Application and Questionnaire
- Covenant (as shown in Regs)
- Notice of Breach (as shown in Regs)
- Application for Release (as shown in Regs)
83(No Transcript)
84(No Transcript)