CENCE Introductory Module MATERIAL BALANCE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Process of adjusting pH of highly acid or alkaline wastes to near neutrality. Acidic and alkaline wastewater greatest volume in industrial wastewater ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CENCE Introductory Module MATERIAL BALANCE

KKA 4106 Toxic and Hazardous Waste
EngineeringLecture 6
Dr Robiah Yunus Dept. of Chemical and
Environmental Eng. Universiti Putra Malaysia
Physical-Chemical Processes
  • Includes technologies that can be used for
  • hazardous waste treatment
  • soil remediation
  • Each section includes
  • description of technology
  • theory
  • design

Physical-Chemical Processes
  • What does it mean?
  • Chemicals are used to alter and treat pollution
    conditions/ contaminants and to make easier for
    removal process.
  • Depends on
  • Chemical properties
  • Reactivity
  • Flammability / Combustibility
  • Corrosivity
  • Compatibility with other wastes

Physical-Chemical Processes
  • Neutralization (pH adjustment)
  • Chemical Oxidation (Redox)
  • Air Stripping
  • Soil Vapor Extraction
  • Carbon Adsorption
  • Air Stripping
  • Steam Stripping
  • Supercritical Fluid Extraction

  • Process of adjusting pH of highly acid or
    alkaline wastes to near neutrality.
  • Acidic and alkaline wastewater greatest volume
    in industrial wastewater
  • Highly acidic alkaline effluent destroy
    aquatic lives , pose hazards to human, drain,
    sewer structures
  • pH for biological system for optimum activity
    6.5 8.5

Neutralization- Problems
  • pH value increases rapidly once the majority of
    acid neutralized
  • Only applicable to waste that hazardous due to
    acidity or alkalinity
  • Others, only as preliminary step to other
    treatments or ultimate disposal
  • General Acid-Base Neutralization
  • H OH- ? H2O

Neutralization Reagents
Chemical Oxidation (Redox)
  • Process of detoxifying waste by adding an
    oxidizing agent to chemically transform waste
  • Can be converted to CO2 H2O or an intermediate
    lesser toxic product.
  • Capable of destroying organic (VOC, mercaptans,
    phenols) inorganic (cyanide) molecules.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) usually added accelerate to
    the process

Chemical Oxidation (Redox)
  • Widely practiced in plating industry (destroy
    cyanide) pesticide industry (compounds not
    readily detoxified)
  • Chemical oxidation oxidation of hazardous
    material (in aqueous solution) by oxidizing
  • Chemical reduction applied to certain heavy
    metals that are hazardous in oxidized state but
    not in reduced state.

Chemical Oxidation
  • Example Oxidation / Reduction Process
  • 4Fe2 O2 10H2O ? 4Fe(OH)3 8H
  • 2SO2 O2 2H2O ? 2H2SO4

Chemical Oxidation
  • Principle oxidants ozone, hydrogen peroxide,
    chlorine. The chemicals that are reduced are the
  • Oxidation-reduction reactions occur in pairs to
    comprise an overall REDOX reaction. Oxidizing
    agents are non-specific and will react with any
    reducing agents present in the waste stream.

Oxidizing Agents
Chemical OxidationProcess Description
  • Completely mixed or plug flow reactor
  • Mixing can be provided by
  • mechanical agitation
  • pressure drop
  • bubbling air
  • Hydrogen peroxide and UV, ultraviolet light are
    generally used together.
  • Common redox reactions - the reduction of
    hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium using
    sulfur dioxide and ferrous sulfate.

Chemical Oxidation Example
  • Given A waste stream of 5000 gal/day containing
    86 mg/l of hexavalent chromium.
  • Find The stoichiometric amount of ferrous
    sulfate required to reduce it to trivalent
  • 2CrO3 6FeSO4 6H2SO4 3Fe2(SO4)3 Cr2(SO4)3
  • From cover of book, atomic weights Cr 51.996
    O 15.994 Fe 55.847 S 32.06
  • From the equation 6 moles of ferrous sulfate are
    required to reduce 2 moles of hexavalent chromium
    or a ratio of 6/23.

Chemical OxidationProcess Description
  • The power of an oxidizing or reducing agents is
    measured by its electrode potential. An
    indication of how a reaction will proceed can be
    determined from the free energy considerations
  • G? -nFE? - RTlnK
  • It is possible to measure Oxidation Reduction
    Potential (ORP) directly by means of a galvanic
    cell made up of a gold or platinum anode and a
    reference electrode, the cathode.
  • Nernst equation
  • E E? - (RT/nf)ln Q

Chemical OxidationDesign
  • Ozone is a blue gas with a pungent order and the
    most powerful oxidant available. Ozone has a very
    high free energy which indicates that the
    oxidation reaction may proceed to completion.
    Ozone dissociates to oxygen very rapidly and must
    be generated on site.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is effective in oxidizing
    organic in soil through in situ treatment. As
    with ozone, hydrogen peroxide is greatly enhance
    when used with UV.

Chemical OxidationDesign
  • Given Hexachlorobiphenyl
  • Find the time required for 60 removal using
    ozone with and without UV.
  • 60 removal means 40 remaining or C/Co.4
  • For no UV, Timenot doable
  • With UV, Time 50 min, UV make a significant
  • Given It is desired to use hydrogen peroxide
    UV to reduce chloroform to 90.
  • Find Time required.
  • 90 removal means 10 or .1 remaining
  • _at_ .1 on the graph for chloroform, time 150

Chemical OxidationChlorine
  • Chlorine and its various compounds are used
    extensively in water and waste water treatment
    and is the principal chemical involved in
  • When combined with organic material, chlorine
    forms THM, TriHaloMethanes, which are
  • Chlorine is evaporated to a gas and mixed with
    water to provide a hypochlourous acid (HOCl)

Air Stripping
  • Air stripping is a mass transfer process that
    enhances the volatilization of compounds from
    water by passing air through water to improve the
    transfer between the air and water phases.
  • One of the most common remediation methods for
  • Suited for low concentrations lt 200 mg/l.

Air Stripping
  • Types of processes
  • Packed towers,
  • tray towers
  • spray systems,
  • diffused aeration
  • mechanical aeration
  • Packed towers are generally used for remediating
    ground water.

Air StrippingProcess Description
  • Process consists of counter-current flow of water
    and air through a packing material. The packing
    material provides a high surface area for VOC
    transfer from the liquid to the gaseous phase.
  • Typical packing material consists of plastic
    shapes with high surface to volume ratios,
    specific volume.
  • R H'(Qa/Qw)
  • where, R stripping factor

Air StrippingTheory
  • Two film theory.
  • Bulk film to liquid film
  • Liquid film to air film
  • Air film to bulk air
  • Sherwood Holloway equation
  • KLa a x DL x (305L/m)1-n(m/rDL)0.5
  • Where, Z (depth of column) HTU x NTU
  • HTU L/MwKLa
  • NTU (R/R1)ln (Cin/Cout)(R-1) 1/R

Air StrippingPacking
  • Different packing shapes are available.

Air StrippingDesign
  • Stripping towers have diameters of 0.5-3m and
    heights of 1-15m.
  • The air-to-water ratio is 5 to several hundred
    and is controlled by pressure drop and flooding
  • Distribution plates should be placed every
    5-diameters to avoid channeling around the wall
    as opposed to the packing media
  • It may be necessary to clean up the off-gas with
    activated carbon.
  • The pressure drop in the tower should be between
    0.25-0.5 inches H2O/ft of tower to avoid

Soil Vapor Extraction
  • Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) is a remedial
    technique to remove VOCs from soil in the vadose
    zone or from stockpiled, excavated soil.
  • The vadose zone is the zone above the GWT.

Soil Vapor Extraction
  • SVE consists of passing an air stream through the
    soil, thereby transferring the contaminants fro
    the soil matrix to the air.
  • SVE systems can be enhanced
  • Install ground water extraction pumps to increase
    the vadose zone and perhaps simultaneously treat
    ground water.
  • Impermeable barrier over the surface to minimize
  • Install air recharge wells.
  • Install wells into the ground water.

Soil Vapor ExtractionTheory
  • The removal of VOCs from the vadose zone can be
    modeled as a 5-step process
  • Gases desorb from the soil particles.
  • Transfer to the soil water.
  • Volatize to the soil gas
  • Gas migrates to surface
  • Released to atmosphere

Soil Vapor ExtractionTheory
  • The movement of contaminants in the soil gas
    through the soil media can be described by two
  • Advection. Movement with bulk airflow through the
    soil media and best describes the flow through
    permeable soils with the unsaturated zone.
  • Diffusion. Movement through the soil media via
    concentration gradients. Diffusion tends to
    control in soils of low permeability.

Soil Vapor ExtractionTheory
  • Provided the leak is of sufficient quantity, the
    VOC contaminants will migrate downward through
    the unsaturated zone, leaving globules, films and
    small droplets of the released material.
  • Low density contaminants will accumulate in the
    capillary fringe or float on the ground water
  • Dense contaminants will pass through the ground
    water until encountering a impermeable layer.

Soil Vapor ExtractionTheory
  • A release of contaminants will result in residual
    contamination of the soil pores. This residual
    material in the unsaturated zone is the target
    contamination for cleanup via SVE.
  • Diffusion may be the rate limiting step for mass
  • Current practice is to utilize empirical models
    to select the most appropriate mechanical system
    and then to use field data to refine system

Soil Vapor ExtractionTheory
  • Movement of VOCs through the soil is controlled
    in part by diffusion and Fick's Law
  • J -DvdC/dz
  • The partition coefficient refers to the
    preference of contaminant for soil or water. A
    higher Kp indicates that a contaminant is more
    likely to remain on the soil and not be
    transmitted through soil moisture movement and is
    given by
  • Kp X/C

Soil Vapor ExtractionExample
Given Ethylene Dibromide and hexane. Based on H,
which is a more likely candidate for SVE. Assume
T20C, TC273.220273.2 293K Ethylene
Dibromide, From app. A, p.1046 A5.70 B3.24 x
103 H exp A-B/T H exp5.70-3.24x103/293.2
exp5.70-11.05 4.748 x 10-3 atm.m3/mol
Soil Vapor ExtractionExample
  • Hexane, A25.3
  • B7.53 x 103
  • H exp A-B/T
  • H exp25.3-7.53x103/293.2
  • exp-0.382 e-0.382 .682 atm.m3/mol
  • Since hexane, .682 atm.m3/mol gt Ethylene
    Dibromide, 4.748 x 10-3 atm.m3/mol, hexane would
    be best suited for vadose treatment by SVE.

Soil Vapor ExtractionExample
  • Hartley equation estimates the volatilization of
    chemicals from soil
  • J
  • The second term in the denominator, indicates the
    resistance to volatilization due to thermal
    elements and may be neglected for compounds
    significantly less volatile than water.

Soil Vapor ExtractionDesign
  • SVE main benefit is that it is an in situ method,
    thus does not require the removal and
    transportation of the hazardous waste.
  • SVE can remediate soil beneath structures does
    not require reagents and employs conventional
    equipment, labor and materials.
  • SVE is not appropriate for
  • low-permeability soil
  • low vapor pressure contaminants
  • high ground water table

Soil Vapor ExtractionSystem
  • Infrastructure
  • vapor extraction wells, 6-11' deep
  • Piping
  • monitoring wells
  • gauges and valves
  • impermeable cover
  • vent wells

Soil Vapor ExtractionSystem
  • Equipment
  • vacuum/blower unit, 0.5-30" Hg.
  • moisture knockout drum
  • off-gas treatment
  • Three variables control performance
  • well spacing (critical)
  • air flow rate
  • subsurface pressure

Carbon Adsorption
  • Adsorption is a process in which a soluble
    contaminant is removed from water by contact with
    a solid surface typically activated carbon
    usually in granulated form (GAC).
  • The activated carbon is placed in cylindrical
    vessel, contaminated water enters the top,
    contacts the carbon and exits the bottom.

Carbon Adsorption
  • Ancillary considerations include a way to
    regenerate the carbon which is done thermally.
  • Extensively used in water and wastewater systems
    for the removal of non-biodegradable organics and
    as a polishing step.

Carbon AdsorptionTheory
  • Sorption occurs when a component moves from one
    phase to another across some boundary. In
    adsorption the process takes place at a surface.
  • Movement of an organic molecule to a surface
    involves 4 transport phenomena
  • bulk fluid transport
  • film transport
  • pore diffusion
  • actual physical attachment

Carbon AdsorptionTheory
  • Driving forces that control adsorption
  • chemical affinity between the pollutant and the
    activated carbon.
  • electrical attraction
  • van der Waal's forces
  • hydrophobic nature of the organic

Carbon AdsorptionTheory
  • A plot of the amount of contaminant adsorbed per
    unit mass of carbon, X/M, against the
    concentration of contaminant in the bulk fluid,
    C, is an adsorption isotherm
  • The Freundlich isotherm is an empirical model
    mathematically expressed as
  • X/M KCf1/n

Carbon AdsorptionDesign
  • The design of adsorption units requires column
    tests that simulate the actual operation of full
    scale units.
  • In the lab, 2-inch diameter columns are filled
    with carbon and the contaminated ground water is
    run through the columns. The effluent is
    monitored for the contaminants of interest.
  • The adsorption zone is where adsorption takes
    place. Breakthrough is the point where a
    specified amount of the influent is detected in
    the effluent usually 5-10.

Steam Stripping
  • The differences between steam stripping and air
  • steam not air is the stripping gas
  • the stripping gas, steam, is infinitely soluble
    in water
  • much higher temperatures are used
  • the organics in the water are recovered as a
    separate liquid phase

Steam Stripping
  • Based on distillation. The heated feed water is
    fed to the tank and flows down where it
    encounters the steam which is flowing upward,
    counter-current to the organics. The organics
    volatize and are carried upward the mixture is
    condensed and since the organics are
    supersaturated they separate and are disposed

Steam Stripping
  • Steam stripping is the purging of contaminants
    from ground water by the use of steam. Capable of
    reducing VOCs to very low concentrations.
  • The heated feed water is fed to the tank and
    flows down where it encounters the steam which is
    flowing upward, counter-current to the organics.
    The organics volatize and are carried upward the
    mixture is condensed and since the organics are
    supersaturated they separate and are disposed

Steam Stripping
  • The differences between steam stripping and air
  • steam not air is the stripping gas
  • the stripping gas, steam, is infinitely soluble
    in water
  • much higher temperatures are used
  • the organics in the water are recovered as a
    separate liquid phase
  • EPA established Best Available Technology
    Economically Achievable (BATEA) for Organic
    Chemical, Plastics and Synthetic Fibers.

Steam StrippingDesign considerations
  • The strippalitity of the organics
  • Simple for a single organic, but for a mixture of
    organics, a computerized process simulator to
    assess the thermodynamics of the interactions
    between the various organics is required.
  • Rule of thumb. Any priority pollutant that is
    analyzed by direct injection on a gas
    chromatograph can be considered a good candidate
    for high-efficiency stream stripping.
  • Rule of thumb. Any compound with a boiling point
    lt150C is a good candidate.

Steam StrippingDesign considerations
  • Whether the organics will form a separate organic
    phase in the overhead decanter
  • If one organic compound has a low solubility
    limit (lt1) then there is a basis to expect a
    phase separation at the decanter.
  • Some organics are infinitely soluble in water and
    will not form a separate organic phase in the
    decanter and are not good candidates for stream
  • Only one sparingly soluble organic need be
    present to make steam stripping feasible. As a
    general rule, the organics will preferentially
    partition to the organic phase created by the
    single sparingly soluble organic.

Steam StrippingDesign considerations
  • Mechanical design
  • random packing
  • valve trays
  • sieve trays

Supercritical fluids (SCF)
  • The contaminated stream is introduced into the
    extraction vessel, heated and pressurized. The
    contaminant dissolves in the SCF which is then
    expanded which lowers the solubility of the
    organic contaminant resulting in separation of
    the organic contaminant from the extracting fluid

Supercritical fluids (SCF)Theory
  • The critical point is a temperature/pressure
    where the material exhibits properties between a
    liquid and gas densities approaching the liquid
    phase, dffusivities and viscosities approaching
    the gas phase.
  • As a result of these properties, organic
    compounds are highly soluble in SCFs and can
    easily transfer to the SCF from their original

Membrane Processes
  • Membrane which is a solid matrix or swollen gel
    refers to a barrier to flow which will allow the
    passage of water, ions or small molecules. Not a
    conventional, gravity, filtration process as the
    driving force may be electrostatic or high
  • The membranes are subject to fouling and in
    hazardous waste management, they are limited to
    extremely toxic materials that can not be removed
    by cost-effective technologies.
  • Processes include electrodialysis, reverse
    osmosis and ultrafiltration

Membrane ProcessesProcess Description
  • Electrodialysis.
  • Consists of the separation of ionic species from
    water by applying a direct-current electric field
  • By alternating cation and anion exchange membrane
    between two electrodes, alternate dilute and
    concentrated cells are created.
  • The membranes are about .5mm thick and the
    spacers are 1mm thick. Operated at 40-60psi and
    90 of the feed is turned into product water, the
    remainder is concentrate.

Membrane ProcessesProcess Description
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • In reverse osmosis, a solvent is separated from a
    solution by applying a pressure greater than the
    osmotic pressure, thus forcing the solvent
    through a semi permeable membrane.
  • The membrane will allow the water but not the
    salt to pass.
  • In reverse osmosis, a pressure is applied to
    force the salt, solvent through the membrane,
    thus leaving product water.

Membrane ProcessesProcess Description
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Ultrafiltration separates solutes from a solvent
    on the basis of molecular size and shape by
    passing the solution through a membrane module
    where a pressure difference is maintained across
    the membrane.
  • Water molecules pass through, heavy molecules are
    retained on the filter.

Membrane ProcessesProcess Description
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Fouling is avoided by high velocities which in
    turn yields a low efficacy requiring multiple
  • Molecules of molecular weight greater than 500
    and less than 500,000 can be separated.
  • Heavier molecules can be separated by
    conventional filtration.
  • The lower size reflects the opening size in
    commercially available membrane.

Membrane ProcessesTheory
  • Electrodialysis.
  • Faraday's Law yield required current
  • I (FQN/n) x (E1/E2) eq.9-69 units p.537
  • Voltage, Ohm's Law
  • E IR
  • Power
  • P I2R
  • Current density, CD, is the current passing
    through a unit areas of membrane, amp/m2.

Membrane ProcessesTheory
  • Reverse Osmosis.
  • Osmotic pressure, solute rejections and flows
    are of interest. Osmotic pressure is determined
    by the Van't Hoff equation
  • ? ?cNCsRT
  • The flow is
  • Jw Wp x (P -?? )

Membrane ProcessesExamples
  • Manganous nitrate, Mn(NO3)2, salt solution at
    8400 mg/l at 30C. .87, The wastewater has a flow
    rate of 100gpm. A vendor gives the following
  • Wp2.0 x 10-6 gmol/cm2.sec.atm
  • Area of a bundle 500ft2
  • 65 recovery rate
  • Optimal pressure across the membrane 625 psi
  • Find
  • 1.) The Osmotic Pressure.
  • 2.) Flow through the membrane, Jw
  • 3.) Number of bundles required

Membrane ProcessesSolutions
  • 1.) Reverse osmosis
  • N 3 (Mn(NO3)2, Mn1, NO32)
  • Molecular weight
  • Mn24.305x123.305 N 14x 228 O16x696
  • MW for Mn(NO3)2147.3 g/gmol
  • Cs 8400 mg/l 8.4 g/l / 147.3 g/gmol
  • Cs .0570 gmol/l
  • K C 273.2 30 273.2 303.2
  • ? ?cNCsRT
  • .87 x 3 x .0570gmol/l x .082 atm.l/gmol.K x
  • 3.698 atmospheres x 14.7psi/atm. 54.35psi

Membrane ProcessesSolutions
  • 2.) Flow, Jw
  • Jw Wp x (P - ) units p.540
  • Jw 2.0 x 10-6 gmol/cm2.sec.atm x (625-54.35)
  • Jw 7.76 x 10-5 gmol/cm2.sec
  • 3. ) Number of bundles for 100gpm
  • Q 100gpm x 3.79l/gal x 1min/60sec x 1000g/l x
    1gmol/18g (AWof water) x cm2.sec/ 7.76 x 10-5
  • Q 4.52 x 106 cm2 452 m2of membrane
  • Each bundle contains 500 ft2.
  • No. of bundles 452 m2 x Bundle/ft2 x
  • No. of bundles 9.73 use 10 bundles
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