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In the Almagest, one of the most influential books of classical antiquity, ... The Almagest also contains a star catalogue, which is probably an updated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Monday

Mondays Virtual Astronomy Lecture
  1. The Aristotelian Universe
  2. The Contribution of Ptolemy to the Aristotelian

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • Mankind does not long live without developing a
    model of the Universe around him. The model
    explains the physical relation between mans
    habitat and the rest of nature. This model of
    the Universe provides mankind with a world-view
    which permeates and gives meaning to his every
    action, practical and spiritual.
  • Primitive conceptions of the Universe displayed
    considerable variation, but all were shaped
    primarily by terrestrial events, the daily
    patterns of life.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • For example, the Ancient Egyptians developed a
    model of the Universe as an elongated platter.
    The platters long dimension paralleled the Nile
    its flat bottom was the alluvial basin to which
    ancient Egyptian civilization was restricted, and
    its curved rippled rim represented the mountains
    bounding the terrestrial world. Above the
    platter was air supporting an inverted
    platter-dome which carried the stars. The
    platter was supported from underneath by water.
    The Sun was Ra, the principle Egyptian God,
    supplied with two boats, one for his daily
    journey through the air as a second for his
    nocturnal trip through the water under the

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • This conceptual model provided the ancient
    Egyptians with a mental picture of where they
    were. This in turn made them feel at home in the
    larger Universe. Their platter model of the
    Universe provided them with a sense of security
    and explained to them where they as a
    civilization fit in the larger framework. The
    model did not try to account for such details and
    the annual motion of the Sun or the wanderings of
    the planets. This failure of ancient models of
    the Universe to account for these physical
    characteristics was common.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • Primitive conceptual models are only schematic
    sketches against which the play of nature takes
    place, very few details or explanations of
    astronomical phenomena are incorporated into
    these models.
  • The requirement that a conceptual model of the
    Universe supply both a psychologically satisfying
    world-view and an explanation of observed
    phenomena like the daily change in the position
    of sunrise has vastly increased the power of
    these models.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • Only in our Western civilization has the
    explanation of such astronomical details been
    considered a function of the conceptual model of
    the Universe.
  • Only in pan-Hellenic Greek society has a model of
    the Universe also been required to explain
    physical details of astronomy.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • We would reject a model like the ancient Egyptian
    platter as inadequate because it fails to account
    for observed phenomena.
  • Aristotle had developed a geocentric model of the
    Universe that was able to explain the daily
    observations of astronomers and provide a setting
    in which mankind could interact with his God.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • We have been studying the principle observations,
    all of them accessible to the naked-eye, upon
    which depend the two main scientific models of
    the West, the Aristotelian/Ptolemaic and the
  • Let us examine the key ideas of the Aristotelian
    Universe that dominated Western Europe from 300
    B.C. to, perhaps, 1700 A.D.

Interpreting the Apparent Motion of the Stars,
Sun. Moon and Planets
  • In class, we will examine the innovation of
    Copernicus whose re-interpretation of the same
    observations led to a complete revision not only
    in astronomy, but also in the basic underlying
    beliefs of society.
  • I have taken material in the notes that follow
    directly from the on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia
    from the subjects Aristotle and Ptolemy. In
    addition I have included entire paragraphs from
    the reserve reading On the Copernican Revolution
    by Thomas S. Kuhn.

Who was Aristotle?
  • The three most influential ancient Greek
    philosophers were Aristotle, Plato (a teacher of
    Aristotle) and Socrates (ca. 470 BC-399 BC),
    whose thinking deeply influenced Plato. Among
    them they transformed Presocratic Greek
    philosophy into the foundations of Western
    philosophy as we know it. Socrates did not leave
    any writings, possibly as a result of the reasons
    articulated against writing philosophy attributed
    to him in Plato's dialogue Phaedrus. His ideas
    are therefore known to us only indirectly,
    through Plato and a few other writers. The
    writings of Plato and Aristotle form the core of
    Ancient philosophy.

Who was Aristotle?
  • Aristotle was born in 384 BCE. at Stagirus, a
    Greek colony and seaport on the coast of Thrace.
    His father Nichomachus was court physician to
    King Amyntas of Macedonia. At age 17 his
    guardian, Proxenus, sent him to Athens, the
    intellectual center of the world, to complete his
    education. He joined the Academy and studied
    under Plato, attending his lectures for a period
    of twenty years. In the later years of his
    association with Plato and the Academy he began
    to lecture on his own account, especially on the
    subject of rhetoric.

Who was Aristotle?
  • At the invitation of Philip of Macedonia he
    became the tutor of his 13 year old son Alexander
    (later world conqueror) he did this for the next
    five years. He then set up his own school at a
    place called the Lyceum. When teaching at the
    Lyceum, Aristotle had a habit of walking about as
    he discoursed. It was in connection with this
    that his followers became known in later years as
    the peripatetics, meaning "to walk about." For
    the next thirteen years he devoted his energies
    to his teaching and composing his philosophical

Who was Aristotle?
  • He is said to have given two kinds of lectures
    the more detailed discussions in the morning for
    an inner circle of advanced students, and the
    popular discourses in the evening for the general
    body of lovers of knowledge. In the first year of
    his residence at Chalcis he complained of a
    stomach illness and died in 322 BCE.
  • Aristotle is known for being one of the few
    figures in history who studied almost every
    subject possible at the time. In science,
    Aristotle studied anatomy, astronomy, embryology,
    geography, geology, meteorology, physics, and
    zoology. In philosophy, Aristotle wrote on
    aesthetics, economics, ethics, government,
    metaphysics, politics, psychology, rhetoric and
    theology. He also dealt with education, foreign
    customs, literature and poetry. His combined
    works practically comprise an encyclopedia of
    Greek knowledge.

The Aristotelian Universe
  • The Terrestrial World
  • Four elements comprised all matter on the Earth
    in various proportions. Those elements were
    earth, water, air and fire
  • For example a human body obviously had a solid
    component in its bones and muscle this was the
    earth component. In addition, there was a
    liquid component seen in blood and urine dubbed
    water. The heat from the body was from the
    fire component and we all know of a unsociable
    gaseous component of the body that is represented
    by the air element.

The Aristotelian Universe
  • The Terrestrial World
  • All terrestrial matter was characterized by
    change through decay or death. Terrestrial matter
    was considered imperfect due to its changing
  • The natural state of motion for terrestrial
    matter was a state of rest. A person only need
    look around and see that all objects are
    stationary (at rest) unless forced into motion
    by some unnatural cause.
  • The Earth sat at the center of the Stellar Sphere
    immovable (fixed and central).

The Aristotelian Universe
  • The Celestial World
  • The stars, Sun, Moon and other planets were
    considered to be made of a fifth element not
    found in Earthly matter.
  • All celestial matter was characterized by its
    unchanging nature. The stars and planets never
    changed their appearance or motion. They seemed
  • Celestial matter was considered perfect due to
    its unchanging incorruptible nature.

The Aristotelian Universe
  • The Celestial World
  • The natural state of motion for celestial matter
    was constant motion, never ceasing, in a circular
    pattern. The apparent motion of the stars best
    typifies this motion.
  • The stars sat on a very large stellar sphere
    which contained the whole Universe and was set
    into rotation (once every 23h56m 4.09s) by a
    prime mover (i.e. God).
  • God lives on the Celestial Sphere and Heaven was
    a place on the celestial sphere.

The Aristotelian Universe
  • Terrestrial Matter
  • Temporary
  • Corruptible
  • Naturally at rest
  • Physically imperfect
  • Celestial Matter
  • Eternal
  • Incorruptible
  • Naturally in constant circular motion
  • Physically perfect

Aristotle made an additional conceptual leap by
proposing that Celestial Matter was not just
physically perfect, but morally perfect also,
while Terrestrial Matter (including people) were
physically and morally imperfect.
The Aristotelian Universe
Aristotle explained mankinds painful life and
inevitable death as a direct consequence of being
at the center of the Celestial sphere farthest
removed from the eternal and perfect nature of
God (The center of a sphere is the single most
distant point in the interior from the surface).
Man suffered because he was physically far or
distant from God. I hope you can see how the
story in Genesis of Adam and Eves expulsion from
the garden of Eden symbolizes the physical
distance of man from God first codified by
Aristotle. Many other Aristotelian concepts were
incorporated into the belief structure of the
early Christian church.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
Claudius Ptolemaeus (ca. 100 ca. 178), known in
English as Ptolemy, was an Ancient geographer,
astronomer, and astrologer who probably lived and
worked in Alexandria in Egypt. Ptolemy was the
author of several scientific treatises, two of
which have been of continuing importance to later
Islamic and European science. One is the
astronomical treatise that is now known as the
Almagest (in Greek ? µe???? S??ta???, "The Great
Treatise"). The other is the Geography, which is
a thorough discussion of the geographic knowledge
of the Greco-Roman world.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
In the Almagest, one of the most influential
books of classical antiquity, Ptolemy compiled
the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greek
and Babylonian world he relied mainly on the
work of Hipparchus of three centuries earlier. It
was preserved, like most of Classical Greek
science, in Arabic manuscripts (hence its
familiar name) and only made available in Latin
translation (by Gerard of Cremona) in the 12th
century. Ptolemy formulated a geocentric model
(see Ptolemaic system) of the solar system which
remained the generally accepted model in the
Western and Arab worlds until it was superseded
by the heliocentric solar system of Copernicus.
The Almagest also contains a star catalogue,
which is probably an updated version of a
catalogue created by Hipparchus.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
An Epitome of the Almagest (Epitome in Ptolemaei
Almagestum) was written between 1460 and 1463 by
the Austrian astronomer Georg Peurbach and his
famous pupil Johannes Regiomontanus at the
suggestion of Cardinal Bessarion. It gave
Europeans the first sophisticated understanding
of Ptolemy's astronomy, and was studied by every
competent astronomer of the 16th century. Unlike
earlier systems (such as 'the stars move because
that is the will of the gods', or the model of
concentric spheres), the Ptolemaic model
explained all phenomena in the sky, while holding
to Plato's dictum which states that all motions
in the heavens can be explained with uniform,
circular motion, and obeying Aristotelian physics.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
According to the Ptolemaic model, the spherical
Earth is at the center of the universe. All
heavenly bodies are attached to crystal spheres
which rotate around Earth. The Moon is on the
innermost sphere, and touches the realm of Earth,
thereby contaminating it, and causing the light
and dark spots and the ability to go through
phases. It is not perfect like the other heavenly
bodies, which shine by their own light.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
The planets are actually attached to 2 spheres
one sphere which is centered on Earth (the
deferent), and another sphere (the epicycle)
embedded within the deferent. The epicycle
rotates within the deferent, causing the planet
to move closer to and farther from Earth at
different points in its orbit, and even to slow
down, stop, and move backward (in retrograde
motion). The epicycles of Venus and Mercury are
always centered on a line between Earth and the
Sun (Mercury being closer to Earth), which
explains why they are always near it in the sky.
The order of spheres from Earth outward is
Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Stars.
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
Unfortunately, the system still did not quite
match observations. Sometimes the size of a
planet's retrograde loop (most notably that of
Mars) would be smaller, and sometimes larger.
Ptolemy could not explain this even when he moved
deferents off-center, for the change in loop size
did not match with the change in speed. This
prompted Ptolemy to come up with the idea of an
equant. The equant was a point near the center of
a planet's orbit which, if you were to stand
there and watch, the center of the planet's
epicycle would always appear to move at the same
speed. Therefore, the planet actually moved at
different speeds at different points in its
Ptolemys Contribution to the Aristotelian
By using an equant, Ptolemy claimed to keep
motion which was uniform and circular, but a lot
of people didn't like it because they didn't
think it was true to Plato's dictum of "uniform,
circular motion." The resultant system which
eventually became Catholic dogma was an unwieldy
one, using two sets of epicycles, revolving on a
deferent, offset by an equant which was different
for each retrograde planet (then known to be only
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), but it predicted the
beginnings and ends of retrograde motion far more
accurately than either earlier Platonic spheres
or early (and falsely perfect) Copernican systems.
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