Title: Titel corps 28 News Gothic
1Towers at Reserva Biologica do Jaru
New tower
2Seasonal and interannual variation in C flux,
annual net uptake
3Jaru uptake 5-6 T ha-1 y-1 (1999-2000), . but
recent years seem to show lower uptake (3.4), and
reanalysis using other averaging technique shows
only 1.4 (?) ---gt calculation techniques are
(still) also important issue, especially where
landscape is non-ideal and towers tall. - no
biometry data, no leakage data - no indication
of CO2 losses during calm nights, but confusion
with temperature? (low T correlated with high
4The effecct of Friagem on CO2 fluxes in Jaru
(P.J. Oliveira)
Are friagem effects caused by low temperature or
are they simply more windy days?
5Maybe we should realise that Eddy
correlation DOES NOT measure ecosystem physiology
directly we should fit both physiology and
6Consider the area beneath the sensor a leaky,
sloshing vessel
U lm
R, Psalpha.PAR
Solve differential equation, fit against data .
7(No Transcript)
8Carbon dioxide fluxes across the Amazon basin
overview of 1999 and 2000 results for EU-
LBA-flux tower sites
Kabat, P.1), Nobre, A D2), Grace, J3) , Manzi,
A4) ,Kruijt, B1), Von Randow, C 4), Elbers, J
E1), Malhi, Y 3), Carswell, F 3), Da Costa, L.5),
Culf, A6), Nobre, C 4), Da Rocha, H 7),
Waterloo, M1), De Araujo, A C2), De Oliveira, P
J4)9), Stefani, P8), Freitas, H7) 1) Alterra,
NL, 2) INPA, Brazil, 3) Edinburgh University, UK,
Brazil, 6) CEH, UK, 7)USP, Brazil, 8) Universita
della Tuscia, Italy, 9) ULBRA, UNIR, Brazil
Manaus K34 and Manaus C14
Rebio Jaru Fazenda Nossa Senhora
Eddy correlation Systems based on Edisol
(Moncrieff et al, 1996) and Euroflux (Aubinet
et al, 1999) closed-path principle. Gill-Solent
3-D sonic anemometer Li-Cor 6262 Gas
analyser SHORT tube, high pumping
rate Calculation delay removal, 3 rotations,
800s recursive detrend, correction for detrend
loss of low frequencies (Except at
Caxiuana) Storage fluxes (in-canopy profiles of
CO2 and H2O (CIRAS SC analyser) ) (Not always
present) Meteorological data Automatic weather
station, shortlong wave radiation, etcetera.
11Measured CO2 eddy fluxes over 3 years in the
Central, E. and SW Amazon
12Night-time NEE (Storage corrected) fluxes plotted
against u
Do we have a problem?
? Uncertainty about 7 t ha-1 y-1 ?
There is no problem here
13Similarity relations - representativity for
For all sites the basic s(w)/u relations are
good on average
14Energy balance closure at Reserva Jaru and
Fazenda Nossa Senhora
15Seasonal and interannual variation in C flux
16(No Transcript)
17Mean Diurnal trend of CO2 fluxes at four sites
- Dry seasons
- Forest peak uptake similar, nights different.
- Pasture lower uptake!
- Wet seasons
- Forests and pasture very similar.
18South African savanna - Hanan et al - AGU talk
19Night time fluxes (respiration?)
20Where is seasonality in Jaru?
Mean Diurnal
Cumulative mean diurnal
21Where is seasonality in Manaus K34?
Mean Diurnal
Cumulative mean diurnal
22Cumulative flux over the day afternoon
23Mean hourly canopy light response curves for four
24Hysteresis in light response seasonally driven?
25(hysteresis in) surface conductance?
26Tentative conclusion Seasonality results from
vriation light regime and (soil) respiration