Title: Status of HPD Testing
1Status of HPD Testing
- Status of Test Results (batch 7 8)
- QE measurements
- Distortion Analysis code
- Conclusions
Stephan Eisenhardt University of Edinburgh
RICH meeting, CERN, 30.05.2006
2HPD Tests - Time Profile
Wed. 24.05.2006
Batch 8 (2911 HPD) 28.04.06 27 tested up to
24.05. (1 replacement, 1 repotted)
20-24 HPD expected (31.05.) limited by window
Batch 7 (26 HPD) 31.03.06 tested, accepted
(today) affected by dead column issue
results of last report (19.04.)
3Status of HPD Test Program
- as of Wed 24.05.2006
- batch 7 provisionally accepted on 30.05.06
- H614006 arrived on 28.04.06 with batch 8 as
replacement for H545005 (batch 5) - H541004 (batch 4b) arrived repaired on 28.04.06
with batch 8 - H542020 (batch 4b) expected repaired on 31.05.06
with batch 9 - H539012 (batch 2) and H546002 (batch 4b) sent to
DEP in May06, accepted for replacement on
4Batch 7 8 issues I
- H608001 (batch 7) chip on quartz window side ?
complaint to DEP - presumably from handling in vacuum chamber
(DEP) - window used due to shortage
- in LHCb 90 covered by Teflon tape ? fine HV/DC
behaviour ? accept HPD - H610004 (batch 7) Indium blob on covar ring ?
mech. test failure - DEP cut with scalpel, as done by DEP
- not done yet ? retest of mech. HV/DC needed ?
conditional acceptance - H612008 (batch 8) Indium bobs ? mech. test and
DC OK - feed-back to DEP request to take more care
- H612020 (batch 8) HPD leaning ? marginal mech.
test - just touching the jig
- Teflon tape not damaged ? accept HPD
too big blob
5Batch 7 8 issues II
Alice mode DC 0.9 kHz/cm2
- H605006 (batch 7) always-on column in LHCb mode
only - LHCb mode not tested at DEP
- masking Alice pixels doesnt help
- chip problem not in responsibility of DEP ?
accept HPD - but class F
- H607002 (batch 7) bad read-out in LHCb mode only
- looks similar to dying pixel problem
- is cured using the new tuned parameters of
pixel chip ? class A - 10-15 difference in npe is normal
LHCb mode DC 431 kHz/cm2
Alice mode 200k events, 4.1 npe
LHCb mode 200k events, 0.0013 npe
LHCb mode 200k events, 3.6 npe
eu_VBNG 0 eu_VBNLHCB 0
eu_VBNG 50 eu_VBNLHCB 20
6Batch 7 8 issues III
- H607001 (batch 7) PC induced feature in DC
- total DC 1.6kHz/cm2, i.e. well within specs
- radial local structure not present without HV
- never seen before, not compatible with micro
discharges - originates from PC or electrodes
- by criteria class A
- ? accept HPD
- H612030 (batch 8) similar DC feature chip
offset - total DC 0.97kHz/cm2, i.e. very good
- no cross-check DC run without HV
- second such linear structure
- large offset of chip
- will investigate further
7Batch 7 8 issues IV
- H610006 (batch 7) variable leakage current
(27-2.5mA) pattern reproducible - above 22.5mA anode does not deplete ? no signal
response - LC decreases with time (t 30min)
- ? anode defects anneal under bias voltage
conclusion HPD response fine after 1h ? accept
HPD, ? class E
3-day study
HV ramp-up while LC decreases
response fine for LClt10mA
no response LCgt22.5mA
15 min
8Status of HPD Qualification
- change in qualification rules
- was class A ? E ? F for bad pixel count of 80
400 (i.e. 1 5) - now class A ? B ? E ? F for bad pixel counts 80,
200 400 (i.e. 1, 2.5, 5) - ? re-categorisation 8 HPD with 80-135 bad
pixels E ? B
currently 5x F rejected ? -1x repaired, turned
to A ? 1x replaced, stays in list 1x F cond.
accepted (In-blob) 1x F accepted (column) 6x F
now ABE rate96.8 further expectations -1x
fixed In-blob, turned to A -1x repaired, turned
to B 2x replacements 4x F in near future (ABE
batch 1-7 batch 8 (-4 HPD) 188 HPD
9QE Measurements
- 4 existing and 3 newly acquired filters for l
270, 340, 400, 440, 520, 640, 800nm - 12 HPD measured 6 HPD at 7 wavelengths, 4 HPD
measured multiple times (2-4x) - targeted HPD with high QE_at_270nm to cross-check
DEP data - ? 11x good agreement, 1x -20
- observed temperature sensitivity ? logging of
lamp case temperature
340nm between DEP data points systematically
can reproduce the shape of DEP data in valley!
aims - more data - more systematic studies -
summary next RICH meeting
new filters
10QE _at_ 270nm - Evolution
- QE delivered by DEP gets better from batch to
batch 1-8 integrated
batch 1-8 batch by batch
batch 1-8 averages
11Distortion Analysis Code
- aim get relative demagnification, rotation and
shift of HPDs - test HPD against reference HPD ? (taken with
same pinhole setup!) - find cluster centres of pinhole images ?
- from fit to position and size of PC image of LED
run apply 1st order correction - corrects for most of the chip offsets
- necessary to ensure good starting point for
subsequent fit - find link to nearest match ? ?
- fit to optimise demagnification, rotation and
xy-shift ??
see 25.02.2006
- result
- 4 parameter transformation to match HPD with
reference - residuals ??
- stand-alone works
- (to be) integrated into analysis code
- to be applied to existing data
1st order corrected cluster centres reference
cluster centres after fit reference
- HPD testing is progressing well - according to
schedule - results from batch 7 ( 8) were throwing up an
unusual number of smaller issues - but tubes qualify fine eventually
- expected gap in HPD production will be
(partially) filled with CERN HPDs - good progress on analysis of distortion map and
QE measurement - and DEP surpasses itself with higher and higher