Drug Flashcards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Drug Flashcards


Mediates rapid onset but short-lived vasodilation ... Flumazenil: BZ ANTA rapidly reverse sed efx BZ's. Speed recovery of anesth. Ketamine (misc) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Drug Flashcards

Drug Flashcards
  • Respiratory system

H1 Receptors
  • higher affinity for HIST than H2
  • Mediates rapid onset but short-lived vasodilation
  • Coupled to PLC, which hydrolyzes phospholipids to
    form IP3, DAG
  • IP3 Ca activates MLCK and PLA2
  • MLCK phosphorylates myosin causes
    bronchoconstriction, increased peristalasis
  • PLA2 produces nitric oxide and PGI2
  • DAG activates protein kinase C which facilitates
    Ca release from SR
  • H1Antagonists 1st gen penetrate CNS hi SEDXN
  • Considerable Anti-cholingergic effect
  • Antihists cause CONVULSIONS in CHILDREN
  • CNS stim restless, unable to sleep, halluc,

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Type I IgE mid hypersen rxn
  • Motion sickness
  • Nighttime sleep aid
  • Antitussive
  • Topical for itch
  • CXN repeated topical use can cause allergic rxns

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • Doxylamine (Unisom)
  • Most sedating
  • Dimenhydrinate OTC
  • N, V, dizziness, vertigo
  • Very sedating contains diphenhydramine

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • Meclizine
  • Motion sickness
  • Long acting 12-24 hours
  • Cyclizine
  • Motion sickness
  • Hydroxyzine
  • Motion sickness
  • Prurities
  • Pre-op and post-op sedxn
  • Anxiety

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • Promethazine
  • also blox alpha 1 Rs
  • SEFX vasocon
  • Type 1 hypersens allergic rhinitis
  • Sedative pre/post-op obstetric sedation
  • Anti-anxiety pre/post-op facilitate sleep
  • Anti-emetic phenothiazine - blox D2 give
    pre-op, prevxn NV from gen anesthetics
  • Motion sickness anti-hist, anti-cholinergic
  • CXN lowers SZ threshold

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • H1 Antagonists not much info
  • Clemastine long acting, 12-24h
  • Chlorpheniraine (Chlor-trimeton)
  • Dexchlorpheniramine (Polaramine)
  • Azelastine
  • Phenindamine

Antihistamines 1st gen
  • Cyproheptadine (Peractin)
  • Shown to cause wt gain, block 5HT2 Rs.
  • May be best to TX Itching
  • Brompheniramine (Dimetapp)
  • Available only with other ingredients
    pseudophedrine (Sudafed), APAP (Tylenol),

Antihistamines 2nd Gen H1 Antas
  • Poorly penetrate CNS, little or no SEDXN
  • Fexofenadine ( allegra)
  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec) metab of hydroxyzine,
    slightly sedating, long-acting 12-24hrs
  • Loratadine (Claritin) stim appetite wt gain
  • Desloratadine (Clarinex) isomer Loratadine
  • Beta agonists with anti-HIST activity by blocking
    degranulation of mast cells
  • Cromolyn
  • Nedocromil
  • Nothing to do with beta activity

Antihistamines H2 Antas
  • Cemitidine (Tagament) Oral IV
  • Tagament HB OTC
  • Worst SEFX, but only in high doses binds to Cyt
    P450 significant inhibition Rx metab
  • ? estradiol levels ? feminization
  • Failure to hydroxylate to estriol (polar form)
  • ? Prolactin gynecomastia
  • Hi doses for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrom, tumor of
    pancreatic islets that cause secretion of
    sufficeint amt Gastrin to stimulate ACID
    secretion to life-threatening levels
  • Inhibits conversion testosterone to
    dihydrotestosterone(DHT) in testes
  • Inhibits binding of DHT to receptor impotence,
    less libido

Antihistamines H2 Antas
  • H2 mediates slow onset but sustained
  • Does NOT mediate bronchoconstriction
  • Stimulates adenylyl cyclase ? cAMP which
    activates PROTEIN KINASE that
  • Phosphorylates and activates Ca pump that pumps
    Ca out of cell/into SR
  • Phosphorylates and Inactivates MLCK prevents
    activation myosin
  • Stimulating H2 Rs ? gastric acid secretion
  • H2 Antas inhibit gastric acid secretion by
    parietal cells
  • Change in acidity alters absorption
  • Weak acid more ionized, less absorption
  • Strong Base less ionized, MORE absorption

Antihistamines H2 Antas
  • Nasal Decons alpha 1 constriction
  • Phenylephrine(Neo-Synephrine)
  • Shock, SVT vascon ??BP?BRR
  • Ophthalmic mydriatic dilator muscle
  • Added to local anesthetic keeps it local
  • Ephedrine mixed alpha/beta agonist
  • OCT nasal spray, jelly
  • Alpha 1 nasal decongestant
  • Beta 2 bronchodilator
  • Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) tablets, oral lq, ped
  • Desoxyephedrine Vicks inhaler

Antihistamines H2 Antas
  • Naphozoline (Privine) nasal drops and spray,
    ocular decon Naphcon
  • Oxymetazoline (Afrin) drops and spray, ocular
    decon Ocuclear
  • NOT alpha 1 agonist Alpha 2 diff R, same MOA
  • SEFX hypoTN, pounding HR
  • Remember CLONIDINE? Stim heart center in CNS,
    decreases SYM outflow, ?BRR
  • Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) Inhaler
  • Subject to abuse amph-like efx
  • Chronic abuse vent failure, pulm HTN, Sudden
  • Tetrahydrozoline (Tyzine) drops and spray
  • Xylometazoline (Otrivin) drops and spray

  • MOA irritate lining stim secretions decrease
  • Guaifenesin (Robitussin)
  • Catogory I ingredients safe and effective for
    advertised use
  • Only FDA approved for this
  • Also claimed to decrease surface tension of
    mucous, decrease adhesiveness
  • Robitussin DM dextromethorphan guaifenesin
    cough suppressant
  • Best expectorant FLUIDS

General Anesthetics
  • Nitrous Oxide
  • good analgesic, weak anesthetic dorsal horn
  • Analgesic effects in dorsal horn primary
    sensory nociceptive (pain) fibers synapse with
    projection fibers to brain
  • cross-tolerance bt analgesic efx of NO and
    morphine analgesic eff NO can be blocked by
  • NOT used alone bc even HIGH conc will NOT produce
    surgical anesthesia
  • By using as adjuvant, can use less others,
  • Decrease sefx both
  • Low lambda low solub like Desflurane
  • Rapid indxn, rapid recovery diffusional
  • TOX neuropathies, anemias
  • Interfere w/ folate, B12 metab, oxidizes cobalt,
    dec met syn
  • Efx cummulative wait gt 3.4 days
  • Abuse myeloneuropathic pernicious anemia

  • Halothane
  • Hi lambda, slow indxn, slow recovery
  • Non-irritating
  • Mod skeletal mm relax
  • No useful analgesia (use w Nitrous oxide)
  • Low TI
  • HypoTN vasodil, neg inotrop, neg chrono, dec BRR
    no reflex tachy, 20-50 dec CO, BP
  • TachyARs Re-entry, inc automaticity
  • Hep-TOX
  • SL inc liver enzymes
  • Hepititis w repeat admin
  • Metab trifuoroethanol, BR- - tissue tox
  • Induces change hep proteins, autoantibodies
  • Malignant hyperthermia
  • Ca activates myosin ATPase HEAT give

  • Enflurane - most resp depress
  • Mod analgesia
  • Good mm relax
  • Bronchodilator
  • Metab ? fluoride nephrotoxic
  • SZs on EEG
  • Isoflurane most widely used
  • Less resp depress
  • Mod analgesia
  • Good mm relax
  • Bronchodilator
  • ? flouroide
  • No ICP neurosurgery
  • Maintains CO, no ARs
  • Pungent odor cough
  • Coronary steal in IHD CONTRA malignant
  • Methoxyflurane most potent
  • Excellent analgesia
  • Good mm relaxant

  • Desflurane LOWEST lambda
  • Rapid indxn, recovery (like NO)
  • Irritating hold breath, bronchospasms
  • Mx out/in pt surgery, fast indxn desirable
  • CONTRA malig hypertherm
  • Sevoflurane very low lambda
  • Rapid indxn, recovery (like NO)
  • Pleasant odor good for kids
  • Cxn reacts w soda lime prods nephroTOX
  • In/out pt surgery

  • IV anesth- ultra-short acting Barbs
  • Thiopental unconcx 10-20 sec,
  • Rapid indxn get past stage 2
  • Inc GABA bind, gCl hyperpolarizes
  • Resp depress, but venodilates - ? ICP
  • Unique to thiopental ? BP, ? HR
  • Hyperalgesic ? pain sens, sym response tachy,
    mydriasis, sweating, tachypnea, ?BP, mvt, vocaliz
  • Release Hist apnea, coughing,
  • CONTRAs porphyria periph, central neuropathies,
    abdom nerve damage, abdom pain, neuropsychiatric
  • USE indxn, mx short procedures
  • Methohexital ? risk cough, spont mvt gt thiopent
  • BUT, no HIST release

  • Benzodiazepenes
  • ? safety margin, min CV, resp depress, excellent
    sed, amnestic,
  • NO analgesic activity
  • MOA ? gCl hyperpolariz - ? frequency
  • Diazepam long-acting, active metabs
  • Hi lipid solub, accum in adipose, Postanesth
  • Problems propylene glycol
  • CV collapse, irritates veins
  • Midazolam non-irrate, better U/T after IM
  • Short DOA no metabs
  • Cimetidine, erythromycin inh metab oversedxn
  • Lorazepam intmed-act, slow onset,
  • Best for anxiety, sedation
  • Triazolam anxiolytic, sed, amnesiac ORAL
  • Prolonged sleep latency
  • Flumazenil BZ ANTA rapidly reverse sed efx
  • Speed recovery of anesth

  • Ketamine (misc)
  • Deriv PCP (Angel dust)
  • Dissociative Pt catatonic, analgesic, amnesic
  • Eyes remain open
  • MOA
  • Blox NMDA Glut R
  • Mu agonist activty analgesia
  • Sigma/PCP Rs dysphoria
  • Active metab unconcx after single bolus
  • Analgesia 30-40 min
  • Disadvantages
  • Dilates cerebral vessels ??ICP
  • Release catechol ??HR, CO, BP good for shock
  • CONTRA CVA, hyper-T, IHD
  • Emergence phenom coming out of anesth
  • Disorientation, delirium, halluc control w IV
    diazepam b4 Ketamine
  • Incidence less in KIDSlt15 yrs, elderlygt65 yrs

  • Etomidate hypnotic indxn w rapid onset, short
  • Minimal CV, resp depress
  • Disadvantages
  • Hi NV, venous pain, thrombophlebitis, transiet
    myclonus, suppresses adrenocorticoid syn
  • Propofol Sed-hyp indxn, mx
  • Post-op nausea rare
  • Sefx pain on injectin, use large vein
  • 20-30 ?BP on indxn w/o reflex tachy
  • From ? periph resist, strong (-) ino efx, inh BRR
  • Apnea, SZs cxn epileptics
  • CXN soybean vehicle excellent med bact growth!

  • Opioid analgesics anal, sed, mood-alter, risk
    tolerance, depend, addict, ? MACs
  • Morphine less soluble, 15-20 min 4 peak
  • Pre-op sed, anal, allay anxiety, post-op anal
  • Resp depress, hist release, supresses cough
    reflex cxn asthma, resp dx
  • HIST vasodil, hypoTN w reflex tachy
  • Meperidine 1/10 as potent morphine
  • Shorter acting,
  • vagolytic properties dry scrxn, tachycard
  • hypoTN (-) ino, ? vasc resist, inh BRR tachy
  • Resp depress??ICP
  • Metab to NORMEPERIDINE CNS stimulant, convul
  • Accumulates prolonged admin, ? hep/renal fxn
  • Severe resp depress, halluc, SZs
  • Do not give with MAOI 5HT SX

  • More opioids
  • Fentanyl quick, more potent MORPH
  • Pre-op/Post-op anal, sole anesth sometimes
  • No HIST release
  • Fentanyl transderm patch chronic pain malig
    variable absorp TOX
  • Fentanyl transmucosal
  • Lozenge absorbed thru oral mucosa
  • Pre-op, conscious sedxn HOSP use monitor
  • Lozenge on a stick
  • Break-thru CA pain pts tolerant other opiods
  • Sufentanil mu R, 5x gt fen, anal, sole
  • Alfentanil less potent, shorter DOA
  • Endotracheal 1ary
  • Remifentanil Fen ester, t ½ 10-15 min, adjunct
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