Title: Agenda
- Quiz
- Announcements Lab Practical Next Week, Lab
Reports are due in 2 weeks - Plant Anatomy Lecture (stems and roots only)
- Plant Anatomy Lab (stems and roots only)
- Next week Lab Topic 19 (leaves), Lab Topic 20,
Practical 2
2Plants have 3 basic organs Roots Stems Leaves
Fig. 35.2 from Cambell and Reece
3- Plants Have 3 Basic Tissue Systems
- Dermal Tissue outer protective covering
- Vascular Tissue xylem and phloem, also has a
secondary role in support - 3) Ground Tissue makes up bulk of the plant,
diverse functions including photosynthesis,
storage, and support
Fig. 35.8
4Apical meristems regions of continuous cell
division, located at tips of roots and shoots,
give rise to the 3 primary meristems (protoderm,
procambium, and ground meristem)
Primary meristems accomplish primary growth
(length) Lateral meristems accomplish secondary
growth (width)
6- What organ (stem, root, leaf) am I looking
at? - Am I look at the external morphology or
the internal anatomy? - Can I identify all 3 tissue systems?
- Am I able to tell whether this is a
monocot or a dicot?
8Twig Diagram
9Types of Modified Stems
- Rhizome modified stem that grows laterally
below ground
10Types of Modified Stems
- Rhizome
- Stolon modified stem that grows laterally above
11Types of Modified Stems
- Rhizome
- Stolon
- Tuber swollen shoot tip of a rhizome
12Types of Modified Stems
- Rhizome
- Stolon
- Tuber
- Corm stem that is compressed laterally
13Types of Modified Stems
- Rhizome
- Stolon
- Tuber
- Corm
- Succulent Stem for storage
14The Apical Meristem
15Where do you find apical meristems? What do they
give rise to?
16Cross section of monocot and dicot stems.
17What is in a vascular bundle?
18How is the ground tissue different between a
monocot and dicot stem?
19Transverse, radial, and tangential sections.
20Secondary growth involves adding width to the
21 1) The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem
to its interior and secondary phloem to its
exterior. Secondary xylem is what we think of as
wood. Why is wood hard and strong?
22 How can you tell the difference between early
and late wood?
232) The cork cambium produces cork. The periderm
includes the cork and cork cambium. Bark
includes everything outside the vascular cambium.
What happens to the tree when you strip the bark?
242) The cork cambium produces cork. The periderm
includes the cork and cork cambium. Bark
includes everything outside the vascular cambium.
Cork cambium
Primary phloem
What happens to the tree when you strip the bark?
Secondary phloem
Vascular Cambium
Secondary xylem
Primary xylem
25What is the difference between heartwood and
27Tap roots vs. fibrous roots vs. adventitous roots
28Root Tip
29Cross Section of a Dicot Root
- Cortex occupies most of the volume. What
primary meristem is it from? What do you think
the main function of the cortex cells is?
30Cross Section of a Dicot Root
- Cortex occupies most of the volume. What
primary meristem is it from? What do you think
the main function of the cortex cells is? - The inermost layer of cells in the cortex is
called the endodermis.
31Cross Section of a Dicot Root
- Cortex occupies most of the volume. What
primary meristem is it from? What do you think
the main function of the cortex cells is? - The inermost layer of cells in the cortex is
called the endodermis. - The pericycle is the layer of cells just inside
the endodermis. The pericyle surrounds the
vascular cylinder (stele).
32Cross Section of a Dicot Root
- Cortex occupies most of the volume. What
primary meristem is it from? What do you think
the main function of the cortex cells is? - The inermost layer of cells in the cortex is
called the endodermis. - The pericycle is the layer of cells just inside
the endodermis. The pericyle surrounds the
vascular cylinder (stele). - Roots can get woody too. This happens similarly
to the development of wood in stems. The
vascular cambium secretes secondary xylem and
phloem. The cortex, endodermis, and epidermis
eventually get sloughed off.
33Cross Section of a Monocot Root
34How can you tell the difference between a monocot
and a dicot root?
35What is this?
- Twig
- Modified stems
- Slide of apical meristem
- Slides of monocot and dicot stems
- Wood cookies
- Slide of woody stem in primary growth and slide
of older woody stem - Types of roots
- Slide of root apical meristem
- Slides of monocot and dicot roots
37- What organ (stem, root, leaf) am I looking
at? - Am I look at the external morphology or
the internal anatomy? - Can I identify all 3 tissue systems?
- Am I able to tell whether this is a
monocot or a dicot and how?
- Lab Practical, Lab topic 19 (stems), Lab topic 20