Title: Plant Growth
1Plant Growth
- Perpetually embryonic tissues in regions of
growth - Types
- apical meristems primary growth
- lateral meristems secondary growth
3Figure 35.12 Locations of major meristems an
overview of plant growth
- Regions of active cell division
- Apical meristems at tips or apex of roots and
buds of shoots - for PRIMARY GROWTH
- Lateral meristems cylinders of dividing cells
extending along length of roots and shoots - for SECONDARY GROWTH
5Figure 35.13 Morphology of a winter twig
6Root Growth
- 3 zones
- Zone of cell division
- Zone of elongation
- Zone of maturation
7Figure 35.14 Primary growth of a root
8Primary tissues of roots page 732
- Epidermis -- dermal
- Cortex -- ground
- Stele -- vascular
- Endodermis -- ground
- Pericycle -- vascular
- Pith -- vascular
- Xylem -- vascular
- Phloem -- vascular
9Figure 35.15 Organization of primary tissues in
young roots
10Primary tissues of stems
- Epidermis -- dermal
- Cortex -- ground
- Vascular Bundle vascular
- sclerenchyma, phloem, xylem
- Pith -- ground
11Figure 35.18 Organization of primary tissues in
young stems
12Tissues of Leaves
- Cuticle
- Upper epidermis
- Palisade parenchyma
- Spongy parenchyma
- (contains veins xylem and phloem)
- Lower epidermis
- (contains guard cells)
- Cuticle
13Figure 35.19 Leaf anatomy
14Function of Guard Cells
Section 23-4
Guard cells
Guard cells
Inner cell wall
Inner cell wall
Stoma Open
Stoma Closed
15Secondary Growth
- Laterial meristems add girth in stems and roots
- Produces secondary vascular tissue and periderm
- Vascular cambium see page 735
- Cork cambium see pages 736-737
16Figure 35.21 Secondary growth of a stem (Layer 1)
17Figure 35.21 Secondary growth of a stem (Layer 2)
18Figure 35.21 Secondary growth of a stem (Layer 3)
19Figure 35.22 Anatomy of a three-year-old stem
20Figure 35.23 Anatomy of a tree trunk
21Figure 35.24 A summary of primary and secondary
growth in a woody stem
- Pollination ? fertilization?
- growth ? morphogenesis ? differentiation
- (these last 3 produce the plant body)
23Figure 35.26 The plane and symmetry of cell
division influence development of form
24Figure 35.27 The preprophase band and the plane
of cell division
25Figure 35.28 The orientation of plant cell
26Figure 35.29 A hypothetical mechanism for how
microtubules orient cellulose microfibrils
27Positional Information and growth
- Signals of some kind that indicate each cells
location withing an embryonic structure - Ex. Polarity
- Ex. Cellular differentiation
- Ex. Phase changes
28Figure 35.35 Organ identity genes and pattern
formation in flower development
29Figure 35.36 The ABC hypothesis for the
functioning of organ identity genes in flower