Lesson%202%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Customize the look and feel of a form. Create forms that react to user ... If you place an apostrophe ( ', also called a single quote) at the beginning of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson%202%20

Lesson 2 Forms and Decisions
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Introduction to

  • Customize the look and feel of a form.
  • Create forms that react to user events like
    clicking a button and pressing a key.
  • Learn to use the OpenFileDialog box.
  • Understand and use the various data types.
  • Use variables and pass information from one part
    of the project to another.

  • Use the If statement in program code to make
  • Use logical expressions and relational operators.
  • Use GroupBoxes to arrange RadioButtons on a form.
  • Use the TabIndex property to control the order in
    which controls receive focus.
  • Import graphics to a form.

  • Accelerator key
  • Assignment statement
  • Boundary condition
  • CInt() function
  • Class level
  • Concatenation operator
  • Condition
  • Constant
  • Data type
  • Dialog box
  • End statement
  • File filter
  • If statement
  • InputBox function
  • IntelliSense
  • InterCap
  • Keywords
  • Loads

  • Pixels
  • Program flow
  • Relational operators
  • Run-time error
  • Scope
  • Strings
  • Syntax
  • TabIndex property
  • Unicode
  • Variable

Questions a Programmer Should Ask
  • What is the best way to present the application?
  • What are the needs of the users? (What do they
    need to see to do their job?)
  • How are the users accustomed to seeing the
  • What colors or objects will help them best
    utilize the application?

The Programming Code
  • Start program
  • Declare the variables you will use to make
  • Initialize values
  • Get the data
  • Process the data
  • Show or save the information
  • End program

  • Note the indentation of the code in the code
    block. Indentation is used to make programming
    code easier for you to read. It has no
    significance to how Visual Basic reads it,
    although many languages now automatically indent
    code as you enter it. As you go forward with this
    text, pay attention to the indentation used in
    the Step-by-Step exercises.

View Code Button in the Solution Explorer Window
  • Visual Basic makes code easy to follow by
    color-coding various parts of the code. This
    helps visually organize the code and makes
    debugging easier.

Default Anchoring
  • If you want to enter code for a different
    object, use the Class Name and Method Name list
    boxes at the top of the Code window to open the
    objects Code window.

  • The keyword Public means that the method has no
    access restrictions within this form. The Sub
    keyword is an abbreviation for the word
    subprocedure (block of code). Sub is followed by
    the name of the control, for example, cmdExit, an
    underscore (_), the name of the current event,
    for example, Click, and parentheses.

Creating Simple Forms
  • Start a Visual Basic Windows Application, which
    creates a new Windows form.
  • Change the form properties (like the Text
    property) as needed.
  • Add controls such as text boxes, labels, and
  • Change the properties of the controls to convey
    information to the user.
  • Add code to the objects methods (event

  • Visual Studio programmers use pixels when
    describing size and location information. Pixel
    stands for picture element. Together your monitor
    and the graphics card installed on your computer
    determine the number of pixels on your screen.
    Typical screen resolutions are 640 by 480 and 800
    by 600. The numbers refer to the number of
    columns of pixels by the number of rows of
    pixels. The more columns and rows, the higher the
    resolution of the picture. Higher resolution
    gives more detail in a smaller area.

Historically Speaking
  • In the late 1950s and early 1960s, computer
    scientists developed ways to write programs that
    would interpret specialized programming languages
    into machine language. These programs are known
    as compilers. Before compilers, programs were
    either hard-wired into the machine or the machine
    was programmed directly with machine language.
    With the advent of compilers, programming
    languages were developed that were far easier for
    humans to understand.

Some Things to Consider
  • What other forms will be open when this form
  • Will the user be able to use the other forms?
  • Would it be more convenient to allow the user to
    see the other forms?
  • Should the user's attention be focused solely on
    one form?

  • You can select multiple controls on the form in
    Design mode by holding down the Ctrl key as you
    click each control. Then you can reposition all
    the controls at the same time. You may also
    select multiple controls on the form by selecting
    the Pointer tool in the Toolbox and clicking and
    dragging a box around the controls. A
    Step-by-Step exercise later in this lesson
    explores this technique.

Assignment Statements
  • Many properties are also set by program code
    while the program is running. To set an objects
    property value while code is running, use an
    assignment statement. The assignment statement as
    it applies to objects and their properties has
    the following syntax
  • object.Property Value

  • One of the most important things programmers can
    do is document their code. Internal documentation
    is the easiest way of accomplishing this.
    Internal documentation is called commenting. If
    you place an apostrophe ( ', also called a single
    quote) at the beginning of a line, Visual Basic
    ignores the whole line and you can use it as a
    comment. As mentioned earlier, Visual Basic
    color-codes the code. It displays comments in

Windows Form Designer-Generated Code
  • It appears in a neutral color with a plus symbol
    to the left. Click the plus symbol to expand the
    entry if it is not already expanded. Once
    expanded, you see code automatically generated as
    you add controls to the form and set the
    controls properties. This code should not be
    altered in the Code Editor. It should only be
    altered by adding new controls to the form and by
    changing properties values in the Properties

  • OpenFileDialog1.DefaultExt "txt"
  • OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory "c\My
  • OpenFileDialog1.Filter "Text files .txt"
  • OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()

  • As you enter a statement, a pop-up window
    appears with information about the statements
    syntax. This very useful feature is called
    IntelliSense. IntelliSense will complete words
    for you or just describe the structure of the
    statement and the options available to complete
    the statement.

The Open Dialog Box
Did You Know?
  • FORTRAN and COBOL were two of the first
    high-level or third-generation languages created.
    FORTRAN was created for use by engineers and
    scientists. COBOL was created for the business
    world. Updated versions of both of these
    languages are still in use today.

The RadioButtonCheckBox Form
Computer Ethics
  • Unauthorized copying of software is stealing. It
    is illegal in many countries, and people and
    corporations have been prosecuted for
    "bootlegging" software.
  • Microsoft regularly shuts down illegal auctions
    on Ebay.

  • A variable is a temporary storage location for
    data used in your application. Each variable has
    a name and a data type. The data type of a
    variable determines what kind of value it
    represents. The value of each variable, as the
    name implies, varies depending on different
    situations. For example, you can assign user
    input from a text box to a variable and use it to
    do calculations. Using variables like this also
    makes your code more efficient because data
    stored as a variable can be processed many times
    faster than data stored in the property of an

  • The value of a constant remains the same.
    Constants are useful if you have a value that is
    used over and over or if the code contains a
    number that is difficult to remember, such as the
    value of pi. The use of constants makes it easier
    to read the code and also maintain the code.

  • When showing the syntax of a statement, items in
    the square brackets are optional. Items in
    italics stand for things that must be replaced
    with specific instances of the item. Words not in
    italics and not in square brackets are required
    parts of the statement. Often, in syntax
    statements, two-word descriptions, like data
    type, are combined to form a single word
    datatype. The IntelliSense help statements that
    appear in the Code Editor use this style to
    illustrate the syntax of statements.

Integer Data Type
  • 4 bytes
  • -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

Double Data Type
  • double-precision floating-point
  • 8 bytes
  • -1.79769313486231E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324
    for negative values
  • 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for
    positive values

Naming Variables and Constants
  • Typically, you should select a name that is
    meaningful but not too long. It is helpful if you
    start the variable name with a three-letter
    prefix that identifies the data type for
    example, str for String data type and int for
    Integer data type. You cannot include spaces in
    the names of your variables or constants.
    Capitalize the first letter of each word in the
    variable name. This naming convention is called
    the InterCap method of naming variables and

Building Programming Skills
  • Before you write the code, it is helpful to
    write on paper what it is you want your
    application to accomplish. First, write English
    sentences that describe the process of solving
    the problem. Then, change the sentences into
    short statements that use some of the commands
    you will be using, but do not worry about syntax.

Step-by-Step 2.5, Step 6
  • Dim strUserName As String
  • strUserName InputBox("Please enter your
    full name.")
  • Dim intAge As Integer 21
  • Dim sglGPA As Single 3.65
  • Dim CrLf As String Chr(13) Chr(10)
  • lblGreeting.text "Welcome " strUserName "."
  • CrLf "Your age " intAge _
  • CrLf "Your GPA " sglGPA

Gathering User Information Form
Concatenation Operator
  • This operator joins strings together end to end.

Underscore Character
  • The underscore character is the statement
    continuation character. There is no strict limit
    to the length of a line of code, but it is hard
    to read lines that extend beyond the edge of the
    screen. The solution to the problem is to break
    long lines of code into shorter lines without
    ending the statement. The underscore character at
    the end of a line indicates that the statement is
    continued on the next line. To use the underscore
    character, it must be the last character in the
    line and there must be a space before the

The Scope of Variables and Constants
  • The scope of variables and constants describes
    the lifetime of a variable and indicates what
    parts of the program are aware of each variable
    or constant.

  • There are many sites on the Internet that offer
    free and inexpensive controls that you can add to
    your Visual Basic applications. Before creating
    your own controls, you may want to see what is
    already available. There is no sense in
    reinventing the wheel.

Making Decisions
  • If condition Then
  • Statements if condition is True
  • Else
  • Statements if condition is False
  • End If
  • If condition Then
  • Statements if condition is True
  • End If

Step-By-Step 2.6
  • Const AgeLimit As Integer 12
  • Dim Age As Integer
  • Age CInt(InputBox("Enter your age"))
  • If Age lt AgeLimit Then
  • MessageBox.Show("Your age is under the
  • Else
  • MessageBox.Show("You are too old.")
  • End If

  • You may want to add the Debug toolbar to your
    normal toolbar display. Among many other buttons,
    the Debug toolbar has two buttons to run a
    program a triangle icon to start the program
    with the Debugger and an exclamation point icon
    that starts the program without the debugger. The
    square icon on the Debug toolbar stops program
    execution. To add the Debug toolbar, right-click
    the toolbar area and click Debug.

  • Using an equal sign as a relational operator is
    not the same as using the equal sign as the
    assignment operator. Used as the assignment
    operator, the value of the expression to the
    right of the equal sign is evaluated and assigned
    to the variable to the left of the equal sign.

Group Boxes
  • Use group boxes to organize controls on a form.
    A group box visually separates groups of related
    text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, labels,
    and buttons. Radio buttons have a special
    relationship to group boxes (formerly called
    frames) because only one radio button of a list
    of radio buttons contained in a group box can be
    selected. Independent groups of radio buttons are
    contained in separate group boxes.

Text Boxes
  • One important way for the user to enter data is
    the text box. A text box appears on the form as a
    rectangle. The user enters data into the text box
    with the keyboard using all the editing tools
    familiar to anyone who works with Microsoft
    Windows programs.

  • While double-clicking a control to add it to a
    form, it is possible to add an unintended extra
    copy of the control. To remove a control from a
    form, select it by clicking anywhere within the
    control's boundary and press the Delete key.

The Annual Depreciation Form Showing Placement of
The AutoSize Property
  • The AutoSize property of the Label control can
    be set by selecting its current value in the
    Properties window and entering a new value with
    the keyboard. Double-clicking the name of a
    property sometimes toggles the value of the
    property between different possible values. In
    this case, the value toggles between the two
    possible values of the AutoSize property True
    and False.

TabIndex Property
  • When the program is run, the control with the
    TabIndex property of 0 starts with the focus.
    When the user presses the Tab key, focus shifts
    to the control whose TabIndex property is next in
    the sequence. The value of the TabIndex property
    for each control is set automatically while
    controls are created. Altering the TabIndex
    property during the design process lets the
    programmer control the order in which controls
    receive focus.

Step-by-Step 2.7
  • Dim PurchasePrice As Decimal
  • Dim SalvageValue As Decimal
  • Dim Years As Integer
  • Dim Depreciation As Decimal
  • If rdbPriceOne.Checked True Then
  • PurchasePrice 2500
  • End If

Step-by-Step 2.7
  • If rdbPriceTwo.Checked True Then
  • PurchasePrice 4500
  • End If
  • If rdbSalvageOne.Checked True Then
  • SalvageValue 200
  • Else
  • SalvageValue 400
  • End If
  • Years CInt(txtYears.Text)
  • Depreciation (PurchasePrice - SalvageValue) /
  • lblDepreciation.Text Depreciation.ToString()

TextBox Controls Clear Method
  • To clear the contents of the text box, use the
    TextBoxs Clear method. This built-in method
    clears the contents of the Text property of the
    TextBox control, preparing the text box for more
    data entered by the user. A typical statement to
    clear a text box is txtYears.Clear(). Such a
    statement is usually called from a button on the

  • Objects such as labels and text boxes are added
    to a form to give instructions or information to
    the user or to retrieve information from the
  • The Property window allows you to change an
    object's property settings. The color, text, font
    type and size, and object size as well as an
    objects behavior are changed with Property
    settings. Properties of objects can also be
    changed at run time with program code.
  • Many properties use True or False settings to
    determine their status at run time. These
    settings can also be altered later with program
  • Program code is what actually gives instructions
    to the computer to perform calculations, move
    objects, change properties, and print reports. In
    Visual Basic, program code is typically
    associated with an object and is triggered by
    user events.

  • The size and location of forms is set by the
    programmer. Pixels are the common unit of
    measurement used. A pixel, or picture element, is
    the smallest color dot supported by the system.
    The Size property of an object is set by the
    Height and Width subproperties of the object,
    while the Location property is set by the X and Y
  • Variables and constants must be declared before
    using them. A local variable is declared by using
    the Dim statement. Declare constants by using the
    Const statement.
  • Variables and constants have set lifetimes or
    scope. The scope is determined by where the
    variable or constant is declared. The scope of a
    variable is its lifetime and visibility.

  • Internal documentation is used in the program
    code to explain why something was done. Internal
    documentation is important for both the original
    programmer and the person who may have to make
    alterations to the program later.
  • Assignment statements are program code used to
    assign values to variables or properties of
    objects while the program is running.
  • A class is a template used to create an object.
    Everything in Visual Basic is created from a
  • The OpenFileDialog control is a temporary dialog
    box used to get a filename from the user. Once
    collected, the filename can be used to open the

  • Radio buttons allow the user to select from a
    list of options. Only one radio button in a group
    may be selected. Read the status of a RadioButton
    control by accessing its Checked property.
  • Check boxes allow the user to select multiple
    items from a list of options. Read the status of
    a CheckBox control by accessing its Checked
  • The Dim (Dimension) statement declares a
    variable. Declaring a variable reserves space in
    memory for the value of the variable and
    associates a name and a data type with the
  • Variables are objects and, once declared, many
    methods are available to manipulate the value of
    the variable.

  • Use the InterCap method to name variables and
  • The If statement is used to control program flow.
    Statements are executed (or not) based on the
    evaluation of a condition.
  • Group boxes are used to group controls like radio
    buttons together.
  • Text boxes are used to collect input from the
    user. The text box is a fixed part of a form,
    while the InputBox function shows a temporary
    dialog box to collect input from the user.
  • A number of objects, including forms, buttons,
    and picture boxes, can display graphics.
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