Title: Applications of the VisViva equation
1Applications of the Vis-Viva equation
2Orbital Velocity
3Gravitational Potential Energy
4Kinetic Energy
5Total Mechanical Energy of the Satellite
6Specific Energy and Keplers Third law
7Total Specific Energy
Evaluate Sum of Potential and Kinetic Energy
at Apogee and Perigee
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9Specific energy contd
12 Keplers First Law
13 Keplers Second Law
14 Keplers Third Law
15 The Velocity Vector
16 And Finally the energy equation
17Vis-Viva equation for the Conic sections
18Spacecraft Angular Momentum Related to Planetary
Mass and Shape of the Orbit
19Relationship For Angular Velocity Of Orbit
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21Applications of the Vis-VivaEquation . Escape
22Minimum Escape Velocity
23Applications of the Vis Viva Equation
26 Parabolic Escape trajectory
27 Parabolic
Look at DV ratio for Escape _at_ Apogee/Perigee
Starship Enterprise orbits Planet Tralfamador
in an elliptical Orbit with semi-major
axis A0.02 Au (astronomical units) And
semi-minor axis, b 0. 01 Au
30Homeworkelliptical orbits 2
31Homeworkelliptical orbits 2
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