The Political Economy of Financial Sector Reform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Political Economy of Financial Sector Reform


Autocracy is stable, so long as:- Personal gain Personal Cost. Social gain Social Cost ... the absence of the commonplace conditions that generate autocracy. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Political Economy of Financial Sector Reform

Tsinghua University Course on Financial
RegulationLecture 1/08
  • The Political Economy of Financial Sector Reform
  • Andrew Sheng
  • Adjunct Professor,
  • Graduate School of Economics and Management
  • 12 March 2009

Lecture Series
  • Lecture 1 The Political Economy of Financial
    Sector Reform (2009)
  • Lecture 2 The Global Financial Meltdown (2009)
  • Lecture 3 Theory and Practice of Governance
  • Lecture 4 Leadership in Regulatory Environment
  • Lecture 5 Money, Property Rights and Markets
  • Lecture 6 Practice of Financial Regulation
  • Lecture 7 A Property Rights Framework (2007)
  • Lecture 8 Practice of Bank Supervision (2006)
  • Lecture 9 Asian and International Financial
    Markets (2006)
  • Lecture 10 The Regulation of Listed Companies

  • Financial System is an Institutional Arrangement
    to protect property rights, reduce transaction
    costs and improve social welfare, including
    through transparency
  • According to Nobel Laureate Douglass North,
    economic development is a process of change.
  • How do we achieve financial system reform?
  • Objectives of Financial Sector Reform
  • The Strategy and Execution of Reforms
  • Chinese and International Experience
  • Using Mancur Olson Power and Prosperity to

Mancur Olson Key Questions
  • What is it that makes some market economies rich
    whereas others are poor?
  • What policies and institutions does a country
    need to change from a low-level market economy to
    a rich market economy?
  • Why was economic performance so much better,
    especially in relation to expectations, after the
    defeat of fascism than after the collapse of
  • Why do the formerly communist countries suffer so
    much from official corruption and organized crime?

What is a property right?
  • Property right
  • There is a property right when it is possible for
    someone to decide, without any significant threat
    of interference from others, on a particular use
    of an asset or resource (including services,
    physical yields, environmental phenomena,
    intellectual achievements, etc.).
  • Contracts and rights of transfer
  • Contract means all kinds of voluntary agreements
    between two or more persons to exchange property
    rights, or property rights for a payment
  • Rights of transfer are second-level rights that
    concern what the person can do to with his
    property rights. Rights of transfer exist
    automatically unless deliberately abolished or
    restricted by law or custom.

Property rights are defined legally and enforced
by regulators/market forces
  • Property right
  • Property rights are normally defined legally by
    law or by contract between various parties.
  • Property rights normally comprise both rights
    (claims) as well as obligations (liabilities,
    either defined or undefined).
  • Contracts and rights of transfer
  • The rights to contracts are either enforced by
    agreement, or enforced by law. There are costs
    to defining a contract (eg legal costs and stamp
    duty) as well as enforcement costs.
  • Although rights of transfer exist, they are
    subject either to contract, law or taxation in
    order to protect such rights of transfers.

The Reciprocity Theorem
  • If A holds certain property rights and doing so
    is to the detriment of B, then if the holding is
    transferred to B, Bs holding is to the detriment
    of A
  • Example
  • Pollution
  • Implications
  • Changes and fine-tuning of property rights are
    likely to involve redistribution of benefits and
    costs, which may not be so obvious when the
    changes are first considered but it is the root
    of resistance to changes

Transaction costs(associated with contracts)
  • Transaction costs are the costs of search,
    information, bargaining, decision, policing and
    enforcement associated with contracts
  • More specifically, transaction costs comprise the
    costs parties to a contract incur in order to
    find each other, exchange information, delineate
    the property rights to be transferred, draw up
    the conditions of the contract, signal
    preparedness to fulfil their obligations, monitor
    each others performance and otherwise see to it
    that obligations are fulfilled
  • Transaction costs will include taxes and are
    sometime used for all kinds of man-made costs in
    organizing interactions among people

The Coase theorem
  • If, in a two-party framework, a property right is
    well defined and the holding clear, and if there
    are no transaction costs and no wealth effects,
    then the right will end up with the party able to
    achieve the highest net wealth, regardless of
    whether it is the initial holder or someone who
    buys it from the initial holder. It follows that
    the use of the assets to which the property right
    pertains will be the same, irrespective of the
    initial holding
  • If transaction costs prevent or seriously impede
    a transfer by contract, who the initial holder is
    matters for the way a property right will be used
    and for the wealth achieved.

Information, risks and the firm
  • The existence of transactions costs leads to the
    emergence of the firm. Coase
  • Economic organization, including the firm, must
    reflect the fact that knowledge is costly to
    produce, maintain and useStigler
  • In a condition of uncertainty, the entrepreneur
    is one who takes residual risks and the firm is
    an institution for risk sharingFrank Knight

Types of interaction costs
  • Transaction costs
  • in a contract
  • Administration costs
  • in non-contractual interactions such as within a
    firm, in a political process, in the government
  • Legal costs
  • in running a legal system and in litigation
  • Costs of delineating and protecting property
  • in activities that are apart from a contract or a
    legal procedure such in establishing and running
    political process, government, regulation, etc.
  • Costs of care
  • in avoiding being exposed to legal sanctions when
    hurting others or in avoiding being hurt by other
    peoples acts

The basic role of institutions
  • The role of market institutions, such as firms,
    markets, judiciary, regulators, police, etc are
  • Facilitate wealth creation while minimizing
    transactions costs
  • Establish, protect, fine-tune, and enforce
    property rights and their exchange with least
    interaction costs
  • Encourage entrepreneurial, socially beneficial,
    and innovative risk-taking while deterring
    socially costly stealing, rent-seeking, and
  • Specialisation of institutions
  • Institutions interact or work through processes,
    which incur costs
  • Different institutions have different knowledge

Law relating to property rights
  • Property rights and restrictions on rights of
    transfer are defined largely by three kinds of
  • Judge-made law precedent or constitutional law
    which tend to protect property rights of
    individuals and tend to be efficiency-promoting.
  • Policy-based or legislative-based law, which aim
    to promote distributional objectives, which are
    not necessarily efficiency-promoting
  • Administrative law, in which bureaucrats
    determine how property rights are affected.

Kenneth ArrowsImpossibility Theorem
  • Decisions emerging from voting and other
    political processes cannot be regarded as firmly
    and indisputably derived from the preferences of
    the voters.
  • In particular, the decisions are sensitive to
    strategic behaviour and hence in a sense
  • In conditions of uncertainty, sometimes arbitrary
    choices and judgements have to be made
  • You can democratically allocate gains, but
    cannot democratically allocate losses.

Power and Prosperity- Mancur Olson
  • Chap.1 The Logic of Power
  • Chap.2 Time, Taking, and Individual Rights
  • Chap.3 Coasian Bargains, Transactions Costs,
    and Anarchy
  • Chap.4 Rational Individuals and Irrational
  • Chap.5 Governance and Economic Growth
  • Chap.6 The Sources of Law Enforcement and
  • Chap.7 The Theory of Soviet-Type Autocracies
  • Chap.8 The Evolution of communism and Its
  • Chap.9 Implications for the Transition
  • Chap.10 The Kinds of Markets Needed for

Chap.1 The Logic of Power
  • Narrow interests vs. Encompassing interest (????)
  • How does power generate property rights
  • Example of the Stationary Bandit
  • If the Bandit maximizes public output but steals
    enough to maximize his own takings Robin Hood
  • Bandit has incentive to have Rules amongst
    Thieves to prevent disorder and fights amongst
  • Social Organization.

The Other Invisible Hand
  • guides encompassing interests to use their
    power, in accord with the social interest, even
    when serving the public good was not part of the
    intention. p.13
  • An Autocrat (stationary bandit) will protect his
    territory and maximize social welfare because it
    is in his personal interest to do so
  • Princely (Government) Consumption helps stimulate
    social income, but so long as social
    revenuegtsocial costs

Chapter 1 The Logic of Power
  • Whenever there is a Superencompassing interest,
    the second invisible hand works with
    Pareto-efficiency, and even those with a capacity
    to take whatever they please, take nothing P.20
  • Autocracy is stable, so long as-
  • Personal gaingtPersonal Cost
  • Social gaingtSocial Cost
  • Risk of New Leader gt Net Social Cost of Status Quo

2 Time, Taking, and Individual Rights
  • a long-term view
  • - An economy will generate its maximum income
    only if there is a high rate of investment and
    that much of the return on long-term investment
    is received long after. ..p25
  • - To reach the maximum income, a society must
    Impartially enforce contracts and need a stable
    currency p25
  • When and how do autocracies become replaced by
    other systems of government?

The Autonomous Emergence of Democracy or
Representative Government
  • Three necessary conditions
  • - the absence of the commonplace conditions
    that generate autocracy.
  • - rough balance of power in society that
    does not allow autocracies to form Magna Carta
  • - the area in which democratic arrangements
    are emerging is spared conquest by neighboring
    regimes, whether because of geographical
    barriers, city walls, or other lucky

Representative Governments Institute Property and
Contract Rights
  • When a peaceful order has been established,
    social good is best served by production and
    mutually advantageous trade
  • Markets basically are representative, since
    buyers and sellers are voting on what is accepted
    by society or rejected in daily trade..
  • Mechanisms for defining and protecting property
    rights, enforcing contracts, and resolving
    disputes are in the common interest - this
    requires third-party enforcement, hence a court
    system. p35

Lasting Representative Government Implies
Lasting Property and Contract Rights
  • Experience has shown that the longer lasting the
    government, the more secure the property and
    contract rights
  • Therefore, the issue is back to Principal-Agent
    Problem How to align interests of the people
    with the bureaucrats or policy makers?

3 Coaseian Bargains, Transactions Costs, and
  • The reason why we need government is to deal with
    market failure, e.g. defence, pollution, property
    disputes, externality.
  • Can Coasian bargains deal with market failure?
  • Bad things often happen, even to rational people?
  • Therefore, the difference between rich and poor
    states is not due to natural resources, but the
    quality of governance

The Dark Side of the Force .p.60
  • Thomas Schelling it is easier to destroy than to
  • If private gains are higher than social costs,
    then coercion, fraud, theft and social disorder
    will arise
  • Governments are inherently compulsory and
    necessary to enforce and protect property rights
  • Government Is Needed for Contract Compliance, but
    must be supported by taxation, otherwise
    corruption and abuse of power comes in
  • Therefore, Government power to regulate and
    implement laws and policies must also be subject
    to checks and balances

4 Rational Individuals and Irrational Societies
  • Small group can engage in collective action, but
    Voluntary collective action must fail in large
    groups because of incentive structure.
  • E.g. Typical individual gets only a miniscule
    share of benefit from collective action, then no
    incentive to act in group interest. P77.
    Chinese Large Number Divide and Multiply
  • The difficulties of collective action
  • if a group is sufficiently large, its
    members will not have any incentive to engage in
    the costly bargaining and strategic interaction,
    instead, they try to be in a coalition of free
    rider obtaining the largest gains. p87
  • Two circumstances can overcome the difficulties
  • - when the numbers in the group are few,
  • - availability of selective incentives.

4 Rational Individuals and Irrational Societies
  • Small Groups Often Succeed in Voluntary
    Collective Action
  • -normally, when the number of potential
    beneficiaries of a collective good is small, the
    interests of each are significantly affected by
    the contributions or non-contributions of the
    others. p73
  • - Premises communication enforcement of
  • The voluntary, unsubsidized provision of anything
    never reach a collectively rational level. p79
  • Why Voluntary Collective Action Must Fail in
    Large Groups--- the individual share of benefit
    is minuscule
  • An incentive to be a free-rider

Selective Incentives and Collective Action
  • Even When There Are No Transactions Costs
  • - A Game Without a Core(????????) situations
    where some individuals are better off in a
    subgroup than in a coalition of the whole, even
    when total gains are greatest from a coalition of
    the whole. P84
  • - in large group collective action problems,
    rational individual behavior implies that
    individuals will try to cut themselves out of
    Coaseian bargains and thereby often prevent the
    Coaseian bargains from occurring, even when
    transactions costs are zero.
  • Selective Incentives help overcome the problems
    of collective action ? Reformer must bribe
    select groups vested interests to prevent
    blocking action.

5 Governance and Economic Growth
  • Usually some complementarity between the activity
    that can provide a collective good and that which
    produces income must be found or exploited
    lobbying power must be used in part to get
    favorable governmental treatment of the business
    activity. P97
  • How do we ensure that representative government
    are controlled and not captive to vested
    interests or lobby groups?
  • How can we push through short-term unpopular
    policies to some parties that are vital for
    long-term social stability or economic

5 Governance and Economic Growth
  • Rational Ignorance of Individual
  • As society becomes more complicated, most
    individuals do not understand complex policies
    and decisions that affect their daily lives.
  • It takes a long time for a society to accumulate
    many organizations for collective action, and
    that industry-specific, occupation-specific, and
    other narrow organizations for collective action
    are most harmful to economic efficiency and
    dynamism. p98
  • Strong, secure, and relatively well-advised
    autocrats can perform impressive economic growth
  • Question is how to have representative government
    without the costs of lobbying and inaction.

6 The Sources of Law Enforcement and Corruption
  • Governments with decent institutions and policies
    can maintain sufficient law and order for
    economic progress at relatively low costs because
    of the self-interest of private parties.
  • The encompassing majorities have an incentive to
    choose good economic policies and institutions so
    as to obtain a reasonable degree of law and order
    at modest costs.

Corruption comes from bad laws and incentives
  • Legislation or regulation that is market
    contrary(??????) must leave all or almost all
    parties with the incentive to evade the law, and
    it is likely to promote criminality and
    corruption in government. p107
  • - thus, one reason why many societies have a
    lot of corruption in government is that they
    prescribe outcomes that all or almost all private
    sector has an incentive to avoid, and no one in
    the private sector has an incentive to report
    violations to the authorities.

7 The Theory of Soviet-Type Autocracies
  • Soviet-type nationalization enabled regime to
  • Expropriate essentially all of the national stock
    of tangible capital, land, and other natural
    resources, thereby adding the yield of all of
    these assets to tax collections.
  • Avoid the collapse of investment by directly
    controlling the level of consumption and
    investment, getting a high rate of saving and
  • Raise taxes on labor income far above
    revenue-maximizing rates by tax-price
  • Reduce the ratio of marginal to average tax

How Corruption and Soft-Budget Constraint
Destroyed Soviet System
  • Corruption is equivalent to high rates of
    implicit tax collections that add to transaction
    costs and cause great interference with markets.
  • Wealth concentration goes to minority and
    therefore all those subject to high corruption
    tax has an incentive to collude either to
    maximize private gain at social cost or to evade
    tax altogether.
  • Soft budget constraint on SOEs resulted in huge
    losses, so that State had no tax resources except
    through inflation
  • Ultimate, government has no resources to finance
    legitimate functions of state, since corruption
    is tax leakage

Conflicts between narrow interest and social
  • Each of the vested interests has narrow
    self-interests little or no incentive to
    maintain social productivity because they obtain
    very little of the society output.
  • Therefore, social productivity cannot increase
    or may even decline, so that there is less and
    less to share. Vested interests may increase
    their taxation, so that productivity declines
    further and social stability collapses.

9 Implications for the Transition to Market
  • Transition works well when incentives are changed
    to broaden public encompassing interests e.g.
    TVE, rural household contracting system,
    commercialization of state-owned industry.
  • Dangers of slow transition - high inflation,
    Privitization of SOEs, nomenklatura block reforms
    that expose their collusive gains from no

10 The Kinds of Markets Needed for Prosperity
  • Only two general conditions are required for a
    market economy that generates economic success
  • 1) secure and well-defined individual rights.
  • 2) the absence of predation of any kind.
  • To realize all the gains from trade, there has to
    be a legal system and political order that
    enforces contracts, protects property rights,
    carries out mortgage agreements, provides for
    limited liability corporations, and facilitates a
    lasting and widely used capital market that makes
    the investments and loans more liquid than they
    would otherwise be. P185

Contribution of Olson Analysis
  • Uses Economic Analysis for Political Economy
  • Realizes that rational game is being played
    between different interest groups in economy
  • Questions whether Coasian bargains can be reached
  • Reforms require sacrifice resources for
    bargaining and good timing, especially outcomes
    that reward reforms

Why many reforms fail
  • Lack of clear reform objectives
  • Under-estimation of Vested Interests that oppose
  • Lack of resources to implement or deliver reform
  • Absence of External Threat or Crisis that force
    public to questions whether there is need for
  • Inability to reach Social Bargains by trade-offs
    or pay-offs
  • Inability to communicate and deliver on Reform
    objectives, benefits and necessities
  • Require sacrifices and good timing, especially
    outcomes that reinforce reforms

Building Market Economy means building a Robust
Property Rights Infrastructure (PRI)
  • 1. Delineation of property rights
  • Property rights need to be clearly defined and
    legally protected
  • 2. Enforcement of property rights
  • Property rights need to be protected and enforced
    efficiently, fairly, and predictably through
    independent judiciary and regulatory systems
  • 3. Culture in respecting law, property rights and
  • Credit culture means respect of law, property
    rights and contracts, and they are rewarded for
    doing so
  • 4. Reform market institutions that protect rights
  • The accounting, regulatory, judiciary and
    property registration (eg land and equity
    registration systems) need to brought up to
    international standards in order for markets to
    perform efficiently, fairly and transparently

Efficient Markets Have Robust PRI Institutions
  • Central Registry of property right e.g. land
    registry, share registry
  • Trading Engine e.g. stock exchange
  • Clearing, settlement and payment infrastructure
    clearing house and payment system
  • Regulated intermediaries
  • Clear Rules of Game norms, standards, codes,
    regulations, law
  • Enforcement infrastructure enforcement costs
    cannot exceed benefits to market
  • Independent and transparent judiciary to
    adjudicate property disputes
  • ? Effective judiciary, enforcers police,
    regulators, enforcement agencies, accounting,
    legal and financial intermediaries are all part
    of PRI

Free Markets Systems are prone to Financial Crises
  • If Soviet type systems are subject to collapse,
    market systems are also subject to financial
  • Governments in free market economy use monetary
    policy, fiscal policy and regulation to mitigate
    business cycles
  • However, free market philosophy which stressed
    minimal government and minimal regulation gave
    rise to excess greed, financial bubbles and
    eventual collapse, including deflation in real

2009 Geneva Report the regulatory system stands
accused of
  • Failed to mitigate the recent cycle in leverage,
    credit expansion and housing prices.
  • Nothing was done to tighten regulations (e.g. on
    capital, liquidity or remuneration) in the
    upswing, nor to relax the pro-cyclical
    implications of the accounting/regulatory
    framework in the downturn.
  • Provided little or no check, nor barrier, to the
    decisions taken by banks, and other financial
    operators, in their pursuit of (short-term)
    profit maximisation.
  • It was not adapted to changes in the underlying
    vulnerabilities in the system as a whole, and
    allowed financial engineering to avoid its
    impact, e.g. SIVs and other methods of
    deconsolidating risks.

Geneva Report Objectives of Regulation
  • 1. to constrain the use of monopoly power and the
    prevention of serious distortions to competition
    and the maintenance of market integrity
  • 2. to protect the essential needs of ordinary
    people in cases where information is hard or
    costly to obtain, and mistakes could devastate
    welfare and
  • 3. where there are sufficient externalities that
    the social, and overall, costs of market failure
    exceed both the private costs of failure and the
    extra costs of regulation.
  • What Lessons can we draw from Current Financial

Process to Manage Reform
  • Asia has implemented many reforms, but outcomes
    may not always be on target.
  • Reform fatigue could have set in resulting in no
    follow through to ensure successful
  • Law of unintended consequences may frustrate
    reform efforts and generate reform resistance.
  • Reform is a process, but we need a process to
    manage the reform process so that it stays the
    course and departures from path can be put back
    on track through set procedures.
  • Reform needs ownership of the need for change.
  • Process to manage change is an important area
    that deserves more attention by policy makers.

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