Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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finite automorphism of A can be extended to an. automorphism. ... 6. Study derivative structures, e.g. automatic automorphism groups, of automatic structures. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plan

  • Lecture 3
  • 1. Fraisse Limits and Their Automaticity
  • a. Random Graphs.
  • b. Universal Partial Order.
  • 2. The Isomorphism Problem for Automatic
  • Structures is S11-complete.
  • 3. Conclusion What is Next?

Frasse Limits
  • Let K be a class of finite structures. Assume K
  • possesses the following properties
  • Hereditary property (HP) If A is in K then any
    substructure of A is also in K.
  • Joint Embedding property (JEP) If A and B are in
    K then there is a C in K that contains both A and

Frasse Limits
  • 3. Amalgamation property (AP) Let A, B, C be in
    K. Let f C ? A and g C ? B be embeddings.
    There is a D and embeddings
  • k A ? D and h B ? D such that kfhg
  • Examples
  • 1. GRAPHSfinite graphs

Frasse Limits
  • 2. LOfinite linear orders
  • 3. POfinite partial orders
  • 4. BAfinite Boolean algebras
  • 5. LOUfinite linear orders with a unary
  • 6. GRAPHSnfinite Kn-free graphs

Frasse Limits
  • Structure A is ultra-homogeneous if any partial
  • finite automorphism of A can be extended to an
  • automorphism.
  • The age of structure A is the class of all
  • substructures of A.
  • Theorem. If class K has HP, JEP and AP then there
  • is a unique ultra-homogeneous structure F(K),
  • called Fraisse limit of K, whose age is K.

Frasse Limits Examples
  • F(GRAPHS) is the random graph.
  • F(LO) is the dense linear order.
  • F(PO) is the universal partial order.
  • F(BA) is the atomless Boolean algebra.
  • F(LOU) is the dense linear order with dense and
    co-dense unary predicate.
  • F(GRAPHSn) is the Kn-free random graph.
  • All these structures are ?-categorical and
  • We want to know which of these are automatic.

Frasse Limits
  • We know that the following have automatic
  • copies
  • F(LO) is the dense linear order.
  • F(LOU) is the dense linear order with dense and
    co-dense unary predicate.
  • We know that F(BA), the atomless Boolean
  • algebra, does not have automatic copy.

Frasse Limits
  • Let A be an automatic structure. Consider the
  • sequence, called the standard approximation
  • A0 ? A1 ? A2 ? , where
  • Anv v in A and vn .
  • Let F(x,y) be a fixed FO-formula. For every
  • n and every y in A define the function
  • cn,y An ? 0,1

Frasse Limits
  • cn,y(x)1 if F(x,y) is true and
  • cn,y(x)0 otherwise.
  • Theorem (Khoussainov, Rubin, Stephan)
  • If A is automatic then the number of functions
  • of type cn,y is bounded by C An for some
  • constant C.
  • Proof. We can assume y gt n.

Frasse Limits
  • With y associate two objects
  • 1. Function Jy An?Q, where Q is the state set
    of the automaton M recognizing F(x,y).
  • Subset Ky of Q defined by
  • s M(s, yn1,,y is final .

Frasse Limits
  • Claim 1 If cn,y ? cn,v then (Jy,Ky) ?
  • Hence, cn,y ? (Jy,Ky) .
  • Claim 2.
  • 1. The number of Kys is at most 2Q.
  • 2. The number of Jys is O(An).
  • These two claims prove the theorem.

Frasse Limits
  • Corollary The following structures do not
  • have automatic presentations
  • The random graph.
  • The universal partial order.
  • The random Kn-free graph.
  • Proof. We prove part 1, as an example.

Frasse Limits
  • Let F(x,y) be E(x,y) (the edge relation). Let
  • A0 ? A1 ? A2 ? . be the standard
  • approximation. For An, if X, Y is a partition
  • of An then there exists y such that E(x,y) is
  • true for all x in X, and E(x,y) is false for all
  • in Y. Hence, the number of functions of type
  • cn,y is 2n. This is a contradiction.

The Isomorphism Problem
  • Consider the following set
  • (A,B) A and B are automatic A ? B.
  • This set is called the isomorphism problem
  • for automatic structures.
  • Goal Find the complexity of the isomorphism
  • problem for automatic structures.

The isomorphism problem
  • Theorem (Khoussainov, Nies, Rubin, Stephan)
  • The isomorphism problem for automatic
  • structures is S11-complete.
  • Proof. We code the isomorphism problem for
  • computable trees into the isomorphism
  • problem for automatic structures.

The isomorphism problem
  • Lemma (Goncharov, Knight) The isomorphism
  • problem for computable trees is S11-complete.
  • Lemma (Bennett). Any Turing machine is
  • equivalent to a reversible Turing machine.
  • We start with (0,11, ?prefix). This is an
  • automatic ? branching tree.

The isomorphism problem
  • Assumptions
  • The domains of all Turing machines we consider
    are downward closed subsets of 0,11.
  • Thus, we restrict ourselves to computable trees
    which are downward closed subsets of 0,11.
  • All Turing machines are reversible.
  • Start configurations are words from 0,11.

The isomorphism problem
  • Let T be a Turing machine. Constructions
  • To each node w in 0,11 attach ? branching
    tree. Denote the resulting structure by A1. A1
    is automatic.
  • To each v in A1 not in 0,11 attach ? many
    chains of length n for every natural number n,
    and one ? chain. Denote the resulting structure
    by A2. The structure A2 is automatic.

The isomorphism problem
  • 3. To each v in 0,11 attach ? many chains of
    length n for every natural number n. Denote the
    resulting structure by A3. The structure A3
    is automatic.
  • 4. To structure A3 adjoin the configuration
    space Conf(T). Adjoin ? many chains of length n
    (n??) for each n. Denote the resulting structure
    by A(T). A(T) is an automatic structure.

The isomorphism problem
  • Claim 1. T halts on w iff every chain attached to
    w is finite.
  • Claim 2. The set w T halts on w is definable
    in the language L(?1,?).
  • Claim 3. A(T1) ?A(T2) iff
  • domain(T1)?domain(T2).

What is Next?
  • Study intrinsic state complexity of structures
    (e.g. NFA presentations vs DFA presentations).
  • Prove structural theorems for classes of
    automatic structures, e.g. characterize the
    isomorphism types of linear orders, trees,
    groups,(Does (Q,) have an automatic copy?)
  • Study the isomorphism problem for classes of
    automatic structures.

What is next?
  • 4. Characterize intrinsic regularity of
    relations, e.g. is ? intrinsically regular in
  • 5. Develop the model theory of automatic
    structures, e.g. construct automatic models for
    given theories.
  • 6. Study derivative structures, e.g. automatic
    automorphism groups, of automatic structures.

What is Next?
  • 7. Develop the theory of tree or ?-automatic
  • 8. Time complexity of model checking in automatic
    structures when does an automatic structure have
    a feasible time complexity? (e.g. Lohreys

The Key Point
  • Informal Definition (with Moshe Vardi)
  • A structure is automatic if its theory in a
  • given logic can be proved to be decidable via
  • automata theoretic methods.
  • Question If the theory of A is decidable, is
  • then A automatic?
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