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Richard Taylor, A Defense of Libertarian Freedom of the Will' Incontrovertible Facts (1) that my behavior is sometimes the outcome of ... Incontrovertible Facts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Announcements

  • On Thursday we will be covering Frankfurts
    Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person
    and Nagels Moral Luck
  • Tutorial discussion questions will be posted
    tomorrow night

Richard Taylor, A Defense of Libertarian Freedom
of the Will
Incontrovertible Facts
  • (1) that my behavior is sometimes the outcome of
    my deliberation (342)
  • (2) that in these and other cases it s
    sometimes up to me what I do (342)
  • Thesis The debate over determinism verses
    freedom, and what model of causality we adopt
    MUST accommodate these facts. It will not do for
    Taylor to state that they are fictions or
    illusions in the name of a philosophical theory.

Incontrovertible Facts
  • For Taylor such facts are more real than any
    metaphysical theory could be. They are the data
    that a theory is to explicate the theory is to
    fit this data and not vice-versa.
  • Point of Debate if our philosophical theories
    conflicts with common sense or our experience
    what goes? For example, did the problem of the
    external world really trouble or disturb
    peoples robust realism?

A Look at Deliberation
  • Since this is the data, the truths, that our
    theories must respect, lets take a little closer
    look at deliberation.
  • 4 Characteristics
  • (1) I deliberate only about my own behaviour,
    not others (342) We may try to control another
    person or speculate on what they will do but we
    can never deliberate for them.

A Look at Deliberation
  • (2) I can deliberate only about future actions
    (343) the past is no longer, the present is
    just what we are actually doing now. Its the
    future that we deliberate about.
  • (3) Deliberation involves decision and decision
    involves that I dont already know what I am
    going to do (343) no point deliberating about
    the inevitable. Interesting aside can we
    imagine an advanced science that will make
    deliberation redundant if we believe in

A Look at Deliberation
  • (3) Presumably such a science would also make
    science redundant since it will be able to
    predict all future theories.
  • (4) To deliberate implies it is up to me it
    is under my control (342)
  • Now that we have our theoretical constraints in
    place lets take a look at some theories

A Reconciliation soft determinism
  • Three Theses
  • (1) that the thesis of determinism is true, and
    that accordingly all human behavior, voluntary or
    notarises from antecedent conditions, given
    which no other behavior is possible - that all
    human behavior is caused and determined (339)
  • (2) that voluntary behavior is nonetheless free
    to the extent that it is not externally
    constrained or impeded (339)

A reconciliation soft determinism
  • Three Theses continued
  • (3) that, in the absence of such obstacles and
    constraints, the causes of voluntary behavior are
    certain states, events, or conditions within the
    agent himself namely, his own acts of will or
    volitions, choices, decisions, desires and so on

A reconciliation soft determinism
  • Thus, we are causally determined to act
    respecting the causal laws of nature and also
    free and morally responsible for what we do a
  • Some Background the version of compatibilism
    that Taylor considers is one made famous in this
    century by G.E. Moore

The Compatibilist Argument
  • For to say that I could have done otherwise, he
    says, means, only that I would have done
    otherwise if those inner states that determined
    my action had been different if that is, I had
    decided or chosen differently(340)
  • The argument
  • (1) She could have done otherwise.
  • Just means
  • (2) If she had chose to do otherwise then she
    would have done otherwise.

The Compatibilist Argument
  • As Moore states from his Ethics
  • There are certainly good reasons for thinking
    that we very often mean by could merely would,
    if so and so had chosen. And if so, then we have
    a sense of the word could in which the fact
    that we often could have done what we did not do,
    is perfectly compatible with the principle that
    everything has a cause for to say that, if I
    had performed a certain act of will, I should
    have done something which I did not do, in no way
    contradicts this principle

The Compatibilist Argument
  • For Moore, this view differentiates freewill from
    fatalism for fatalism states that no matter what
    we have chosen the same end results which is what
    (2) denies.
  • (2) is consistent with determinism even if all
    of a persons actions were causally determined
    the person could still be such that IF she had
    chosen otherwise, then she would have done

The Compatibilist Argument
  • (1) (2)
  • (2) is compatible with the determinist thesis
  • Therefore, (1) is compatible with determinism
  • Since the cause of ones actions comes from ones
    own internal motives, beliefs and desires she is
    responsible. They are YOUR inner states
    therefore, YOU must be responsible for them

A Refutation of This
  • The problem inner states volitions, desires
    and beliefs are themselves caused on the soft
    determinist position given just these states
    this action MUST have happened. We can logically
    deduce given the complete data of such inner
    states what will happen. However, we want to be
    in control think of our primary data - of
    these inner states. What we want for freedom is
    for (1) to read
  • (3) She COULD HAVE done otherwise

A Refutation of This
  • If (3) is false, then so is (1) above. However,
    (2) in the soft determinist argument could be
    true while (1) is false it could still be the
    case that she could not have done otherwise and
    it would yet still be true that if she had chosen
    to do otherwise then she would have done
    otherwise. The hypothetical if in (2)
    represents logical possibility IF
    beliefs/desires were different then action would
    be but that is little comfort when we wish to
    consider ontological possibility.

A Refutation of This
  • Therefore, contra Moore and soft determinism, (2)
    is not a proper analysis of (1). Given the
    determinist position with respect to such inner
    states we are led to Indeed, if determinism is
    true, as the theory of soft determinism holds it
    to be, all those inner states which cause my body
    to behave in whatever ways it behaves must arise
    from circumstances that existed before I was
    born for the chain of causes and effects is
    infinite, and none could have been the least
    different, given those that preceded. (341)

A Refutation of This
  • According to soft determinism I have been born
    into a chain of causes and effects, without my
    permission or any choice/say on my part. Such a
    chain includes what I take to be my volitions
    and inner states again without any control or
    say on my part.
  • Is this freedom? Taylor No
  • The supporting thought experiment the
    ingenious physiologist doesnt the exact same
    point apply to an impersonal causal chain?

Simple Indeterminism
  • We can be brief here
  • Indeterminism randomness
  • This wont due random acts are not up to me
  • They just happen a scary thought with respect
    to ourselves

A Question Concerning Deliberation
  • Taylor argues (343) that if determinism were true
    we could not deliberate for there is nothing
    left to decideI can wait and see but I cannot
    deliberate. I deliberate in order to decide what
    to do, not to discover what it is that I am going
    to do. (343)
  • Is this true? What if determinism were true but
    yet with as it will have to be an
    ineliminable epistemic gap making all such
    discovering impossible? Are we not forced to

Taylors solution Agent Causation
  • I the agent am the cause of my action. There
    are some events that are not caused by other
    events or states of affairs which would place us
    back into the infinite causal chain, but by the
    agent who is not himself an event or state of
    affairs an immanent cause.
  • We are in Aristotles terms defining God the
    prime mover unmoved. Nothing causes us to cause
    those acts.

Agent Causation
  • But here is the strange position we cause the
    event via activating brain states say but
    there was nothing that we did to cause the event
    an agent is sometimes a cause without being
    an antecedent sufficient condition (344)
  • Why?
  • If there was something we did to cause the event
    then that thing would be an event and therefore
    we can ask what caused it as well that event
    would be part of the infinite causal chain

Agent Causation
  • However, this chain stops with the agent himself
    in fact, he inaugurates a new causal chain with
    his act. He was not caused to make this chain
    happen. We just perform the event without being
    able to specify antecedent causal conditions
    other than to say that we did it.

Two metaphysical corollaries
  • (1) A substantial view of the self, the agent.
  • The self is a substance that causes events. Only
    so, can the event/event causal chain be escaped
  • (2) An extraordinary conception of causation
    some philosophers would say absurd

Extraordinary Conception of Causation
  • How so? What is meant by the statement that
    being a cause just means being an antecedent
    sufficient condition or set of conditions (344)?
  • Some Examples on board
  • The accusation of mysteriousness an
    explanatory gap with agent causation that we do
    not have with the traditional account of cause.
    Can we accept such an explanatory gap? How is
    such an explanatory gap fundamentally different
    from indeterminism?

Taylor Concedes
  • Taylor concedes the mysteriousness here No one
    seems able, as we have noted, to describe
    deliberation without metaphors, and the
    conception of a things being withins ones
    power or up to him seems to defy analysis or
    definition altogether, if taken in a sense which
    the theory of agency appears to require (345)

Substance view of Self
  • I am causing my action
  • I as a substance and a self-moving being (344)
  • As self-moving, I initiate a new causal chain
  • Once again, unusual model of causation substance
  • Unusual think of the explanatory gap and the
    mysteriousness this involves

  • To refresh Cant I say definitively what
    reasons, beliefs and desires caused my action?
  • Taylor NO! That would appeal to inner states
    that again immerses us in determinism and the
    causal chain. Such inner states becomes
    antecedent conditions that are caused.
  • Our reasons, beliefs and desires can partially
    explain why we did the action by telling us what
    led us to the action but it does not take us all
    the way. It is still up to me my DECISION

  • Ultimately, all I can say is I did it with the
    partial explanation mentioned earlier.
  • Can we accept this?
  • Taylors concessions
  • 1. This conception of ourselves and how we act
    is strange indeed, if not positively mysterious
  • 2. Our theoretical constraints, our data could
    be doubted we may not be free or really
    deliberate these data might simply be

Taylors Concessions
  • We may only think that we are deliberating.
  • However, for Taylor such data is more secure
    than any metaphysical theory and/or doubt. Thus,
    if agent causation is the only theory that can
    accommodate and explain such data, then no matter
    how strange some of its tenets may be, it is
    still to be preferred.
  • Do we agree?
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