Image Processing Basic Concepts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Image Processing Basic Concepts


Interpolate translations of points across image. Free-form deformations, thin-plate splines etc ... Using interpolated user-specified translations. Image Compression ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Image Processing Basic Concepts

Image Processing Basic Concepts
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  • Images
  • sampling and resolution
  • Manipulation
  • Filtering, geometrical transformations
  • compression
  • GIF, JPEG, JPEG2000

Sampling and resolution
  • An input device (e.g. camera or scanner) will
    sample (measure) the colours in a scene at a
    number of finite points on a 2D rectangle.
  • Resolution can refer to the number of points
    sampled (e.g. 640 by 480) or the size of the dots
    (e.g. 300 dpi).
  • The pixel-depth is related to the number of
    quantisation levels used for each colour, e.g.
    24-bit colour

Image Manipulation
  • Why would we want to manipulate an image?
  • Deficiencies in the image
  • Focus blur, motion blur, red-eye, poor lighting,
    noise, ...
  • Special effects required
  • Sepia, painting styles, combining images, ...
  • What methods are available?
  • Pixel level processing
  • Statistical processing
  • Group of pixel processing
  • Geometrical transformations

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Brightness add an equal value to the R, G and B
    values of each pixel

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Contrast Multiply the RGB values by some value
    and reset overall brightness

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Colour balance Vary the R, G and B brightnesses

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Colour manipulation
  • Grey scale average RGB weighted to human
    perceptual system approx. 0.4R0.4G0.2B
  • "Greying out" (e.g. disabled button) Blend
    pixel values with grey e.g. R' (R200)/2, G'
    (G200)/2, etc

Image Manipulation
  • Statistical Processing
  • Histogram equalisation (automatically adjust
  • Create a histogram H with one bin for each grey
    scale allowed e.g. for G grey scales
  • for each pixel (x, y), Himage(x,y)
  • Create a cummulative histogram Hc
  • Hc0H0
  • for each grey scale g from 1 to G-1, Hcg
  • Hcg is now increasing and HcG-1 equals the
    number of pixels in the image
  • Rescale Hc to the range of grey scales i.e.
  • HcgG/(widthheight)
  • Remap image grey scales
  • for each pixel (x, y), image(x,y)

Image Manipulation
  • Histogram equalisation
  • example image with 90 pixels and 10 grey scales
  • histogram 0, 0, 0, 10, 20, 30, 20, 10, 0, 0
  • Hc 0, 0, 0, 10, 30, 60, 80, 90, 90, 90
  • Hc' 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 9, 9
  • new histogram 0, 10, 0, 20, 0, 0, 30, 0, 20,
  • Pushes intensities apart
  • dark pixels get darker
  • light pixels get lighter

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel group processing
  • e.g. Convolution
  • New pixel values are a weighted sum of
    neighbouring pixel's original values
  • A filter specifies the weights in the sum
  • Can often use separable 1-D filters for
  • filter(i,j)filter_x(i)filter_y(j)
  • Different (positive and negative) filter
    coefficients (weights) have different effects
  • Values like 1, 4, 6, 4, 1/16 will blur the
  • Values like -1, -3, 3, 1/8 will perform edge

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel group processing changes
  • Blurring
  • Use a low-pass filter, e.g. 1,4,6,4,1/16
    applied along rows then columns.

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel group processing changes
  • Edge enhancement using unsharp masking.
  • Subtracting the blurred version from the original
    leaves just the "edges"
  • Add these edges back to the original to bring out
    the areas of contrast.

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel group processing changes
  • Edge detecting filters
  • Filters such as 1, 3, -3, -1 can be applied
    either horizontally or vertically (usually after
    smoothing) to locate the intensity changes (edges)

Horizontal edges ( 127)
Vertical edges ( 127)
Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Combined effects
  • e.g. embossed a original b (127edges at
    angle q)
  • e.g. b, 3b, 127a, -3b , b

Image Manipulation
  • Pixel level changes
  • Art effects e.g. charcoal sketch (looks like an
    edge detector)
  • Also paint strokes that perform local,
    directional blending of colours for pointillism

Image Manipulation
  • Geometrical transformations
  • Map each pixel (x,y) to some other position
  • newImage(x,y) oldImage(x',y')
  • Uses backward coordinate mapping, can you see
  • would usually sample the from oldImage at
    non-integer position (x', y') using bilinear
  • Many simple effects e.g.
  • Shearing x' xay, y' y
  • Rotation x' xsin(T)ycos(T), y'
  • More complex effects
  • Interpolate translations of points across image
  • Free-form deformations, thin-plate splines etc

Image Manipulation
  • Geometrical transformations
  • Rotation x' xsin(T)ycos(T), y'

Image Manipulation
  • Geometrical transformations
  • Using interpolated user-specified translations

Image Compression
  • Image compression is required for storage and
  • Lossless compression methods
  • No data is lost in the compression
  • Suitable to all kinds of data e.g. text
  • Lossy compression methods
  • Data is thrown away in compression cycle
  • Choose data which the human visual system is
    insensitive to.
  • e.g. small high frequency components
  • File formats GIF, JPEG, JPEG2000

Image Compression
  • Repetition supression
  • e.g. Run-length encoding
  • aaaaaabbbbbbccddddd... a6b6ccd5...
  • Statistical encoding
  • e.g. Huffman encoding
  • Use short binary strings for common characters
  • Use longer binary strings for uncommon characters
  • aaadaabbbaacaaabbaacaabaab 8bits each
  • a 0 b 10, c 110 , d 111
  • 000111001010100011000010100011000100010

GIF image compression
  • GIF images use a mixture
  • Restricted colours (only 256 different colours)
  • Run-length encoding
  • Staistical encoding (LZW algorithm)
  • Therefore GIF is lossless for images of less than
    256 colours
  • i.e. they can be reconstructed exactly

Lossy Image Compression
  • Human eye is fairly insensitive to certain kinds
    of image information
  • Large objects generally more important than fine
    detail, textures etc
  • Quite different to audio compression
  • Intensity more important than hue
  • Can quantise colours more coarsely

JPEG Image Compression
  • Algorithm overview
  • Transform and code each 8x8 block independently
  • Perform Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on each
  • Differentially quantise block's DCT values
  • Run length encode in zig-zag path
  • Statistical encode resulting string

JPEG Image Compression
  • The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
  • Separates the images high and low frequency
  • Related to the Fourier Transform
  • The DCT itself is reversible i.e. lossless

JPEG Image Compression
A visual map of the DCT
  • Each pixel in the DCT block is a weighted sum of
    the pixels in the input block
  • This diagram shows which weights are applied for
    each pixel in the DCT.

Differential Quantisation
  • Quantise higher frequency components with fewer
  • Human eye is relatively insensitive to high
    frequency components
  • This is where data is thrown away
  • More coarsely quantised frequency components
    require fewer bits to store
  • Varying the values in the quantisation matrix
    allows different compression levels
  • Trade off quality for small file size.

Zig-zag encoding
  • The lowest frequency component is at (0,0) and
    highest at (N,N)
  • Use zig-zag path to encode block
  • Use run-length encoding on resulting string
  • tends to group 0 coefficients
  • Use Huffman encoding on run-length encoded string

JPEG compression
  • Additional steps
  • Some additional steps are performed to squeeze
    more compression out of the data
  • Colour
  • the image is first converted to YUV colour space
    and the Y (luminance) is coded with higher
    quality than the 2 colour channels (U and V).
  • The colour channels are also often "down sampled"
    i.e. reduced by a factor of 2 along rows and/or
  • Predictive compression
  • The first element in the DCT block is essentially
    the brightness of the block. These values are
    coded separately using predictive compression to
    remove redundancy between blocks

JPEG decompression
  • Decode strings
  • Reverse Huffman and run-length encoding
  • zig-zag to reconstruct N by N block
  • "Dequantise" block values
  • e.g. if quantised to 4 levels and decoded to 256
    levels then multiply value by 64.
  • Inverse DCT
  • Very similar to DCT

JPEG 2000
  • Completely different algorithm to standard JPEG
  • Uses EZW compression
  • Based on wavelet theory
  • Doesn't involve blocking of the data like
    standard JPEG
  • Blocking artefacts are common in over-compressed
    JPEG images.

JPEG 2000
  • Wavelet transforms
  • The Fourier Transform (FT) converts a signal (or
    image) into its component frequencies
  • Looses spatial information e.g. doesn't tell us
    where the high frequencies are located in the
  • DCT similar to an FT applied to each block
  • Retains some spatial information (i.e. the
    location of the block), but looses frequency
    correlations between blocks
  • Wavelet Transform (WT) a (smooth) trade off
    between frequency and spatial representation

Wavelet transforms
  • Filter horizontally with two filters
  • even pixels low-pass filter
  • odd pixels high-pass wavelet
  • Group low pass filtered components to left and
    high pass filtered to right
  • Repeat vertically
  • Repeat recursively on low-pass image

Exploiting subband correlation
  • Subband correlation
  • Although the wavelet transform decorrelates image
    information within a subband, there is still a
    high degree of correlation between subbands.
  • Early wavelet methods struggled to find a compact
    way to exploit this correlation

Exploiting subband correlation
  • Zero-trees
  • EZW encodes zeros, rather than the data.
  • A zero at a coarse scale is a good predictor of
    zeros at a finer scale.
  • Can encode a lot of information in specifying
    just the root of a zero-tree.
  • Similar to RL encoding

Successive quantisation
  • The chances of finding a zero tree increase with
    a coarser quantisation
  • More small values are set to zero.
  • Successive quantisation
  • Quantise the (remaining) image data using
    successively finer quantisation steps.
  • This leaves a binary image to encode at each step
  • Values only 0 or 1
  • Encode using zero trees
  • Zero trees completely specify a binary image
  • Successive zero-trees encode less significant bits

Successive quantisation
  • Successive quantisation algorithm
  • 1. Choose an high quantisation step Q (half the
    max value)
  • 2. Until finest quantisation step, repeat
  • 2.1 Quantise wavelet coefficients using Q
  • ie. if (w(x,y)ltQ) w'(x,y)0 else w'(x,y)1
  • Creates a binary image of the most significant
    wavelet coefficients
  • 2.2 Encode binary image (w') using zero-trees and
  • (This is the highest order bits of the remaining
  • 2.3 Subtract the encoded data from the remaining
  • w(x,y)w(x,y) w'(x,y)Q
  • 2.4 half the quantisation step size
  • QQ/2
  • 3. End

JPEG 2000
  • Hence the wavelet transform is encoded as a
    series of zero-trees representing successively
    less significant bits of the data
  • The binary information is embedded in the
  • Hence the name Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (EZW)
  • The actual system is actually more complex, but
    this gives the basic idea

  • Sampling and resolution
  • Image Manipulation
  • pixel level, statistical and pixel group
  • Image Compression
  • GIF Run-length and LZW compression
  • JPEG DCT, zig-zag encoding, differential
  • JPEG 2000 wavelet transforms, zero-trees,
    successive quantisation.
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