Title: Bayesian palaeoclimate reconstruction
1Bayesian palaeoclimate reconstruction
John Haslett Simon Wilson Michael
Salter-Townshend Andrew Parnell Trinity College
Dublin Alan Gelfand Duke University Brian
Huntley, Judy Allen University of Durham
- Context Use of proxies to reconstruct ancient
climates - Purpose provide climate reconstructions to
challenge GCM ? global warming etc. - 20 minute talk ? a flavour of models and issues
involved - SW the science, overview of model, reconstruct
climate at a single location at a single time - AP temporal smoothness priors and temporal
uncertainty - What we wont look at spatio-temporal
reconstruction, issues surrounding MCMC, other
sources of uncertainty that we should be
modelling, other climate variables
3Glendalough now
4 and then
5The goal climate reconstruction over last 12k
years at Glendalough, Ireland
- Time scale reversed
- GDD5 is one aspect of multi-dimensional climate
6The science fossil pollen data
- Pollen deposited in lake bed sediment
- Sediment core extracted and horizontal slices
taken - Count pollen grains of different taxa in each
slice - Count unknown (data are proportions) but 400
- Slices taken at regular depths ( ? equal time
intervals) - 14C dating gives Age Before Present at some
slices - Here, time is measured as 14C date Years BP
7The science climate affects pollen proportions
- Pollen proportions vs 14C years BP at Glendalough
- 13 pollen taxa at 150 slices
- Solve the inverse problem climate from pollen
8Modern Training Data
- Data exist on modern pollen compositions at 7815
sites in Europe and N. America - Climate known at these locations
- Hence we can learn about relationship between
climate and pollen
9Likelihood construction
- Simple case 2 pollen taxa A and B, 1 climate
variable - Model response (intensity) of pollen taxa to
climate - Multi-modal climate likelihoods are natural
10Bayesian Hierarchical Model
- Modern data
- each pim is a 13 vector of pollen
proportions - each cim is a 2 vector of climate
- Fossil data
- each pif is a 13 vector of pollen
proportions - each cif is a 2 vector of climate
- Inference goal compute
11Bayesian Hierarchical Model (cont)
- Counts , where
- are the multinomial taxon probabilities
- Assume count is 400!
- Smooth response surfaces for each taxon
- better climate for taxa j ? large
- For now assume xi independent a priori in fossil
climates - Assume that 14C dates calendar dates
- Multinomial OK? Zero-inflation in data (37 zero)
12Model for
Glendalough (an extreme climate?)
Unknown or impossible climates here?
- Discretise climate space to 778 point discrete
grid CG - Map 7815 known climates onto this grid
- Hence
(13 x 778 10114 parameters)
13Gaussian Process on Climate Space
- Kernel k on climate space grid to interpolate
between grid points - Gaussian process prior with constraint for the
qjg (parameterised by a with flat prior)
142 Stage MCMC
- Assume that fossil pollen on its own has little
information on response surfaces -
- This allows us to independently sample the
learning stage and the reconstruction stage - Learning stage sample by MCMC from
152 Stage MCMC (cont)
- Reconstruction stage
- given a sample , MCMC sample any past
climate cif from by sampling from - Climates assumed conditionally independent this
leads to rough reconstructions
16Independent reconstructions
18Consistent reconstructions
20Temporal uncertainty
- Some levels of the fossil core are radiocarbon
dated - Radiocarbon dating samples introduces temporal
uncertainty - We use a method by Blaauw and Christen (2004) to
produce date distributions at every required depth
21Temporal uncertainty 2
22Climate smoothness
- Modelled via a long-tailed random walk
- Define ?j over a regular grid every 20 years
23Why t8 ? Why every 20 years?
- t8 inconsistencies
- Chronologies need to be approximated
- Age-depth models need improvement
25General framework
- The masterplan reconstruct climate consistently
over thousands of years across Europe - Many more taxa, extra climate variables
- Need to define a coherent prior for climate
change in space and time - Useful properties
- Long-tailed in time
- Aggregates consistently
- Includes spatial correlation
26Possible next steps
- Mixtures of Normals
- NIG model
- Stable distributions
- Defined only in terms of characteristic function
- We can reconstruct climate via response surfaces
with a coherent prior for climate change - The creation of response surfaces is a complex
computational challenge - The t8 distribution provides a starting point for
a coherent prior structure