Title: Geographical%20names%20in%20the%20Dutch%20Topographical%20Maps
1Geographical names in the Dutch Topographical Maps
Nico Bakker Department Research
Development Topografische Dienst
2Production overview
Aerial Photographs
Terrain Reconnaissance
Updated Aerial Photograph
3Pencomputer for reconnaissance
4Interface (Microstation)
Topographic map 125.000
Namenboek Topografische Dienst Handleiding Versi
e 2001.1
7Content Handbook (1)
Explanation 2.1. Preface 2.1.2 Sources /
general information 2.1.3 Use of deviated corps
for populated places 2.1.4 Spacing of names of
populated places 2.1.5 Description of quarters
of towns and industrial areas Selection of
names 2.2 Selection of names of farms or
houses 2.3 Local names 2.4 Foreign
names 2.5 Depth and depth line figures 2.6
Street names 2.7 Buildings 2.8 Elevation
numbers and contour lines 2.9 Low water
mark 2.10 Polder name
8Sources (1)
- Current map
- Name on object or on board
- List of Dutch municipalities
- City maps and city guides
- Navigation documentation
- Handbook Nature reserves
- German and Belgian maps
9Sources (2)
Object Information
Name Municipality Official name by law
Place name Municipality
Field name Municipality, local information, owners etc.
Polder name Waterboards
Canal Navigation documentation
River, stream, Waterboards, local information
Road name Municipality, local information
10Content Handbook (2)Orthography
3.1 General rules 3.2 Use of van hyphen 3.3
Use of capitals 3.4 Orthography of
(farm)houses 3.5 Capitals in names of farms
3.6 Splitting names 3.7 Relation between types
the corps 3.8 Frisian toponyms
12Frisian and Dutch names
13How to handle the 2 languages
14Some translations
15Reconnaissance of topographical names (1)
- 4.1 Reconnaissance
- 4.2 Preparation
- 4.2.1 Overview of sources
- 4.2.2 Description of information
- 4.3 Activities during field work
- 4.4 Documenting the name information
- 4.4.1 Documentation on the register
- 4.4.2 Documentation on the name model
- Documentation (letters, remarks, ..)
- Road documentation
- Water documentation
- Old map(s)
- Foreign maps (border region)
- Exploring other sources (books, table, lists,
etc.) -
17Reconnaissance of topographical names (2)
4.1 Reconnaissance 4.2 Preparation 4.2.1
Overview of sources 4.2.2 Description of
information 4.3 Activities during field
work 4.4 Documenting the name
information 4.4.1 Documentation on the
register 4.4.2 Documentation on the name model
- Visiting official authorities (municipalities,
water boards, etc.) - Names on boards, signs, buildings, .
- Street names
- Local people
- .
19Reconnaissance of van topographical names (3)
4.1 Reconnaissance 4.2 Preparation 4.2.1
Overview of sources 4.2.2 Description of
information 4.3 Activities during field
work 4.4 Documenting the name
information 4.4.1 Documentation on the
register 4.4.2 Documentation on the name model
- The source of the name is documented
- Name of authority, persons, date, etc
21Placing the names on the map
5.1 General rules 5.1.1 Caption 5.1.2 Colour of
the text 5.1.2 Corps of the text 5.1.3 Often used
text 5.1.4 Spacing 5.1.5 Superior placing of
letters and numbers 5.1.6 Abbreviations
22Letter family and type
23Placing the names on the map
5.1 General rules 5.1.1 Caption 5.1.2 Colour of
the text 5.1.2 Corps of the text 5.1.3 Often used
text 5.1.4 Spacing 5.1.5 Superior placing of
letters and numbers 5.1.6 Abbreviations
24Tabel topographic objects
26Placing the names on the map
5.1 General rules 5.1.1 Caption 5.1.2 Colour of
the text 5.1.2 Corps of the text 5.1.3 Often used
text 5.1.4 Spacing 5.1.5 Superior placing of
letters and numbers 5.1.6 Abbreviations
27Use of colours at different maps
125,000 150,000 1100,000 1250,000 1500,000
Black yes yes yes yes yes
Red yes yes yes
Blue yes yes yes yes yes
Brown yes yes yes
Violet yes
28Text types
- Normal
- Bold
- Half bold
- Italic
- Narrow
- S p a c e d
29Geogr names at different map scales
- Overview with gazetteer codes
30(No Transcript)
31Production flow
- Preparation
- Sources research
- Field work
- Name documentation
- Digitising in Microstation
- Check-plot
- Correction
- Publishing maps
32Dgn-file txt (1)
33Map (1)
34Dgn-file txt (2)
35Map (2)
37Gazetteer 1250,000
38Gazetteercodes (1)
39Gazetteercodes (2)
40Development TOP10NL and smaller scales
41Topographic basic objects
42(No Transcript)
43Objects with NAME attribute
44Special polygon for geographical names
45Object characteristics wegdeel
46Shows attributes of an object
47Meta-information for each object