Title: A Universe of Galaxies
1Chapter 15
2The Hubble Deep Field10 day exposure field
located in the Big Dipper
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4Edwin Hubble
5Edwin Hubble
6Hubbles Galaxy Classification
7Spiral Galaxies
- galaxies like the Milky Way with arcing
structures lying in a plane and emanating from
the nuclear bulge
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10Lenticular Galaxies
- Galaxies that have disks but no spiral arms.
11Barred Spiral Galaxies
- galaxies with a bar of stars running through the
nuclear bulge
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14Elliptical Galaxies
- galaxies with an elliptical shape, no spiral
arms, and little interstellar matter
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17Irregular Galaxies
- galaxies that are asymmetrical and are sometimes
just two or more galaxies colliding
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19Large Magellanic Cloud a small irregular galaxy
that orbits the MMilky Way
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21Measuring Cosmic Distances
- Distances to other galaxies are measured using
Main Sequence Fitting. - This entails the use of a light source of known,
standard luminosity called a standard candle. - The distance can be found using the
luminosity-distance formula - Apparent brightness luminosity/4?d2
22Comparison of the apparent brightness of stars in
the Hyades Cluster with those of the Pleiades
The Pleiades Cluster is 2.75 times farther away
because (2.75)2 7.5 times dimmer The same
luminosities are assumed for all main sequence
stars of the same color.
23RR Lyrae and Cepheid Variable Stars
- These are both pulsating variable stars.
- Their pulsation periods are on the order of a few
days. - Using the period-luminosity relationship,
distances to other galaxies can be estimated
24Cepheid Period-luminosity Relation. Cepheids of
a particular period have very nearly the same
25Edwin Hubble
26Edwin Hubble
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29Andromeda Nebula M31, is actually another spiral
Andromeda Nebula M3, is actually another spiral
30Tully-Fisher Relation using galaxies as
standard candles
- Astronomers discovered that the faster a spiral
galaxy rotates, the more luminous it is. - This relationship is called the Tully-Fisher
relation, after its discoverers
31The Tully-Fisher relation.
32Galaxy Observations
- During the 1920's Edwin Hubble and Milton Humason
photographed the spectra of many galaxies with
the 100 inch telescope at Mount Wilson. - They found that most of the spectra contained
absorption lines with a large redshift.
33Red Shift and Distance
24 Mpc
1200 km/s
300 Mpc
15,000 km/s
780 Mpc
39,000 km/s
1220 Mpc
61,000 km/s
34Galaxy Observations
- Using the Doppler effect, Hubble calculated the
velocity at which each galaxy is receding from
us. - Using the period and brightness of Cepheid
variables in distant galaxies, Hubble estimated
the distances to each of the galaxies.
35The Tully-Fisher Relation
36Hubbles Law
- Hubble noticed that there was a linear
relationship between the recessional velocity and
the distance to the galaxies. - This relationship is know as Hubbles Law
- V H D
- recessional velocity Hubbles Constant ?
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38Hubbles Law
- H is known as the Hubble constant.
- Its true value appears to be somewhere between
55 to 75 km/s/Mpc. - This means that a galaxy that is 1 megaparsec
from Earth will be moving away from us at a speed
somewhere between 55 to 75 km/s.
39The Distance Chain or Ladder
40Measuring Cosmic Age
41Measuring Cosmic Age
Raisin Cake Model
Like raisins in rising raisin cake, galaxies move
away from each other in our expanding universe.
42Typical Cube of Galaxies
43Homogeneous, isotropic universe?
44The Birth of The Universe-The Big Bang
A very rough estimate for the age of the universe
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46All of space and time were created in the Big
Bang, which then expands. Analogous to the
surface of a balloon.
47Cosmological Red Shift
As the universe expands, photons of radiation are
stretched in wavelength, giving rise to the
cosmological redshift.
48Elliptical, Spiral and irregular galaxies at
different ages.
49Modeling Galaxy Birth
- The most successful models are based on the
following assumptions - Hydrogen and helium gas filled all of space
fairly uniformly early in the universe. - The near uniformity had small perturbations which
allowed for dense regions to exist.
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51Galactic Collisions
NGC 4038/4039 are a pair of colliding spiral
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54Hubble Space Telescope Photos Of Distorted Young
The larger number of distorted galaxies in the
past suggests that collisions between galaxies
were common during the first few billion years.
55Star- Burst galaxies
While the Milky Way forms a new star about once
per year, starburst galaxies can form over 100
new stars per year
56Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei
57- Active galaxies are galaxies which are much more
luminous than normal galaxies and have spectra
that are nonstellar in nature.
- This indicates that the energy they emit is not
simply the accumulated light of many stars.
- Most of the energy from active galaxies is in the
radio and infrared portions of the spectrum.
58Planck curves for Active and Normal Galaxies
59Seyfert Galaxies
- Look like normal spiral galaxies except with
extremely bright central galactic nucleus.
- The luminosity of the nucleus can exceed that of
the rest of the galaxy.
- Spectral lines are very broad, indicating rapid
- Luminosities can vary by large amounts in
fractions of a year.
60Active galactic nucleus in the elliptical galaxy
M 87.
Jet of particles shooting outward from the
nucleus at nearly the speed of light
61Radio Galaxies
- Active galaxies that emit most of their energy in
the radio part of the spectrum.
- Comparable to Seyferts in total energy output.
- Usually associated with elliptical galaxies.
62Two Types Of Radio Galaxy
- Core- Halo Radio Galaxy Energy is emitted from
a small central nucleus, as with a Sayfert Galaxy.
- Lobe Radio Galaxy Energy is emitted from
enormous radio lobes. These lobes usually lie far
beyond the galactic nucleus and are usually much
larger than the visible part of the galaxy.
63Radio image of the radio galaxy Cygnus A taken
with the VLA.
400,000 light-years
64Active Galaxies show some or all of the following
- High Luminosities.
- Energy emission is nonstellar.
- Energy output can be highly variable.
- Often exhibit jets and other signs of explosive
activity. - Spectra show broad emission lines - indicate
rapid internal motions.
65Central Engine of Active Galaxy
66NGC 1461 in Virgo Cluster
67Energy Emission
- Although the rotating supermassive black hole
model is now widely accepted, the actual
mechanism for the energy production is uncertain. - One popular model which explains some features is
the synchrotron radiation model.
68Synchrotron Radiation
- A type of nonthermal radiation produced by
high-speed charged particles, such as electrons,
as they are accelerated in a strong magnetic
69Synchrotron Radiation
70Quasi-stellar Objects (QUASARS)
- Circa 1960, astronomers observe what appear to be
faint blue stars identified with radio sources. - These objects had odd spectral lines which
appeared broadened and extremely redshifted.
71- Quasars are
- believed to be some of the oldest objects in the
universe. - some of the most distant objects from us.
- the most luminous objects known.
72Radio Jet in the Quasar 3C 345, shows a blob of
plasma moving away from the core at nearly the
speed of light
73Active Galaxy Formation
- Possible evolutionary track for galaxies may be
as follows - Quasars ---gt
- Radio/Sayfert Galaxies ---gt
- Normal spiral and elliptical galaxies.
- Black holes are always present, but reduce over
time as they run out of fuel.
74Doppler Shift of the emission lines in the
nucleus of the elliptical galaxy M 87 indicates a
2-3 billion solar mass black hole
Artists conception of an accretion disk
surrounding a super-massive black hole.
75End of Section