Goals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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For sensory experiments, the signal is the sensory-driven response and ... To recapitulate: We got data. One trace from an up state, one trace from a down state ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Goals

  • Looking at data
  • Signal and noise
  • Structure of signals
  • Stationarity (and not)
  • Gaussianity (and not)
  • Poisson (and not)
  • Data analysis as variability decomposition
  • Frequency analysis as variance decomposition
  • Linear models as variability explanation
  • Information-theoretic methods for variability

Signal and noise
  • Data analysis is about extracting the signal that
    is in the noise
  • Everything else is details
  • But
  • What is the signal?
  • What is the noise?
  • How to separate between them?

Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Example Looking at data
Signal and noise
  • The signal and the noise depend on the
    experimental question
  • For sensory experiments, the signal is the
    sensory-driven response and everything else is
  • For experiments about the magnitude of channel
    noise in auditory cortex neurons, sensory
    responses to environmental sounds are noise and
    the noise is the signal

Signal and noise
  • Therefore, we have to know what our signal is
    composed of
  • The signal will have a number of sources of
  • The experiment is about some of these sources of
    variability, which are then the signal, while the
    others are the noise

Sources of variability
  • Neurobiological
  • Channel noise
  • Spontaneous EPSPs and IPSPs
  • Other subthreshold voltage fluctuations
  • Intrinsic oscillations
  • Up and down states
  • Sensory-driven currents and membrane potential
  • Spikes

Sources of variability
  • Non-neurobiological
  • Tip potentials, junction potentials
  • Breathing, heart-rate and other motion artifacts
  • 50 Hz interference
  • Noise in the electrical measurement equipment
  • In the experimental part of the course, you will
    learn how to minimize these.

Sources of variability
  • How to separate sources of variability?
  • By measuring them directly
  • By special properties
  • Rates of fluctuations (smoothing and filtering)
  • Shape (spike clipping)
  • By their timing
  • Event-related analysis

Direct measurement of sources of variability
Fee, Neuron 2000
Direct measurement of sources of variability
  • Respiration and heart rate (for active
    stabilization of the electrode)
  • 50 Hz interference (for removing it using
    event-related analysis see later)
  • Identifying the neuron you are recording from, or
    at least approximately knowing the layer
  • Video recording of whisker movement during
    recording from the barrel field in awake rats

Properties of signals
  • Rates of fluctuations
  • Molecular conformation changes (channel opening
    and closing) (may be lt1ms)
  • Membrane potential time constants (1-30 ms)
  • Stimulation rates (0.1-10 s)

Nelken et al. J. Neurophysiol. 2004
Rates of fluctuations 1 second(1 Hz)
Rates of fluctuations 100 ms(10 Hz)
Rates of fluctuations 10 ms(100 Hz)
Rates of fluctuations 1 ms(1 kHz)
Rates of fluctuations 0.1 ms(10 kHz)
Rates of fluctuations
  • If you know what are the relevant rates of
    fluctuations, you can get rid of other (faster
    and slower) fluctuations
  • When extracting slow rates of fluctuations while
    removing the faster ones, this is called
  • More generally, we can extract any range of
    fluctuations (within reasonable constraints) by
    (linear) filtering

Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Example smoothing
Go To Matlab
Introduction to statistical tests
  • We compare two processes with the same means (0),
    but with obviously different variances
  • We know that the variance ratio is about 4
  • Is 4 large or small?

Introduction to statistical tests
  • 4 is larger than 1 if the noise around 1 is such
    that 4 is unlikely to happen by chance

Introduction to statistical tests
  • In order to say whether 4 is large or small, we
    would really like to compare it with the value we
    will get if we repeat the experiment under the
    same conditions
  • Formally, we think of the voltage traces we
    compare as the result of a sampling experiment
    from a large set of potential voltage traces
  • When possible, we would like to have a lot of
    examples of these potential voltage traces

Introduction to statistical tests
Select many pairs from up states and compute
ratios (should be close to 1)
Select many pairs from up and down states and
compute ratios (should be close to 4)
Filter and compute variance
Select many pairs from down states and compute
ratios (should be close to 1)
Introduction to statistical tests
  • When we have a lot of data, this is an
    appropriate approach
  • Although note that it pushes the problem one step
    further (how do we know that the 1ish are indeed
    smaller than the 4ish)?
  • But often we have only one trace, and we want to
    say something about it
  • Need further assumptions!

Introduction to statistical tests
  • Since we have only one trace, we need to invent
    the set from which it came
  • We tend to use relatively simple assumptions
    about this set, which are usually wrong but not
    too wrong

Introduction to statistical tests
  • Here we make the following two assumptions
  • The two processes are stationary gaussian
  • The two processes have identical means
  • What does that mean?
  • We will see later the details
  • We can select an independent subset of samples
    from each process

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Introduction to statistical tests
  • Why choosing independent samples is important?
  • Many years ago, people showed that ratios of sum
    of squares of independent, zero-mean gaussian
    variables with the same variance have a specific
    distribution, called the F distribution
  • So we actually know what the expected
    distribution is if the variances are the same

Introduction to statistical tests
  • The distribution depends on how many samples are
    added together (obviously). These are called
    degrees of freedom, and there are two of them
    one for the numerator and one for the denominator
  • Here both numbers are 51

Introduction to statistical tests
  • So our question got transformed to the following
  • We got a variance ratio of 5.6, how surprising is
    it when we assume that the variance ratios have
    an F(51,51) distribution?
  • In order to do that, lets look at the F

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Introduction to statistical tests
  • To recapitulate
  • We got data
  • One trace from an up state, one trace from a down
  • We made assumptions about how many repeats should
    look like
  • Gaussian stationary with zero mean
  • We generated a test for which we know the answer
    under the assumptions
  • F test (variance ratio)
  • We go to the theoretical distribution and ask
    whether our result is extreme
  • Yes!

Introduction to statistical tests
  • A test is as good as its assumptions
  • Are our assumptions good?
  • How bad are our departures from the assumptions?

Introduction to statistical tests
  • Stationarity means that
  • means do not depend on where they are measured
  • Variances and covariances do not depend on where
    they are measured
  • Gaussian processes are processes such that
  • Samples are gaussian
  • Pairs of samples are jointly gaussian (and when
    stationary, the distribution depends only on the
    time interval between them)

When the data is non-stationary?
Event-related analysis of data
  • We select events that serve as renewal points
  • Renewal points are points in time where the
    statistical structure is restarted, in the sense
    that everything depends only on the time after
    the last renewal point

Event-related analysis of data
  • Examples of possible renewal points
  • Stimulation times
  • Spike times (when you believe that everything
    depends only on the time since the last spike)
  • Spike times in another neuron (when you believe
    that )

Event-related analysis of data
  • Less obvious renewal points
  • Reverse correlation analysis
  • The random process for which we look for renewal
    points is now the stimulus
  • The renewal points are spike times

Event-related analysis of data
  • Assume that we have renewal points in the
    membrane potential data
  • This means that we believe that segments of
    membrane potential traces that start at the
    renewal points are samples from one and the same
  • We want to characterize that distribution

Event-related analysis of data
  • We usually characterize the mean of the
  • This is called event-triggered averaging
  • When your event is a spike, the result is
    spike-triggered averaging
  • If the spike is from the same neuron, the result
    is a kind of autocorrelation
  • If the spike is from a different neuron, the
    result is cross-correlation
  • When your event is a stimulus, the result is the
    PSTH (or PSTA)

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Event-related analysis of data
  • We saw that using the mean does not necessarily
    capture wells the statistics of the ensemble
  • Nevertheless, mean is always the first choice
    because in many respects it is the simplest
  • Variance and correlations are also used for
    event-related analysis, but this gets us beyond
    this elementary treatment

When the data is not gaussian?
Morphological processing
  • Identifying signal events by their shape
  • Usually based on case-specific methods
  • Very little general theory behind it
  • Closely linked to clustering

Morphological processing
  • When the shapes are highly repetitive and very
    different from the noise, we can use matched
  • A matched filter is a filter whose shape is
    precisely that of the shape to be detected

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Morphological processing
  • When the shapes are not necessarily highly
    repetitive but are still very different from the
    noise, we can use a generalization of matched
  • Principal components are basic shapes whose
    combinations (with different weights) fit our
    shapes, but should poorly fit the noise
  • But this takes out beyond this level

Morphological processing
  • Some spike sorting is done using principal
    components or matched filters
  • Some EPSP identification is done using principal
  • Like all data processing techniques, this is a
    GIGO process and should be checked very carefully

Morphological processing
  • Eventually, much of morphological processing is
    about deciding about classes
  • You get a single number and you want to say
    whether it is large or small
  • Some standard statistics can be used here, but
    mostly treatment is data-analytic
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