- framework or fashion?
- Claudia Major Karolina Pomorska
- University of Birmingham Loughborough
University - cxm316_at_bham.ac.uk K.M.Pomorska_at_lboro.ac.uk
FORNET Plenary Conference, 23 April 2005, Brussels
2Summary of the presentation
- Fashion or framework?
- Moving from fashion to framework defining
Europeanisation - What added value Europeanisation brings to the
study of foreign and security policy? - Applying Europeanisation to FP our experiences
and challenges ahead - Conclusions
3From fashion to framework - defining
- Europeanisation as an ongoing and mutually
constitutive process of change, linking national
and European levels, capturing the growing
interwoveness of national and European levels. - uploading of national preferences to the EU
level - downloading of EU generated incentives
(policies) - crossloading of ideas, norms and ways of
doing things
4Europeanisation linking national and EU levels
in an ongoing process
Downloading Taking Reception
Uploading Shaping Projection
Cross loading
5What added value to the study of foreign and
security policy ?
- Europe matters
- interaction of national and European levels in a
dynamic perspective - the modifications that occur the transformation
of the nation-state on account of European
integration and the emergence of new structures
of governance at the European level - the mechanisms through which these modifications
occur at both levels - the mechanism through which member states attempt
to influence the emergence of new structures at
the EU level
6Bridging levels of analysis
- Europeanisation attempts to capture the
dialectical relationship between - the actors and the system
- the nation-states and the EU as institutional
entity - attempts for collective action and the
persistence of national foreign, security and
defence policies - Europeanisation brings the state to the analysis
of CFSP and the CFSP to the analysis of national
foreign policies
7Theory in danger of running away with itself?
- Challenges I
- Due to the outlined Europeanisation definition
- Process or outcomes? How to define dependent and
independent variables? - How to deal with the feed back idea?
8Europeanisation two separate dimensions?
- Searching for methodological rigidity
- a defining property the downloading dimension
domestic change caused by an EU generated
impact - an accompanying property the uploading
dimension projecting ideas from the national to
the EU level and emergence of new structures at
the EU level (Dyson and Goetz 2003, Bulmer and
Radaelli 2004) - Embedding Europeanisation with the theories New
Institutionalism, Social Constructivism
9Theory in danger of running away with itself?
- Challenges II
- Due to the unique character of foreign and
security policy - EU input difficult to detect in intergovernmental
policy area - EU input difficult isolate from other global and
domestic impact - Europeanisation just as an
intervening variable? - How to define change how to measure it?
- Dealing with the influence of national
opportunity structures and strategic cultures - Assessing the mechanisms of change
10Europeanisation - what do we make of it ? I
- captures the ongoing interaction and growing
interwoveness of EU and national levels - assesses the changing nature of governance and of
the state by endogenising international
governance in the models of domestic politics and
policy - enables to see how the European dimensions became
more important without coercion, and how the last
bastion of national sovereignty became part of
the European co-operation process - assesses the influence of the EU member states on
EU developments
11Europeanisation - what do we make of it ? II
- healthy corrective of overemphasise on
interstate bargaining - In the final analysis Europeanisation is only one
part of a bigger picture of the changing nation
state and cannot serve as an all encompassing
idea - how (if at all) have national FP and CFSP changed
as a result of Europeanisation processes? - beyond assessing the state of Europeanisation,
there is an urgent need to interpret its
consequences enabling or constraining for the
nation states?