A Problem for Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Problem for Society


A. Bullock TL. A. Amos TA. L. Ball. Biophysics. F. Niesen, TL. O. Fedorov, PDF ... Bullock AN, et al Crystal structure of the SOCS2-elongin C-elongin B complex ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Problem for Society

A Problem for Society
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The economic reality
  • 200B in RD invested in government and
  • 50B in RD invested by biotech and pharma
  • 60 approved drugs are approved
  • 40-45 of these are re-worked existing drugs
  • 15-20 are new chemical entities
  • 1 new medicine per 12B spent in health

What costs the most? Where are inefficiencies?
Attrition in the clinic
Why the attrition?Lack of scientific
  • Current economic structure of drug discovery
    process not sustainable
  • Society expects new medicines
  • Long-term productivity gains can only be made
    by focusing on the underlying scientific problems

The Other Problem
The Human Genome
  • 23,000 genes
  • Complete understanding essential to increase
    productivity of drug discovery
  • Too expensive using traditional methods
  • And so we enter the genome age
  • - Parallelization of research
  • - Different way of asking questions

The Combined Problem
The State of the Union
  • Current economic structure of drug discovery
    process not sustainable
  • Society expects new medicines
  • Scale and scope of problem too large for any
    group or sector to tackle
  • New organizational structures, new economic
    models and new ways of managing science are

Increasing productivity What can we do?
  • Stop the blame game stop whining
  • The science is not there yet the participants
    are struggling
  • - All participants (the public, professors,
    investors, industry, governments) are acting
    perfectly appropriately within the drug
    discovery system, which evolved to its current
    state over the past 30 years.
  • The public must take responsibility and drive the
    process because
  • - The public pay for the research
  • - We are the major shareholders of industry
  • - We all need/want new medicines
  • 3. Focus on the science it is only long-term
  • - What science to pursue?
  • - How to organize scientific approach when skills
    are in different places?

A plan for open access research into attrition
  • Form research partnerships to tackle science
  • - Academia and industry each bring something to
  • Funded by both public and private sectors
  • Operated within academic institutions
  • Very defined objectives managed jointly by all
  • All results into public domain, with no
    restriction on use

The concept
The problems are best tackled in Public Private
Partnerships that operate within Creative Commons
An example of such a PPPThe Structural Genomics
  • 3D structures of proteins highly enabling in
    drug discovery estimated to shed 18 months of
    development time
  • Risk of 3D structures becoming proprietary in
    private sector
  • Academic groups focusing on proteins of little
    direct therapeutic relevance
  • To deliver structures at reduced cost (then est.
    gt USD400,000/structure)
  • To minimize duplication of between industry and
    academia (and within industry)
  • To create open access for technologies and

Creation of SGC 1999-2003
  • 1999
  • Discussions initiated by Rob Cooke _at_GSK and
  • Major goal was to join forces and launch a
    pre-competitive organisation devoted to early
    targets of medical relevance
  • gt10 Pharmas and Biotechs Wellcome Trust in
    early discussions, built on SNP consortium model
  • 2001 - 2003
  • 2001 Business plan prepared, GSK (10) and WT
    (90) committed
  • 2003 CEO recruited.
  • 2003 Consortium of Canadian investors committed
    to project
  • 2003 Strategic planning initiated in August and
    Ramp-Up in October

The SGC Principles
  • Organized as charitable company
  • Consortium members set objectives for SGC
  • Oversight through Board of Directors and
    Scientific Committee, whose members are
    representatives of funders
  • Protein structures must go into public domain
    without restrictions
  • No prior access to protein structural data for
  • Quantitative objectives (350 structures by July
    2007) set out by Funders

Strategic decisions to make in 2003
  • Distribute science among many labs or focus?
  • One or a few sites?
  • Industrial or academic culture?
  • Situate the labs in industrial parks or at
  • How to manage relationship with University?
  • What is recruiting strategy?
  • How to convince academic scientists to work
    against milestones?
  • How much to focus on delivery vs technology
  • How much emphasis on publication vs deliverables?
  • What was communication plan?
  • How to collaborate with other international

What we did
  • Focus science in 2-3 sites within Universities
  • Recruit CSOs who buy into the concept
  • Give CSOs broad overarching organizational and
    scientific plan, but let unique culture develop
    within that framework (build culture around CSO).
  • Recruit top PIs and build science around their
  • Ensure that a large fraction of the organization
    are training (not staff scientists)
  • Focus on deliverables and technology will be
    developed to meet objectives
  • Convince Board that meeting objectives requires
    top scientists and top scientists need to publish
    (a lot)
  • Ignore all other efforts and hunker down and
    deliver. Similarly avoid broad communication
    plan and focus on science.

The SGC Organization
Board of Directors Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia,
Scientific Committee Kirk Clark, Chair, Novartis
CEO Aled Edwards
SGC-Oxford 65 staff Chas Bountra
SGC-Toronto 80 staff Cheryl Arrowsmith
SGC-Stockholm 25 staff Pär Nordlund
Generic SGC Organization (e.g. Oxford)
Chas Bountra
N. Telfer, Administrator E. James, Laboratory
Manager S. Muller, Res. Coord. (50) V. Barnsley,
Exec Assistant V. Hudson Secretary P. Powell,
Lab Support Glasswasher/TA
Research Informatics (4)
Administration (3.5)
B. Marsden J. Bray Sci WH Lee, Sci A. Andersson,
Support (3)
Biotechnology (9)
Biology1 DRM (11)
Biology 2 TMRS (11)
Biology 3 PDS (11)
Chemical Biology (8)
Protein Crystallography (11)
O. Gileadi Mol Biol N. Burgess TL B. Shresta,
PDF P. Savitsky, PDF11 C. Smee TA Biochem S.
Colebrook, TL A. Haroniti, PDF C. Johansson,
PDF12 G. Berridge, TA
U. Oppermann Biochem 1 K. Kavanagh, TL S. Ng,
PDFP. Lukacic, PDF E. Dubnina TA Biochem
2 Team Leader X. Wu PDF PDF TA Prot. Eng. K.
Guo, TL N. Shafqat, PDF
D. Doyle Biochem 1 J. Elkins, TL X. Yang
PDF M Soundararajan, PDF TA Biochem 2 (TMR) K.
Fotinou, TL H. Meka, PDFPDF TA Prot. Eng. Team
Leader Y. Zhao, PDF
L. Ball Biophysics F. Niesen, TL O. Fedorov,
PDF E. Longmann, PDF12 TA Protein Chemistry F.
Sobott, TL PDF TA
S. Knapp Biochem 1 A. Barr, TL J. Eswaran,
PDF PDF TA Biochem 2 P. Rellos, TL12 S. Das
PDF P. Philippakopoulos, PDF TA Prot. Eng. A.
Bullock TL A. Amos TA
F. Von Delft Meth Tech Computational, Sci Lab
Engineer Biol Cryst 1 Team Leader E.
Ugochukwu, PDF12 J. Debreczeni, PDF Biol Cryst
2 Team Leader A. Jansson, PDF G. Bunkoczi,
PDF Synchrotron PDF
SGC Progress (2004-2007)
  • Phase I July 2004 June 2007
  • Total funding CDN85M
  • - 5 of world structural biology budget
  • Total goal 50 112 224 386 Structures
  • Goal reached in March 2007
  • 425 approved structures to date (470 total)
  • - Targets pre-judged to be of value to community
  • 125,000 USD/structure
  • - Estimated 1/2-1/5 of cost in academia or
  • 25 of all new human PDB entries in 2006
  • 40 of all apicomplexan PDB entries 2006
  • Over 75 publications
  • Over 140 formal collaborations
  • One technology spin-off commercialized

Dealing with change of leadership
Organization and funding from 2007-2011
The Structural Genomics ConsortiumA model for
open access public-private partnership
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a
public-private partnership with a mandate to
place protein structures of relevance to human
health into the public domain, free from
restrictions on use. Focus on proteins from
human and human parasites.
The Structural Genomics ConsortiumA model for
open access public-private partnership
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a
public-private partnership with a mandate to
place protein structures of relevance to human
health into the public domain, free from
restrictions on use. Focus on proteins from
human and human parasites.
The Structural Genomics ConsortiumA model for
open access public-private partnership
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a
public-private partnership with a mandate to
place protein structures of relevance to human
health into the public domain, free from
restrictions on use. Focus on proteins from
human and human parasites. Funders (30M
per annum) Canada, GSK, Ontario, Merck,
Novartis, Sweden, Knut and Alice Wallenberg
Foundation, Wellcome Trust
The Structural Genomics ConsortiumA model for
open access public-private partnership
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a
public-private partnership with a mandate to
place protein structures of relevance to human
health into the public domain, free from
restrictions on use. Focus on proteins from
human and human parasites. Funders (30M
per annum) Canada, GSK, Ontario, Merck,
Novartis, Sweden, Knut and Alice Wallenberg
Foundation, Wellcome Trust Protein
targets Proteins are nominated by the Funders
to the SGC Target List, which now comprises 2400
proteins. Targets are selected with therapeutic
view. No funder (public or private) has access
to progress of SGC Targets through pipeline.
The Structural Genomics ConsortiumA model for
open access public-private partnership
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a
public-private partnership with a mandate to
place protein structures of relevance to human
health into the public domain, free from
restrictions on use. Focus on proteins from
human and human parasites. Funders (30M
per annum) Canada, GSK, Ontario, Merck,
Novartis, Sweden, Knut and Alice Wallenberg
Foundation, Wellcome Trust Protein
targets Proteins are nominated by the Funders
to the SGC Target List, which now comprises 2400
proteins. Targets are selected with therapeutic
view. No funder (public or private) has access
to progress of SGC Targets through
pipeline. Objectives 386 structures of
proteins from Target List by July 2007 (achieved
455) 660 more structures by July 2011 (including
8 integral membrane proteins)
What defines a Consortium Member?
  • Members invest 3M GBP or more into the SGC and
  • Seat on Board of Directors
  • Seat on Scientific Committee
  • Right to put 200 proteins on SGC Target List
  • Investment governed by SGC Funding Agreement
  • Funding to Institutions governed by SGC grant

The SGC Governance
  • Board of Directors responsible for
  • Financial aspects
  • Collaborations
  • Intellectual property
  • Remuneration
  • Strategic directions
  • Scientific Committee responsible for
  • Managing Target List
  • Ensuring scientific objectives are met
  • Approval of new scientific thrusts

The SGC Board
Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University
(Chair) Hans Widmer, Novartis Kevin Lumb,
Merck Rob Cooke, GSK Rod McInnes, Canadian
Institutes for Health Research Michael Morgan,
Genome Canada Allison Barr, Ontario Ministry of
Research and Innovation Sture Forsen, Swedish
Funding Consortium Alan Schafer, Wellcome Trust
Kirk Clark, Novartis (Chair of Scientific
Committee) Becky Aarons (Corporate Secretary,
Wellcome Trust)
The Scientific Committee
Kirk Clark, Novartis (Chair) Lisa Shewchuk,
GSK Mike Ferguson, Dundee (Trust) Peter Dirks,
Toronto (Ontario) Kalle Heldin, Uppsala
(Sweden) Tony Pawson, Toronto (CIHR) Brett
Finlay, UBC (Genome Canada) Paul Darke,
Merck David Stuart, Oxford (CEO) Tom Terwilliger,
Los Alamos (CEO) Stephen Frye, UNC (CEO)
Summary of Progress (May 1, 2008)
  • SGC has produced 600 human structures and 100
    structures from human parasites
  • SGC contributed 22 of all new structures of
    human proteins into the PDB in last year
  • SGC contributed gt90 of all new structures of
    Plasmodia proteins into the PDB in last year
  • SGC scientists publish papers are written long
    after coordinates are freely available
  • Bullock AN, et al Crystal structure of the
    SOCS2-elongin C-elongin B complex defines a
    prototypical SOCS box ubiquitin ligase. PNAS
    1037637 (2006)
  • Kavanagh KL, et al The molecular mechanism of
    nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates as
    antiosteoporosis drugs. PNAS 1037829 (2006)
  • Schuetz A, et al Structural basis for molecular
    recognition and presentation of histone H3 by
    WDR5. EMBO J. 254245 (2006)
  • Lunin VV, et al Crystal structure of the CorA
    Mg2 transporter. Nature 440 833 (2006)
  • Vedadi M, et al Chemical screening methods to
    identify ligands that promote protein stability,
    protein crystallization, and structure
    determination. PNAS 10315835 (2006)
  • Yang X, et al Structural basis for
    protein-protein interactions in the 14-3-3
    protein family. PNAS 10317237 (2006)
  • Abdullah, A., et al Structural and Chemical
    Profiling of the Human Cytosolic
    Sulfotransferases. PLoS Biology 5e165 (2007)
  • Ng SS, et al. Crystal structures of histone
    demethylase JMJD2A reveal basis for substrate
    specificity. Nature. 2007 44887 (2007)
  • Tempel W, et al. Nicotinamide Riboside Kinase
    Structures Reveal New Pathways to NAD(). PLoS
    Biology 5e263 (2007)
  • Min J, et al. L3MBTL1 recognition of mono- and
    dimethylated histones. Nat Struct Mol Biol.
    141229 (2007)

Where we must improve
  • Outreach
  • Edwards believed (perhaps incorrectly) that
    scientific accomplishments would be sufficient to
    raise the SGC profile
  • Pharmaceutical funding
  • Consortium needs to expand beyond its current
  • 3. Enhancing impact of SGC science
  • - gt1,500 purified proteins in house they have
    great scientific value

Priorities from 2007-2011
  • Deposit 660 structures from the Target List (2400
  • Deposit 8 human integral membrane proteins
  • Focus science on three strategic areas
  • Partner to generate selective probes for SGC
    targets (antibody and small molecule)
  • Membrane protein structural biology
  • Develop oncology program focused on the kinome
  • Continue to promote the value of providing
    knowledge into the public domain unencumbered

Validating drug targets
Chemical biology
  • The SGC has purified 1500 human proteins and
    deposited 500 structures
  • The availability of proteins within families, and
    our screening capabilities, enables us to explore
    selectivity and specificity questions
  • In most of our protein families, we are engaging
    in family-wide collaborations with two
  • - To produce maps of the interaction of the
    families with available chemistry (e.g. Federov
    et al Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 10420523 (2007)
  • - To identify specific, selective and bioactive
    chemical probes of function (e.g. Pogacic et al,
    Cancer Res. 676916 (2007)

Pre-competitive chemical biology
Pre-competitive chemical biology
  • Situation
  • Drug discovery scientists stay away from many
    pioneer drug targets because of the high
    probability of failure in clinical trials (the
    lack of efficacy Grand Challenge)
  • Aims
  • Develop interest for these targets by generating
    chemical inhibitors for them (chemical probes)
    and providing them to academic and industrial
    scientists, unencumbered
  • Scientific Plan
  • Create partnership to develop quality chemical
    probes using biological expertise in academia and
    medicinal chemistry from industry
  • Fund effort using both public and private
  • Place chemical probes into the public domain,
  • Scientists will use probes to enhance knowledge
    about human biology

Model for pre-competitive chemistry
Public Domain
Public/Private Partnership
Chemical Probes Screening Chemistry Structure Bio
Target Validation No IP No restrictions Publicati
Drug Discovery (re)Screening Chemistry Lead
optimization Pharmacology DMPK Toxicology Chemical
development Clinical development
Creative commons
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