Title: Provider Orientation 20092010 School Year
1Provider Orientation2009/2010 School Year
- Mark Alvarado, M.Ed.
- Project Coordinator
- State and Federal Accountability
2Supplemental Educational Services
- No Child Left Behind mandated program for Title I
school who are in Stages 2 to 5 of School
Improvement status - Students who receive Free or Reduced lunch are
eligible for program. - Each child has PPA (Per Pupil Allocation)
- Provided by youState Approved Providers
3Austin ISD2009/2010 Schools
- Could Exit SIP
- Dobie MS (97)
- Mendez MS (94)
- Eligible Schools
- Lanier HS (85)
- Travis HS (86)
- Reagan HS (87)
- Paredes MS (73)
- Fulmore MS (74)
- Could Enter SIP
- Burnet MS (94)
- Pearce MS (95)
- Norman EL (95)
5The ProcessFirst Things First!
Submit -AISD Contract -W-9 -Background Checks
-Insurance Documentation
- Contract Approved
- Provider given Open PO
- Provider is Clear to recruit and
- collect enrollment forms
- Added to List Serve
- School Contacts Provided
2-4 Weeks
6The Process
- Contract and W-9 Found on Austin ISD SES website
- Standard liability insurance coverage 500,000
minimum per occurrence1,000,000 aggregate - Background Checks
- For Provider employees that will be working with
students directly (In person, over phone, on
line) - Provider must provide documentation showing that
tutor has passed check (FBI, TXDOT) - Provide documentation before tutor begins working
with students
- 90 of students must begin services
- within 30 days of district receiving
- enrollment form to meet compliance requirements.
8The ProcessRecruiting
- Must complete contract process first
- AISD has Open Enrollment from August 24, 2009 to
May 26, 2010 - Schools administrators will decide on campus
visits for recruiting (must give administrator 2
day notice if you plan to visit to schedule a
recruiting visit) - Any recruiting on district facilities must be
reported to SES Project Coordinator - Recruiting at non school AISD facilities must be
approved prior - List Serve will be used to communicate upcoming
recruiting opportunities
9The ProcessRecruiting
- Must use Texas SES Enrollment form
- Parent must fill out form COMPLETELY
- Students 18 or older do not need parent consent
- On line forms submitted before the end of the
school day by students under the age of 18 will
be questioned - Please remember that you represent your company
who provides SES to AISD students - You do not represent Austin ISD, NCLB, TEA, USDE
- Refer to AISD contract for additional
10(No Transcript)
- 90 of students must begin services
- within 30 days of district receiving
- enrollment form to meet compliance requirements.
12Receive Enrollment Form(On line, Fax, Paper)
Check for Eligibility and Process
Not Eligible
Letter to Parents
Letter to Parents
5 Days or Less
Provider Notified and sent needed documents to
create SLP and deliver services
13Enrollment Packet
Individual Education Plan (IEP)for Special
Education Students
14The ProcessEnrollment
- Remember to communicate with parents ASAP when
you are notified that he/she is enrolled in your
program - You will be notified via EZSES and/or email
- Once student is assigned on EZSES your on the
clock - Remember that there is additional contact info on
enrollment form - We do not keep track of students who you did not
- 90 of students must begin services
- within 30 days of district receiving
- enrollment form to meet compliance requirements.
1610 Days Assign on EZSES-SLP Submit
Provider receives data, identifies student
academic needs, and creates SLP based on student
Provider submits SLP for Approval in EZSES.
- Student can begin receiving
- Services
SLP Approved by AISD 1-3 days
17Parent chooses to not participate in SLP
creation, NO Signature needed on final copy
Parent WILL participate, PARENT SIGNATURE
19The Process Billing
- Must be done by 5th working day of the next month
- You have 30 days to bill for services provided
- I.E. If you provide services on April 1 you must
bill - by May 1 or loose payment
- End of Month
- Submit attendance for last week in EZSES
- Submit Progress for Month in EZSES
- Organize AISD student Sign In sheets
- Print your system log in/out sheets
- Create Invoice in EZSES
Ensure that what you billing for (EZSES Invoice)
Matches verification (Student Sign in And Log
in/out sheets
Signed SLP on File
- Submit invoice in EZSES
- Fax, email, upload,
- Verification documentation
20The ProcessBilling (Verification)
We will check date and time on EZSES invoice
21The ProcessBilling (Verification)
Distance Providers
1.5 hours
1.5 Hours
Very important and must match EZSES invoice
23The ProcessBillingErrors in Verification
- Will be notified of errors
- and/or missing documentation
- (notification can be delayed by
- workloads)
- Will delay payment
Your Invoice
Your Invoice
25Region 13 Training for Providers
- Tentative for late July or August
- Mandatory for all New Providers
- Updates version for current Providers
- http//www5.esc13.net/ses/index.html
26Purpose of EZSES
- Assist districts in managing student and provider
data - Assist providers by providing consistency in
attendance, student learning plans, and progress
reports, - Allow SIRC to better serve districts and
providers - Allow TEA to monitor district and provider
implementation of SES more closely.
- Is mandatory (Provisions and Assurances, Part
XII-P and Austin ISD SES Contract) - Communicate problems to district coordinator ASAP
- Your problems might not be isolated
- EZSES will be used for SLPs, invoicing,
attendance, progress monitoring
28Austin ISD and EZSES
- Maintain EZSES information (SLPs, invoicing,
attendance, progress monitoring) - Attendance must be submitted on a weekly basis
(by the last business day or Friday) - Information on EZSES must match hard copy
documents (Verification) - Gets you paid faster, keeps us prepared for
audits that effect all of us, avoids issues when
transfer occur.
- Use data received in Approval Packet to assist in
creating SLP - Collaborate with Parents to finalize SLP (When
needed) - Secure Parent Signature on SLP
- SLP needs to singed by Provider also
- Enter SLP into EZSES system, submit for approval
- Mail Hard Copy of SLP, with necessary signatures,
to Austin ISD
30No Parent Signature on SLP
- Austin ISD has to secure parent signature on SLP
but - USDE-3 Documented Attempts Needed
- If parent signature not secured by Provider,
Austin ISD will attempt to secure signature by - Contacting parent
- Coordinating with Campus SES contact
- Austin ISD/Provider will document process
- Services are allowed to commence, if
documentation is shown to prove failed attempts
to gather signature -
- SLP will be reviewed by district coordinator
- If there is problem with SLP, coordinator will
contact via EZSES and/or email - Do not begin services until the SLP is approved
and/or you receive email stating that SLP is
approved - Once SLP is approved on EZSES, you can begin
serving students - Provider will be notified by email as well
32Building Use-Application Procedure
- Complete Application for Use of School Facilities
Form CE1000 - Fax completed application to school principal or
designee - Written notice of approval or disapproval
- Ongoing use of a facility may require
interlocal/license agreement - Austin ISD reserves the right to ask for full
payment or a fee deposit in advance - Must give advance written notice (48 hrs) if
33Building Use-Fees
Documents, past presentations, Q and A
36Key Contacts-Austin ISD
- Mark Alvarado (SES Coordinator)
- Mark.alvarado_at_austinisd.org
- 512.414.0012
- Gloria Zamarripa (Budget Specialist)
- Gzamarri_at_austinisd.org
- 512.414.4567
- Fax 512.414.1791
37Key Contacts-Region 13
- Samuel Maldonado , Education Specialist School
Improvement Resource Center samuel.maldonado_at_esc1
3.txed.net(512) 919-5211 (phone)(512) 919-5399
(fax) - Leticia Govea , Education Specialist School
Improvement Resource Center leticia.govea_at_esc13.t
xed.net(512) 919-5169 (phone)(512) 919-5399
(fax) -
38Key Contacts-TEA
- Rita Ghazal, Coordinator SES Texas Education
AgencyRita.Ghazal_at_tea.state.tx.us(512) 936-9374
(phone)(512) 305-9447 (fax)
39Question, Comments