Title: ATLAS trigger and DAQ
1ATLAS trigger and DAQ
2Starting points
- physics programme for the experiment
- what are you trying to measure
- detector performance
- what data is available
- accelerator parameters
- what rates and structures
3Physics programme
- see lhc_basics for more detail
- luminosity dependent
- low luminosity (first 2 years)
- high PT programme (Higgs etc.)
- b-physics programme (CP measurements)
- high luminosity
- high PT programme (Higgs etc.)
- searches for new physics
4Physics and triggering
- trigger must select the required physics
- with good (high) efficiency
- well known and monitored efficiency (well
matched to off-line selection) - with high reliability
- in shortest possible time (and lowest cost)
- trigger must reject background
- repeat all above!
5Matching problem
6Matching problem (cont.)
- ideally
- off-line algorithms select phase space which
shrink-wraps the physics channel - trigger algorithms shrink-wrap the off-line
selection - in practice, this doesnt happen
- need to match the off-line algorithm selection
- BUT off-line can change algorithm, re-process and
recalibrate at a later stage - SO, make sure on-line algorithm selection is well
known, controlled and monitored
7Trigger design
- Inclusive and exclusive triggers
- inclusive - select all physics with certain
characteristics - single (or few) particle triggers e.g. high pT
leptons - unbiased sample (or relatively so)
- does not exclude new physics
- exclusive - select physics channel under study
- use to recognise well known processes
- accept, scale (sample) or reject
- need to monitor efficiency
8Trigger design (cont.)
- Level 1
- inclusive triggers
- Level 2
- confirm Level 1, some inclusive, some
semi-inclusive,some simple topology triggers,
vertex reconstruction(e.g. two particle mass
cuts to select Zs) - Level 3
- confirm Level 2, more refined topology
selection,near off-line code
9Selection and rejection
- as selection criteria are tightened
- background rejection improves
- BUT event selection efficiency decreases
10Detector and accelerator parameters
- sell lhc_basics for main details
- detector channel numbers
11Trigger and DAQ design process
- develop algorithms to match the physics programme
and off-line selections - run time constraints mean you cant use off-line
algorithms - develop systems to collect data required and run
algorithms at rates needed to match accelerator
and detector performance - use multi-level trigger to remove backgrounds as
soon as possible - get interesting physics to tape for off-line
12Selected (inclusive) signatures (high L)
13ATLAS trigger and DAQ
Level 1 latency 2 µs
Level 2 latency 10 ms
Level 3 latency few s
14Level-1 trigger system
15Level 1 (cont.)
- calorimeter and muon triggers
- trigger on inclusive signatures
- data held in pipelines (2.5µs) for Level-1
decision - bunch crossing identified
- information (Regions of Interest) passed to
level-2 - on calorimeter clusters (ETgt10GeV)
- and muon tracks (µ pT gt 6 GeV)
- 4000 e.m. and 4000 hadronic channels
16em cluster trigger algorithm
17Trigger efficiency vs cluster threshold
- 1-cell, 2-cell and 4-cell groupings (50 GeV
2 x 1 cell sharper threshold than 1 x 1 2 x 1
cell and 2 x 2 cell nearly identical. lower rate
than 2 x 2 half the background rate.
18Level-1 estimated accept rates
19Front-end to buffer data flow
20Level 2 system philosophy
- fundamental granularity of detectors
- no special readout from front-ends
- no inherent loss of data quality
- guidance from LVL1 - Region of Interest (RoI)
- reduces data to be moved to T2 processors
- RoI - 'cone' from interaction point
- Processing scheme
- extract features from sub-detector data
- combine features from one RoI into object
- combine objects to test event topology
21Regions of Interest (RoIs)
22RoI data rate reduction
- only a few percent of the total data for each
event are transferred from the buffers to the
level-2 system for processing
23Level-2 system hardware overview
24Level-2 trigger rates (estimated)
25System Overview
Technologies Level-1 custom built, ASICs and
FPGA based system Higher level triggers and event
builder mainly commercial - µPs and networks
- To achieve TDAQ aims, the following are studied
- trigger performance
- physics studies, algorithm development and
testing - hardware development
- buffers, networks, processor systems
- software development
- data flow, fault handling, control and monitoring
- modelling
- mont-carlo physics studies
- simulation of hardware and software systems
- A broad knowledge of the expeiment needed