Title: Introduction of CDR, Architectures and Circuits
1Introduction of CDR, Architectures and Circuits
2Introduction of CDR Application
Fig 1.1 Block level architecture of 10Gb/s SONET
31). OC-192 receiver architecture that the
interface between the optical and electronic
worlds 2) The photodiode convert the incoming
NRZ optical pulses of a single 10Gb/s channel
into an electrical current. 3) The
transimpedance (TZ) amplifier converter these
current into voltage. 4). AGC provides
additional amplification while compensating for
variations in the received signal power. 5). The
clock required to retime the incoming
synchronous data stream is recovered from the
received data stream by the clock recovery block
(CDR). 6) The recovered clock is then applied
to a time-division demultiplexer (DEMUX) in order
to separate the 10Gb/s stream into multiple,
lower speed channels. Typical DEMUX ratios
are14, 18 and 116.
4 Dual Loop CDR System
- Fig. 1.2 Generic block level architecture of PLL
based CDR.
5Clock and Data Recovery System Specifications
- Jitter generation measure of the jitter created
by the CDR when it is locked to a jitter free
reference clock - Jitter transfer function the ratio between
output jitter and input sinusoidal jitter at
various input jitter frequencies - Jitter tolerance the peak-to-peak amplitude of
sinusoidal jitter applied to the data input that
causes a 1-dB power penalty.
6The CDR jitter transfer function
- Figure 1.3 OC-192 Jitter transfer specification.
7The CDR jitter tolerance specification
Figure 1.4 OC-192 Jitter Tolerance specification.
8Introduction of the full-rate and half rate CDR
timing diagram
Fig. 1.5 Waveform for Full-rate and Half-rate
9The PLL based CDR Architecture
The PLL based CDR is composed of PFD, VCO and
Charge Pump
Figure 1.6 PLL architecture for clock recovery
10Introduction of CDR building block(PFD/FD,
Charge Pump)
- PFD Linear Phase Detector, Binary Phase Detector
and Sampling Hold Phase Detector. - Charge Pump
- Frequency Detector Quadricorrelator frequency
detector ,Rotational frequency detector etc.
11Introduction of CDR building block (VCO)
12Rogers10 Gb/s CDR
Figure 1.7 Dual Loop, Half-Rate CDR circuit
13Phase Detector block
Fig. 1.20. half rate early/later phase detector
14Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Figure 1.19 LC delay line ring oscillator
15Charge Pump and Common Mode Feedback Design
Figure 1.20 Charge pump and common mode feedback
with loop filter
16CDR Performance
17Afshin Rezayee designed two version 10 Gb/s CDR
- The first version architecture single loop,
half-rate line phase detector
18Linear Phase detector
Figure 1 Half-Rate Linear Phase Detector
19Charge Pump and loop filter
Figure 3 Charge Pump and loop filter
20VCO For the CDR
Figure 4 Coupled two-stage ring oscillator
21Summary of CDR Performance
Table-1 Summary Performance
22The second version architecture
Figure 5 Dual Loop Half-Rate CDR overall block
23Half-Rate Alexander Phase Detector
Figure 6 Half-Rate Alexander Phase Detector
24Half-Rate Frequency Detector
Figure 8 Half-Rate Frequency Detector
25VCO design
Figure 10 The coupled two-stage ring oscillator
with coupled buffers
Figure 11 Charge-pump schematic
27CDR Performance
28Jafar Savoj two versions 10 Gb/s CDR
- First version single loop, half rate linear
phase detector
Figure 1 Half-rate CDR architecture
29Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Figure 2 Three-stage ring oscillator
30Half-Rate Linear Phase detector
Figure 3 (a) Phase Detector (b) Operation of the
31Charge Pump and Loop Filter
Figure 5 Charge pump and loop filter
32CDR Performance
Table 1 CDR performance summary
33The second version
- Architecture Dual loop, Half-Rate early/later
phase detector.
Figure 6 Dual Loop, Half-Rate CDR Architecture
34Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Figure 7 Four-stage LC-tuned ring oscillator
35Phase and Frequency Detector
Figure 8 Phase and Frequency Detector
36Charge Pump
Figure 10 Charge Pump
Table 2 CDR performance summary
38Jri Lee 40 Gb/s CDR
- Architecture single loop, quadrature rate
Alexander phase detector using the 0.18 CMOS
Figure 1 Quarter-rate CDR architecture
39Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Figure 2 Multiphase differential oscillator
40Quarter-Rate Anlexander Phase detector
Figure 3 (a) Phase Detector (b) Operation
timing diagram of the circuit
41Converter and Loop Filter
Figure 5 V/I Converter
Table 1 CDR performance summary
43Mehrdad Ramezani 10G CDR Implementation
Architecture Dual Loop, Half-Rate Bang-Bang
Phase Detector
Fig.1. 1 Block Diagram of the 10Gb/s PLL-based
44Phase Detector
Fig. 1.2 Schematic of the 10 Gb/s CDR Phase
45Frequency Detector
Fig.1. 4 Block Diagram of the Frequency Detector
(rotational methodology)
46Charge Pump and Loop Filter
Fig. 1.5 Schematic of the Charge-Pump and Loop
47Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Fig. 1.6 Schematic of Four Stages Fully
Differential VCO.
48V/I Converter and Biasing
Fig. 2.5 Schematic of the V/I Converter and
Biasing Circuit
Table 2 10Gb/s CDR Performance
50Comparison of CDRs
Table 5.7 CDR performance caparison
- Dual loop, half-rate CDR architecture is widely
used for its high performance and no unlock
problem. - For the building block
- 1) Phase detector Binary phase detector
- 2) Frequence detector Rotational frequency
detector. - 3) VCO Differential 4-stages delay cell
oscillator or differential 2-stages LC oscillator