Title: The Rise of Painting and Ceramics in China
1The Rise of Painting and Ceramics in China
2Funerary Objects
Chimera Stone, h.96 Tomb of Xiao Xiu, China
during the Six Dynasties period
Squatting Caryatid Monster Stone, h.96 Tomb of
Xiao Xiu, China during the Six Dynasties period
3Funerary Objects
Tomb Figurine horse Earthenware, l. 8
¾ Northern Wei Dynasty, China
4Funerary Objects
Urn of the Soul (hun ping) Yue ware, h. 18,
diam. at foot, 6 Six Dynasties period, China,
dated to 260 CE
Miscellaneous Urn
5Funerary Objects
Tomb Figurine woman Painted earthenware, h. 10
¼ Six Dynasties period, China
Tomb Figurine western Asian warrior Gray
earthenware with polychrome pigment, h. 12
¼ Northern Wei Dynasty, China, early 6th CE
Vase Stoneware, h. 16 ¼ Tang Dynasty, China
Ewer with decoration of performing horse Silver
with repousse gilt decoration, h. 5 ¾ Tang
Dynasty, China, before 756 CE
Instructress Writing Down her Admonitions for the
Benefit of Two Young Ladies, from Admonitions of
the Instructress to the Ladies of the
Palace ArtistGu Kaizhi (344406 CE) Handscroll,
ink and color on silk, h. 9 ¾ Six Dynasties
period, China
Bed Scene, fifth scene from Admonitions of the
Instructress to the Ladies of the Palace
Snow Landscape ArtistWang Wei (699739 CE) Album
leaf, ink and white pigment on silk, h. 18 Tang
Dynasty, China
Eighty-seven Immortals Copy after Wu Zongyuan
(1050 CE) Handscroll detail, ink and color on
silk, h. 16, l. 20 China
Luohan ArtistGuan-Xiu (832912 CE) Hanging
scroll, ink and color on silk, h. 50 Five
Dynasties period, China
Paragons of Filial Piety and Female Virtue One
panel of a lacquer-painted wooden screen, h. of
each scene 7 7/8 Tomb of Sima Jinlong Northern
Wei Dynasty, China, dated to 484 CE