Chapter 5: Confirmation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5: Confirmation


Confirmation referred to as 'Chrismation' Reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation _Infant Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist (drops of Blood of Christ) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 5: Confirmation

Chapter 5 Confirmation
  • Affirmation of Gods Life

  • Confirmation
  • The _____________________ performed ordinarily
    by the ___________________ the forehead with oil
  • The strengthening of our life of faith in Christ
  • ____________________________________, the Church
  • Sacrament of ______________
  • We take _______________________ call
  • The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation
    is necessary for the completion of baptismal
    grace (CCC 1285)
  • Building on the ___________ at Baptism to help a
    person live as a ____________________ community

Confirmation Spirit
  • ________
  • An ancient word with many meanings, including
    breath, life, vitality, inner qualities,
    personality, invisible reality
  • Something that is real but elusive
  • Not tangible, ______________________ and symbols
    for identification and understanding
  • Confirmation as an aid to recognize the
    _______________ in our lives
  • Helps us to live as followers of Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit
  • Third Person of the Trinity
  • ________________________________________
  • Revealed to humans to strengthen faith
  • Various titles and descriptions
  • _______________ ? sweeping over the waters of
  • ______________ ? sent by Jesus to be with the
    Apostles as a guide
  • Holy Spirit as the ________________
  • Brings us together despite our diversity and
    enriches us with all the _________________________
  • Demonstrated by the events at Pentecost

Holy Spirit the Old Testament
  • Spirit of God
  • The ________________ believed that if Gods
    Spirit was with them, their lives would be good
  • God reflected in the holiness of their actions
  • The ______________________________ to the world
  • Anointing of __________
  • 1 Samuel 161-23
  • The Coming of the __________
  • Isaiah 111-9

Jesus and the Spirit
  • Messiah (Hebrew) / Christ (Greek)
  • _______________
  • Baptism in the Jordan
  • _____________________
  • Mt. 313-17
  • Followers of Jesus recognized the spirit of God
    in his actions
  • __________________________
  • Mt. 1613-20
  • Jesus self-recognition
  • Rejection at Nazareth
  • Lk. 416-30

Empowered by the Spirit
  • Pentecost
  • _____________________________________
  • Recounted in Acts of the Apostles 2
  • Apostles
  • Before Pentecost
  • ________________________
  • After Pentecost
  • ________________________
  • Effect of the Spirit
  • _____________________, gave them the courage to
    go out and _________________________

Guiding Presence
  • Early communities
  • Strengthened by the Spirit
  • Gradually expanded as new members became
    interested by the witness of others
  • Courage amid difficulty
  • The Spirit gave Christians hope and strength
  • Direction
  • The Spirit inspired the writers of the New
    Testament as well as the Apostles and their

History of Confirmation
  • Difficulty of study
  • ___________________________________
  • At Baptism
  • After Baptism
  • Various gestures and symbols associated with the
  • _____________________
  • Local bishop initiated new members at the Easter
    Vigil, all adults
  • _____________________
  • Large communities made it impossible for one
    bishop to initiate all members
  • Local parish priests allowed to Baptize but not
  • Bishops celebrated special ______________
    liturgies throughout the diocese at various times
    of the year

Developing Theology
  • The theology of Confirmation has developed
    throughout the Churchs history
  • Medieval Theologians
  • Considered the separation between Baptism and
  • ___________________________________________
  • Concurrent with the actual formalization of the
    _______________ ______________________________
  • Today
  • Adults receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in
    connection with Baptism and Eucharist at
  • Adolescents receive the Sacrament at
    __________________ _____________________

Gifts of the Spirit
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • __________________________________________________
  • Wisdom, understanding, knowledge, right judgment,
    courage, reverence, wonder and awe
  • Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • ________________________________________________
  • Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
    goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness,
    modesty, self-control, chastity
  • Theological Virtues
  • _________________________________________________

  • Charism
  • ____________________ today the term usually
    refers to special abilities in ministry
  • A ________________________________ that benefits
    the Church
  • Helps Christians serve the common good of the
  • _________________
  • A style of prayer that focuses on the presence of
    the Spirit in the world
  • Personal preference
  • Veni Sancte Spiritus
  • _________________________

Confirmation and Salvation
  • Witnessed in Scripture
  • The ____________________ sent to people to give
    them guidance and help
  • Salvation of the world by Christ conceived by
    the power of the Spirit
  • Apostolic Ministry
  • _____________________, through the
    _________________________ the Spirit to the newly
  • Confirmation as ______________________________
  • Reception of the fullness of the Holy Spirit
  • ______________ the Christian
  • Anointing as Gods chosen

Effects of Confirmation
  • Increase and deepening of baptismal grace
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • Perfects the common ____________________
  • Received in Baptism
  • Profess _______ in Christ ________
  • Indelible Mark
  • ________________, once one is confirmed there is
    no need to be re-confirmed

Symbols of Confirmation
  • _________________ of Confirmation is the local
  • Role as shepherd
  • ___________________________________
  • Theology of Confirmation expressed through its
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • Signify the presence of the Spirit in the life of
    the Church
  • __________________________

  • Importance of anointing
  • Anointing highlights the name Christian
  • Follower of Christ who was the anointed
  • Ancient symbol of __________________________
  • Sealing the person
  • The anointing seals a person with the _______
    of the Holy Spirit
  • Demonstrates ___________________ to Christ
  • _______________ that never leaves a person
  • Chrism
  • Blessed on _______________ by the local bishop
  • Demonstrates ____________ of the individuals in
    the Church

Laying on of Hands
  • Laying on of hands
  • ________________________________
  • Early _____________ of giving others the Spirit
  • Pouring the Spirit into the person
  • The gesture of laying on of hands demonstrates a
    __________ of the Spirit from one person to
  • Bishops as successors of the Apostles impart the
    ___________________ of their flock

Symbols of the Spirit
  • Dove
  • _______________, Spirit as the peace and presence
    of God in the world
  • _____________________________________
  • Fire
  • Recalls the decent of the Spirit on the
  • ________________
  • Wind
  • ____________, gift of God at the creation of the

  • Connection to Baptism
  • Preferably one of a persons godparents
  • Requirements for sponsors
  • _____________________
  • _____________________
  • _____________________
  • Responsibilities
  • Presenting the confirmand to the bishop
  • _______________ to help the person grow in the
    grace of the sacrament and the gifts of the Spirit

Our Personal Yes
  • Confirmation
  • _____________________ making it our own
  • Growth into _______________________
  • Full, active members of the people of God
  • Carry out the Churchs mission
  • __________________
  • __________________
  • Commitment, Commitment, Commitment

Alternate Celebrations
  • __________________________________________________
  • Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
  • Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
  • Eastern Rite Catholicism Orthodox Christianity
  • Celebration remains B,C,E from the early Church
  • Confirmation referred to as Chrismation
  • Reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation
  • Infant Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist (drops of
    Blood of Christ)
  • __________________________________________________
  • Some Roman Catholic Latin Rite dioceses and
  • Majority of Latin Rite Roman Catholics
  • Represents 4th century shift of delaying
    Confirmation to enable the bishop to personally
    welcome the confirmed into the Church
  • Reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation
    at ________________ during the path to adulthood
  • Realized at Confirmation
  • __________________________________________________
  • Represented by the bishop as the ordinary
    minister of the sacrament

Latin Rite
  • ____________________________________
  • Mass celebrated by the bishop with the parish
    priests concelebrating
  • Depending on the bishop, various extra rituals
  • Episcopal Symbols
  • Mitre
  • Hat symbolizing connection to the Apostles
  • Crosier
  • Staff symbolizing the bishop as the shepherd of
    the diocese
  • Celebrated within the context of the
  • Following readings at the end of the Liturgy of
    the Word

Rite of Confirmation
  • Reaffirmation of Baptismal promises
  • Confirmandi opportunity to publicly profess faith
  • Connection between Confirmation and Baptism
  • _________________________
  • Bishop extends hands in prayer over the
    confirmandi praying for the help of the Holy
  • Formerly, laying on of hands on each person to be
  • _______________________
  • Anointing with Chrism
  • __________________________________________________
  • Sign of Peace
  • Bishop _____________________________ as a sign of
    welcome and acceptance as an __________ of the

Confirmation and Service
  • Most parishes / schools require completion of
    service before Confirmation
  • Not meant to be busy work
  • Assistance to the community
  • _________________________________
  • Demonstrates that Confirmation is not just a
    one-time celebration
  • The gift of the Spirit as ________________________
  • Living _________________________ as the member of
    the Church
  • Appreciation of the importance of service in the
    life of an adult Catholic-Christian
  • Continuing to serve __________________________
    the example given by Jesus at the Last Supper
  • _______________________
  • Christianity requires us to live out what we
    believe not simply recite words without
    commitment or conviction

Olivers Soapbox
  • Serious commitment to the faith community
  • Represented by the profession of faith made in
    the presence of the bishop
  • Responsibility to live a life of faith as an
    adult member of the community
  • Serious commitment to God
  • Prayer to receive the Holy Spirit
  • Enjoy the gifts we have been given
  • Serious commitment to ourselves
  • Living the life of faith
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