Title: Constraint Programming
1Constraint Programming
- Toby Walsh
- Constraint satisfaction
- What is a constraint satisfaction problem? (aka
CSP) - Constraint propagation (aka inference)
- Search algorithms for solving CSPs
- Modelling problems using CSPs
- Some case studies
- Auxiliary variables
- Symmetry
- Implied constraints
- Dual models
- Course links
- http//www.cse.unsw.edu.au/tw/cp.html
- Benchmark problems
- www.csplib.org
- Constraints solvers
- Logic programming languages ECLIPSE, BProlog
- Functional languages FaCiLe (OCaml),
- Imperative languages Choco (Java),
4Constraint programming
- Ongoing dream of declarative programming
- State the constraints
- No two exams at the same time
- Only 5 shifts in one week
- Parcel picked up between 10am-noon
- Black box solver finds a solution
- Just like magic!
- Paradigm of choice for many hard combinatorial
problems - Scheduling, assignment, routing,
5Constraints are everywhere!
- No meetings before 10am
- Network traffic lt 100 Gbytes/sec
- PCB width lt 21cm
- Salary gt 45k Euros
- No two exams at the same time
- Only 5 shifts in one week
- Parcel picked up before 10am
6Constraint satisfaction
- Constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) consists
of - Set of variables
- Each variable has set of values
- Usually assume finite domain
- true,false, red,blue,green, 0,10,
- Set of constraints
- Goal
- Find assignment of values to variables to satisfy
all the constraints
7Example CSP
- Sudoku
- Variable for each square
- Domain numbers 1 to 9
- Constraints
- Row
- AllDifferent(X1,..X9)
- AllDifferent(X10,..X18)
- Column
- AllDifferent(X1,X10,..)
- Small square
- AllDifferent(X1,..,X3,X10,..X12,..)
8Example CSP
- Course timetabling
- Variable for each course
- X1, X2 ..
- Domain are possible times for course
- Wed9am, Fri10am, ..
- Constraints
- X1 \ Wed9am
- Capacity constraints atmost(3,X1,X2..,Wed9am)
- Lecturer constraints alldifferent(X1,X5,)
9Constraint optimization
- CSP objective function
- E.g. objective is Profit Income - Costs
- Find assignment of values to variables that
- Satisfies constraints
- Maximizes (minimizes) objective
- Often solved as sequence of satisfaction problems
- Profit gt 0, Profit gt Ans1, Profit gt Ans2,
10Constraint programming v. Logic programming
- Constraints declaratively specify problem
- Logic programming natural approach
- Assert constraints, call labelling strategy
(backtracking search predicate) - But can also define constraint satisfaction or
optimization within an imperative of functional
language - Popular toolkits in C, Java, CAML,
- Constraints
- Scope
- list of variables to which constraint applies
- Relation specifying allowed values (goods)
- Extensionally specified
- (Xred, Yblue) or (Xred, Ygreen) or
- (Xblue, Yred) or (Xblue, Ygreen) or
- (Xgreen, Yred) or (Xgreen, Yblue)
- Intensionally specified
- X / Y
- X 2Y - Z lt 5
- Alldifferent(X,Y,Z)
- AtLeast(1,X,Y,Z,red)
12Binary v non-binary
- Binary constraint
- Scope covers 2 variables
- E.g. not-equals constraint X1 / X2.
- E.g. ordering constraint X1 lt X2
- Non-binary constraint
- Scope covers 3 or more variables
- E.g. alldifferent(X1,X2,X3).
- E.g. tour(X1,X2,X3,X4).
- Non-binary constraints usually do not
include unary constraints!
13Some non-binary examples
- Timetabling
- Variables Lecture1, Lecture2,
- Values time1, time2,
- Constraint that lectures taught by same lecturer
do not conflict - alldifferent(Lecture1,Lecture5,).
14Some non-binary examples
- Scheduling
- Variables Job1. Job2,
- Values machine1, machine2,
- Constraint on number of jobs on each machine
- atmost(2,Job1,Job2,,machine1),
- atmost(1,Job1,Job2,,machine2).
15Why use non-binary constraints?
- Binary constraints are NP-complete
- Any non-binary constraint can be represented
using binary constraints - E.g. alldifferent(X1,X2,X3) is equivalent to X1
/ X2, X1 / X3, X2 / X3 - In theory therefore theyre not needed
- But in practice, they are!
16Modelling with non-binary constraints
- Benefits include
- Compact, declarative specifications
- (discussed next)
- Efficient constraint propagation
- (discussed second)
17Modelling with non-binary constraints
- Consider writing your own alldifferent
constraint - alldifferent().
- alldifferent(HeadTail)-
- onediff(Head,Tail),
- alldifferent(Tail).
- onediff(El,).
- onediff(El,HeadTail)-
- El \ Head,
- onediff(El,Tail).
18Constraint solvers
- Two main approaches
- Systematic, tree search algorithms
- Local search or repair based procedures
- Other more exotic possibilities
- Hybrid algorithms
- Quantum algorithms
19Systematic solvers
- Tree search
- Assign value to variable
- Deduce values that must be removed from
future/unassigned variables - Propagation to ensure some level of consistency
- If future variable has no values, backtrack else
repeat - Number of choices
- Variable to assign next, value to assign
- Some important refinements like nogood learning,
non-chronological backtracking,
20Local search
- Repair based methods
- Generate complete assignment
- Change value to some variable in a violated
constraint - Number of choices
- Violated constraint, variable within it,
- Unable to exploit powerful constraint propagation
21Constraint propagation
- Arc-consistency (AC)
- A binary constraint r(X1,X2) is AC iff
- for every value for X1, there is a consistent
value (often called support) for X2 and vice
versa - A problem is AC iff every constraint is AC
22Enforcing arc-consistency
- Remove all values that are not AC
- (i.e. have no support)
- May remove support from other values
- (often queue based algorithm)
- Best AC algorithms (AC7, AC-2000) run in O(ed2)
- Optimal if we know nothing else about the
23Enforcing arc-consistency
- Consider 1st column
- Binary not equals constraints
- X1/X10, X1/X19, ..
- Consider 8th row
- Look at domain of the 1st variable
24Properties of AC
- Unique maximal AC subproblem
- Or problem is unsatisfiable
- Enforcing AC can process constraints in any order
- But order does affect (average-case) efficiency
25Non-binary constraint propagation
- Most popular is generalized arc-consistency (GAC)
- A non-binary constraint is GAC iff for every
value for a variable there are consistent values
for all other variables in the constraint - We can again prune values that are not supported
- GAC AC on binary constraints
26GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 6th row
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
27GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 1st col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
28GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 2nd col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4,5
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
29GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 4th small square
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
30GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 5th col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
31GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 6th col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 1,2,5,6,7
- 1,4,5,7
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
32GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 5th small square
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 5,7
- 4,5
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
33GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 7th col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 5,7
- 4,5
- 1,7
- 3
- 1,2,4,5,6,7
34GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 9th col
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 5,7
- 4,5
- 1,7
- 3
- 4,5,6
35GAC on alldifferent
- AllDifferent on 6th small square
- 6,7
- 1,2,4
- 8
- 9
- 5,7
- 4,5
- 1,7
- 3
- 4,6
36Enforcing GAC
- Enforcing GAC is expensive in general
- GAC schema is O(dk)
- On k-ary constraint on vars with domains of size
d - Trick is to exploit semantics of constraints
- Regins all-different algorithm
- Achieves GAC in just O(k2 d2)
- On k-ary all different constraint with domains of
size d - Based on finding matching in value graph
37Other types of constraint propagation
- (i,j)-consistency
- Non-empty domains
- Any consistent instantiation for i variables can
be extended to j others - Describes many different consistency techniques
- Generalization of arc-consistency
- AC (1,1)-consistency
- Path-consistency (2,1)-consistency
- Strong path-consistency AC PC
- Path inverse consistency (1,2)-consistency
39Enforcing (i,j)-consistency
- problem is (1,1)-consistent (AC)
- BUT is not (2,1)-consistent (PC)
- X12, X23 cannot be extended to X3
- Need to add constraints
- not(X12 X23)
- not(X12 X33)
- Nor is it (1,2)-consistent (PIC)
- X12 cannot be extended to X2 X3 (so needs to
be deleted)
40Other types of constraint propagation
- Bounds consistency (BC)
- With ordered domains
- Enforce AC just on max/min elements
- Used often for arithmetic constraints (eg linear
inequalities) - GAC is intractable on a sum constraints ( subset
41Maintaining a local consistency property
- Tree search
- Assign value to variable
- Enforce some level of local consistency
- Remove values/add new constraints
- If any future variable has no values, backtrack
else repeat - Two popular algorithms
- Maintaining arc-consistency (MAC)
- Make the whole problem arc-consistent
- Forward checking (very restricted form of AC
42Forward checking
- Binary constraints (FC)
- Make constraints involving current variable and
one future variable arc-consistent - No need to look at any other constraints!
- Non-binary constraints
- Several choices as to how to do forward checking
43Forward checking with non-binary constraints
- nFC0 makes AC only those k-ary constraints with
k-1 variables set - nFC1 applies one pass of AC on constraints and
projections involving current var and one future
var - nFC2 applies one pass of GAC on constraints
involving current var and at least one future var - nFC3 enforces GAC on this set
- nFC4 applies one pass of GAC on constraints
involving at least one past and one future var - nFC5 enforces GAC on this set
44n-queens problem
- Put n-queens on a n by n chess board
- Constraints
- No queen attacks another
- Here n8
- Studied by Carl Gauss and others (1850)
45n-queens problem
- ILP formulation
- Xij 1 iff (i,j) square has queen on it
- Row attack constraints
- Col attack constraints
- Diag attack constraints
- Objective function (can only get n queens on
46n-queens problem
- CSP model
- One variable for each row
- Value is position of queen on that row
- Constraints
- Col attack
- Diag attack
- Here n4
47Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward check prunes domains of future variables
48Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col3
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 3rd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row3 has domain wipeout (no values left)
49Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col3
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 3rd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row3 has domain wipeout (no values left)
- Backtrack to last assignment and try some other
50Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col4
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 4th column
51Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col4
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 4th column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
52Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col4
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 4th column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row4 is forced
- Only one value left
53Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Assign Row2col4
- Queen on 2nd row placed on 4th column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row4 is forced
- Only one value left
- Row3 has domain wipeout
- Backtrack to next choice
54Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col1
- Queen on 1st row placed on 1st column
55Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
56Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
57Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row2 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
58Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row2 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
59Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row2 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row3 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domain of last variable
60Forward checking on n-queens problem
- Assign Row1col2
- Queen on 1st row placed on 2nd column
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row2 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domains of future
variables - Row3 is forced
- Only one value left
- Forward checking prunes domain of last variable
- Row4 is forced
61Local search for n-queens problem
- Throw n queens on chessboard
- Move a queen to reduce number of attacks
- Repeat until no queen is attacked
- Surprisingly effective
- Especially as n increases!
- Constraint solving
- Tree search
- Try variable assignment
- Be prepared to backtrack on this choice if it
does not lead to a solution - Use propagation (inference) to prune domains of
remaining variables - Local search
- Tomorrow
- Modelling problems using constraint programming