Title: Everything is connected
1Everything is connected
Project Clean Waters Healthy People
- Challenges and approaches to solutions
Johanna Leutgöb "die umweltberatung"
2Current status
- High self sufficiency concerning food
- Neighbourly help
- Good communication in the villages
- Beautiful landscape nature reserves
- Well educated people
3Current Status
Problems and challenges
- Nitrate in drinking water
- Due to that fact health problems (e.g. blue
babies) - No sanitary waste disposal(illegal dumping)
- Economic problems(lack of jobs, low family
income, low municipal budgets)
4Contamination of Drinking Water
- Chemical parameter
- nitrate NO3, nitrite NO2, iron - Fe,.......
- Physical parameter
- ph-value, conductance,....
- Bacteriological parameter
- escherichia coli, coliform germs,...
6Legal requirements
- Water Frame Directive
- protection of surface waters, coastal waters,
transition waters and groundwater, implementation
until 2015 - Cross-Compliance (2012) Directive on
agricultural subsidies proper agriculture - e.g. no tie-stalls, minimum size for stalls,
proper fertilization,...... - Landfill Directive
- National Strategy, Waste Management Plan
- Sustainable tourism
- Increase in agricultural production
- Organic farming
- Increase of income in agriculture
8Adequate solutions
- They improve the quality of life of the
population - They are based on the status quo
- They need know how of all people involved
- They have to be feasible(step by step, big and
small steps) - They are future oriented (e.g. planning systems
in a way, that they can be extended) - Legal compliance
- They are sustainable in an economic, ecological
and social sense
9What does know how mean?
- Decision makers should have a general idea of all
possible measures - Assessment and rating of measures
- Technical knowledge for the operation of
facilities - Result oriented know how for on-site consulting
10What does feasible mean?
- Financially feasible
- investments (financial support possible most of
the time, up to 100) - during operation (no financial support, except in
farming) - Socially feasible
- involving the population
- information and education
- allowing for differences in mentality
11Our approach
- Take a look at your region from outside
- We take you for the experts on site
- We found result oriented solutions/models(maybe
new and unusual for you) - We present those solutions/models
- Discuss and improve(during the workshops)
12Our Contribution
- View from outside
- Experience in technical implementation
- Experience in awareness-raising and public
relations - Background information
- Help to help yourself
- Company independent consultancy
- Recommendations
13What we cannot provide
- ... in the course of this project
- Detailed planning
- Decisions, which solutions you want to implement
- Consultancy concerning financial support and aid
- Support during implementation
14What happened until now?
- Two visits in several villages
- Visits of Gospodorias
- Visits of dumping sites
- Inspecting the composition of waste
- Gathering information on how people live
- Gathering information about the problems in your
15Our summary
Everything is connected
- Agricultural practice
- Water supply and sewage disposal
- Practice of waste disposal
16Everything is connected
17Johanna LeutgöbJohannes Ertl"die
umweltberatung" "eco-counselling" Johanna
LeutgöbTel 43 (01)8033232 - 24Fax 43 (01)
annes ErtlTel 43 (02757) 8520 Fax 43
(02757) 8520 -214johannes.ertl_at_umweltberatung.at
Thank you for your attention!
DI Arnold Kainz Ingenieurbüro für
Landschaftsplanung3912 Grafenschlag
93AustriaTel 43 (0) 664.1836731arnold.kainz_at_