Title: PowerPoint Presentation Pair Polarimeter
1A Silicon m-strip Polarimeter for High Energy
D.J. Tedeschi, N. Baltzell, T. Garrett University
of South Carolina B. Wojtsekhowski Thomas
Jefferson National Laboratory B. Vlahovic North
Carolina Central University M. Khandakar Norfolk
State University, JLab G. Feldman, G.V.
ORielly The George Washington University F.
Klein Florida International University, JLab
2Need for New Polarimetry
Nuclear and particle physics experiments at
Jefferson Lab (CEBAF) using linearly polarized
photons with Eg gt 1 GeV
- Search for missing resonances
- hyperon production beam asymmetry
- r and w meson production asymmetry
- Search for proton strangeness component
- f meson production mechanisms
- Search for exotic mesons and hybrid states
3Pair Production
Well known reaction with a polarization-dependent
angular distribution
C.N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 77, 722 (1950). Berlin and
Madansky, Phys Rev 78, 623 (1950). G.C. Wick,
Phys. Rev. 81, 467 (1951). L.C. Maximon, H.
Olsen, Phys. Rev. 120, 310 (1962). Kobayashi and
Kondo, NIM 104, 101 (1972). B. Wojtsekhowski et
al., TJNAF Technical Note 98-039.
4New Calculation
- Find large asymmetry in angle of ee- plane (w)
relative to polarization direction (rather than
in f) - ? Reproduce the total cross section of pair
production - ? Reproduce the results of Maximon and Olsen
5Expected Asymmetry
Energy sharing Ee/Eg
Pair Angle w (deg)
Calculations performed by USC undergraduate
Nathan Baltzell
6Pair Production
Silicon m-strips 50 mm spacing
qpp 1/Eg10-4
7The Detector Schematic
Simulations performed by USC undergraduate Travis
8The Prototypes
I. Tested at Duke FEL (39 MeV) m-strip
detectors 100 mm Al converter
II. Tested at LEGS (300 MeV) Larger area
m-strips Active converter
9Determining Hit Positions
Require 2 clusters in each plane. Measure axis of
polarimeter relative to the beam-line.
10Coordinate Readout
y position (strips)
y position (strips)
x position (strips)
x position (strips)
All events
Single event
11Monte Carlo Simulation
GEANT Collimation, Multiple scattering, Detector
alignment, Position resolution
12Monte Carlo Simulation
Polarization Angle 135º
Pair angle w
14Conclusions and Future for Pair Polarimetry
- New calculations show large asymmetry for pair
production in the variable w - Advances in m-strip detector technology make
asymmetry measurement possible - Polarimeter prototype result agrees with
expectations - Improved design will tested at high energy
(SPring8) in 2001.