Title: EDUC 260: Week 2
1EDUC 260 Week 2
- Instructor Stephanie T.L. Chu
- Teaching Assistant Irina Tzoneva
- Guest visitor (re Co-op)
- Administrivia
- Course website and syllabus
- Review of assignments
- Assignment 1 (in-class)
- Review of readings
- Assignment 2 Joining a Listserv
- Introduction to instructional design
- For next week
- Feedback from last week
- Student Questionnaire results
- Remark about attendance and participation
- Questions/comments?
4Course website and syllabus
- Syllabus activities/topics may change reading
responses and assignments will not - More readings to be added (with reading
responses) - Changes announced in WebCT
- Review of assignments
- Questions?
5Assignment 1
- Perform part A. Show Irina or Stephanie what you
have done. (2 marks) - Perform part B by sending the email as indicated.
(3 marks)
6Readings review Learning theories and their
- Behaviorism
- Can only study behaviour, not processes
- Teacher role (Sage on stage vs. Guide on the
Side) - Impact
- Writing objectives
- Drill and practice
7Readings review Learning theories and their
- Cognitive Theories
- Need to address cognition how people think
- People process information through different
systems - Training needed to develop skills
- Teacher role
- Systems that adapt to learning
8Readings review Learning theories and their
- Constructivism
- Students construct their own sense of the world
- Situated, active, socially constructed learning
- Scaffolding
- Facilitator (Guide on the side)
- Scenarios, cases, online communities, exploring
9Readings review Learning theories and their
10Readings review Researching on the web
- Search engines perform different types of
searches based on how they index (e.g. weight
or nearness) - Popularity changes over time
- Some pages may not be added
11Issues of vast resources
- Sheer size (need to refine searches)
- Credibility of content
- Accuracy
- Screen sites (help direct students to this)
- Use of the web is educationally meaningful
12Advantages for using the web
- ???
- More current information
- Links to other sites
- Multimedia resources
13Readings review How technology facilitates
- Repository of information (general and expert)
- Online communities (social interaction)
- Packaged sources (less online intensive, directs
students to specific content) - Use of imagination (tools)
14Assignment 2
- Review assignment
- Start now, due November 6.
15Instructional design
- Definition
- A set of systematic procedures for developing
teaching materials and setting up learning
environments - Links theory with practice in designing effective
instruction - Example a cookbook
- There are numerous instructional design models
16Instructional Design Models
17Instructional Design Models
- Dick and Careys Theory Systems Approach Model
18Instructional Design Models
- Kemps Instructional Design Plan
19Note the similarities in process and components
20More about ID models
- ACPDDIE Analyse, Create, Personalise, Design,
Develop, Implement, and Evaluate - Resources
- ADDIE http//www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/s/j/sjm
256/portfolio/kbase/IDD/ADDIE.pdf - McGriffs pages on ADDIE, Dick Careys, and
Kemps Models http//www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/
21For Next Week
- Refer regularly to WebCT and Post an introductory
message - Try to submit text and a file via the test
assignment in Turnitin (closing date Sept. 15) - Read the Healy Interview
- Be prepared to start the online discussion for
Reading Response 1 - Review information about the Position Paper
- Post any questions in the WebCT QA
22Reading Response 1
- Based on the Tiene Ingram chapters and the
Healy Interview. - Online discussion starts next Thursday until the
following Tuesday - Initial discussion question posted by Thursday
before class