COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1. COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES. Examples: 3H, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 32Si, 35Mn, 36Cl, 39Ar. These radionuclides are produced by nuclear reactions between cosmic rays and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Examples 3H, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 32Si, 35Mn, 36Cl,
  • These radionuclides are produced by nuclear
    reactions between cosmic rays and stable atoms in
    the atmosphere and at the Earths surface
    (SPALLATION ? turns a larger ion into several
    smaller ones)
  • The radionuclides are removed from the atmosphere
    by precipitation, and if prevented from contact
    with cosmic rays, radioactive decay will be the
    dominant process controlling their concentration.
  • Once removed from contact with cosmic rays, the
    concentration of these nuclides decreases with
    time, i.e., a clock starts ticking.

  • 14N neutron ? 14C 1H
  • The 14C produced in the atmosphere is
    incorporated into CO2 and is rapidly mixed
    throughout the atmosphere.
  • The CO2 is then absorbed by plants during
    photosynthesis. Animals take up 14C by eating
    plants, etc. As long as the plant or animal is
    alive, a steady state exists. That is, the rate
    of production of 14C by cosmic rays is just
    balanced by the rate of radioactive decay.
  • When the organism dies, uptake of 14C ceases and
    the activity of 14C declines with time, i.e., the
    clock starts ticking.

  • Decay reaction 14C ? 14N ?- energy
  • T1/2 ? 5730 a
  • A activity, as measured by a scintillation
  • A present-day activity A0 initial activity
    (usually assumed to be equal to 14C activity in
  • This method is used to date C-bearing materials
    such as charcoal, wood, peat, and CaCO3 in
    fossils and sediment.

  • After 7 half-lives, the activity decays to
    immeasurably low values. Thus, the limit for 14C
    dates is 35,000-45,000 a.
  • 1) Variations in 14C production rate
  • - fluctuations in cosmic-ray flux
  • - changes in magnetic field
  • 2) Variations in 14C content due to chemical and
    physical fractionation
  • 3) Dilution of 14C by low-14C CO2 from fossil
    fuel burning.

10Be, 26Al
  • Both of these isotopes are formed by spallation
    reactions between cosmic rays and O and N in
  • Both isotopes are removed by rain and snow.
  • Upon entering oceans or lakes, the isotopes are
    scavenged by adsorption onto sediment particles
    and carried to the bottom.
  • After deposition and removal from contact with
    cosmic rays, their concentrations decrease owing
    to decay.
  • 10Be T1/2 1.5 Ma 26Al T1/2 0.716 Ma

  • Similar processes occur during the formation of
    ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, and in
    successive lava flow.
  • Decay occurs according to the following two
  • With knowledge of the thickness of the sequence
    (sediment column, ice sheet, lava layers) and t,
    the rate of accumulation of sediment/ice/lava can
    be calculated.

  • Based on the decay reaction
  • with a half-life
  • T1/2 11.9 B.Y.
  • The pertinent geochronometry equation is
  • The factor ?e/? is the ratio of decay by 40K ?
    40Ar to total decay of 40K, which also includes
    40K ? 40Ca.
  • It is generally assumed that 40Ar0 ? 0, because
    Ar does not usually become incorporated in
    minerals at the time of formation.

  • Why not use the decay 40K ? 40Ca as a
  • 40Ca is the most common Ca isotope, and Ca
    concentrations are quite high in most rocks. The
    amount of 40Ca that forms in a rock due to decay
    of 40K is relatively small compared to the amount
    of 40Ca already present at time t 0. We cannot
    analyze the small additional amount of radiogenic
    40Ca accurately enough.
  • The K-Ar method has been widely used to date
    K-bearing minerals, e.g., K-feldspar, muscovite,
    biotite and hornblende. It is used less
    frequently now because of the ease of loss of
    radiogenic Ar.

  • The K-Ar method actually dates the time at which
    the mineral cooled sufficiently so that
    radiogenic 40Ar cannot diffuse out of the
  • Blocking temperature - the temperature at which
    the mineral becomes closed with respect to Ar
  • Thus, the date obtained with the K-Ar method will
    generally be less than the true age, unless the
    rocks being dated cooled very rapidly.
  • Blocking temperatures are different for different
    minerals. We can use this fact to calculate rates
    of uplift.

Measuring Isotopes
  • While different, isotopes of the same element
    exist in certain fractions corresponding to their
    natural abundance (adjusted by fractionation)
  • We measure isotopes as a ratio of the isotope vs.
    a standard material (per mille )

Where Ra is the ratio of heavy/light isotope and
a is the fractionation factor

  • A reaction or process which selects for one of
    the stable isotopes of a particular element
  • If the process selects for the heavier isotope,
    the reaction product is heavy, the reactant
    remaining is light
  • Isotope fractionation occurs for isotopic
    exchange reactions and mass-dependent differences
    in the rates of chemical reactions and physical

Equilibrium vs. Kinetic fractionation
  • Fractionaction is a reaction, but one in which
    the free energy differences are on the order of
    1000x smaller than other types of chemical
  • Just like other chemical reactions, we can
    describe the proportion of reactants and products
    as an equilibrium or as a kinetic function

Temperature effects on fractionation
  • The fractionation factors, a, are affected by T
    (recall that this affects EA) and defined
  • Then,
  • As T increases, D decreases at high T D goes to

Where A and B are constants determined for
particular reactions and T is temp. in Kelvins
  • Mass differences also give rise to fractionation
    during physical processes (diffusion,
    evaporation, freezing, etc.).
  • Fractionation during physical process is a result
    of differences in the velocities of isotopic
    molecules of the same compound.
  • Consider molecules in a gas. All molecules have
    the same average kinetic energy, which is a
    function of temperature.

  • Because the kinetic energy for heavy and light
    isotopes is the same, we can write
  • In the case of 12C16O and 13C16O we have
  • Regardless of the temperature, the velocity of
    12C16O is 1.0177 times that of 13C16O, so the
    lighter molecule will diffuse faster and
    evaporate faster.

Equilibrium Fractionation
  • For an exchange reaction
  • ½ C16O2 H218O ? ½ C18O2 H216O
  • Write the equilibrium
  • Where activity coefficients effectively cancel
  • For isotope reactions, K is always small, usually
    1.0xx (this K is 1.047 for example)

  • Because 18O forms a stronger covalent bond with C
    than does 16O.
  • The vibrational energy of a molecule is given by
    the equations

Thus, the frequency of vibration depends on the
mass of the atoms, so the energy of a molecule
depends on its mass.
  • The heavy isotope forms a lower energy bond it
    does not vibrate as violently. Therefore, it
    forms a stronger bond in the compound.
  • The Rule of Bigeleisen (1965) - The heavy isotope
    goes preferentially into the compound with the
    strongest bonds.

Equilibrium Fractionation II
  • For a mass-dependent reaction
  • Ca2 C18O32- ? CaC18O3
  • Ca2 C16O32- ? CaC16O3
  • Measure d18O in calcite (d18Occ) and water
  • Assumes 18O/16O between H2O and CO32- at some

T ºC 16.998 - 4.52 (d18Occ - d18Osw) 0.028
Empirical Relationship between Temp. Oxygen
Isotope Ratios in Carbonates
At lower temperatures, calcite crystallization
tends to incorporate a relatively larger
proportion of 18O because the energy level
(vibration) of ions containing this heavier
isotope decreases by a greater amount than
ions containing 16O. As temperatures drop, the
energy level of 18O declines progressively by
an amount that this disproportionately greater
than that of the lighter 16O.
  • Isotopic fractionation that occurs during
    condensation in a moist air mass can be described
    by Rayleigh Distillation. The equation governing
    this process is
  • where Rv isotope ratio of remaining vapor, Rv
    isotope ratio in initial vapor, the
    fraction of vapor remaining and

Effect of Rayleigh distillation on the ?18O value
of water vapor remaining in the air mass and of
meteoric precipitation falling from it at a
constant temperature of 25C. Complications 1)
Re-evaporation 2) Temperature dependency of ?
  • Evaporation of surface water in equatorial
    regions causes formation of air masses with H2O
    vapor depleted in 18O and D compared to seawater.
  • This moist air is forced into more northerly,
    cooler air in the northern hemisphere, where
    water condenses, and this condensate is enriched
    in 18O and D compared to the remaining vapor.
  • The relationship between the isotopic composition
    of liquid and vapor is

  • Assuming that ?18Ov -13.1 and ?vl(O) 1.0092
    at 25C, then
  • and assuming ?Dv -94.8 and ?vl(H) 1.074 at
    25C, then
  • These equations give the isotopic composition of
    the first bit of precipitation. As 18O and D are
    removed from the vapor, the remaining vapor
    becomes more and more depleted.
  • Thus, ?18O and ?D values become increasingly
    negative with increasing geographic latititude
    (and altitude.

Map of North America showing contours of the
approximate average ?D values of meteoric surface
Because both H and O occur together in water,
?18O and ?D are highly correlated, yielding the
meteoric water line (MWL) ?D ? 8?18O 10
Deviation from MWL
  • Any additional fractionation process which
    affects O and D differently, or one to the
    exclusion of the other will skew a water away
    from the MWL plot
  • These effects include
  • Elevation effects - (dD -8/1000m, -4/ºC)
  • Temperature (a different!)
  • Evapotranspiration and steam loss
  • Water/rock interaction (little H in most rocks)

Kinetic Fractionation
  • lighter isotopes form weaker bonds in compounds,
    so they are more easily broken and hence react
    faster. Thus, in reactions governed by kinetics,
    the light isotopes are concentrated in the
  • Again, isotope reactions can be exchange
    reactions or mass-dependent chemical or physical
    reactions kinetic factors may affect any of

Kinetic fractionation I SO42- reduction
  • SO42- CH4 2 H ? H2S CO2 2 H2O
  • This reaction is chemically slow at low T,
    bacteria utilize this for E in anoxic settings
  • Isotope fractionation of S in sulfide generated
    by microbes from this process generates some of
    the biggest fractionations in the environment
    (-120 for S)
  • THEN we need to think about exchange reactions
    with H2S or FeS(aq) as it may continue to
    interact with other S species

S isotopes and microbes
  • The fractionation of H2S formed from bacterial
    sulfate reduction (BSR) is affected by several
  • Recycling and physical differentiation yields
    excessively depleted H2S
  • Open systems H2S loss removes 34S
  • Limited sulfate governed by Rayleigh process,
    enriching 34S
  • Different organisms and different organic
    substrates yield very different experimental d34S
  • Ends up as a poor indicator of BSR vs. TSR
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