Title: Profitability of Corn Versus Soybeans
1Profitability of Corn Versus Soybeans
- Gary Schnitkey
- Agricultural Economist
- University of Illinois
- Previous corn and soybean rotations
- 2009 corn minus soybean return projections
- Rotations
3FBFM Regions and Yields
- Note higher ratios for northern and
central-high, important for profitability
4Corn Minus Soybean Returns (Per Acre)
Returns by region are in management section of
farmdoc (www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu) under Per Acre
Revenue and Costs for Illinois Crops
52008 Projections
- Based on NASS yields adjusted for FBFM farms
- Difference in costs corn minus soybeans
- 5.40 corn price, 12.25 soybean price (USDA
projections, midpoint of range)
6Corn Minus Soybean Returns (Per Acre)
7Corn and Soybean Return By Year
82009 Projections
- Prices 5.60 for corn, 12.50 for soybeans,
based on CBOT futures markets - Yields (bushel per acre)
9Non-land CostsCentral Illinois -- High
2009 cost increases lead by fertilizer (Per ton
prices of 1,000 for Anhydrous, 1,000 for DAP,
and 900 for potash). Also large increases for
seed, crop insurance, fuel.
102009 Corn Minus Soybean Returns
- Returns for corn still exceed soybeans by large
11- 2009 Projected Corn Minus Soybean Returns
- Based on 5-year average yields
- 5.60 corn price
- 12.50 bean price
- 208 corn minus soybean cost difference
12Operator and Land Returns by Percent Acres in Corn
- Average Operator and Land Returns for FBFM farms
that - Are in Northern and Central Illinois
- Receive most of their income from grain
operations - Have limited other farm activities
- Average returns by Percent Acres in Corn
13Operator and Farmland Returns by Percent Acres in
14Farm Returns by Percent Acres in Corn, 2006
15Costs and Yields, 2006
- As grow more corn, controlling power costs is a
17Crop Rotation Tool
- See FAST Crop Rotation Tool