Title: Water Supply
1Water Supply
A 50-Year Vision for the Community
- Orange Water and Sewer Authority
- February 24, 2000
2Existing System
- Cane Creek Reservoir
- University Lake
- Quarry Reservoir
3Existing System
4Historic Demands - Raw Water
5Water Sewer Master Plan
- Blueprint for the Future
- All Aspects of Water and Sewer
- 50-Year Planning Horizon
- Coordinated with Local Plans
6Future Demand Forecasts Assumptions
- Service Area Will Remain the Same
- Retail Sales Only
- Moderate Growth of Past 25 Years Will Continue
- Buildout Likely By 2050
7Future Demand Forecasts Major Customer Sectors
- Single Family Residential
- Multifamily Residential
- University/UNC Hospitals
- Commercial/Other
- Irrigation-Only Accounts
8Major Customer Sectors
9Future Demand Forecasts
10Conservation Opportunities
- Service Area Already Is Relatively Water
Efficient - Active Programs - Limited Opportunities
- Passive Conservation - Promising, but Unproven
11Raw Water Supply Capacity Determined by
- Streamflow
- Storage Volume
- Conveyance Pumps Pipes
12Safe Yield
- The demand that can be supported under specified
operating conditions . . .
13Capacity of Existing System
- Hydrologic Safe Yield 15 mgd
- Sustainable Demand 11 mgd
- The Water Is There, But . . .
- Need for Bigger Pumps Pipes
14Phase I Improvements
- From 11 mgd to 15 mgd
- Needed by 2010 (/-)
- 10 Million
- Will Be Programmed In 15-Year Capital
Improvements Plan
15Supply DemandWhat Next?
16Supply DemandPhase I Improvments
17Water Supply Options?
- 1 BG Quarry Volume
- 3 BG Quarry Volume
- Dredge University Lake
- New Dam at University Lake
- Raise Dam at Cane Creek
- New Reservoir at Sevenmile Cr
18Water Supply Options (cont)
- Jordan Lake
- Purchase Water from Others
- No Action
19Supply DemandAdditional Storage Volume
20Supply DemandAdditional Storage Volume
21The Preferred Option3 BG Quarry Reservoir
- Extension of the American Stone quarry across
Bethel-Hickory Grove Church Road onto OWASA
22Proposed Quarry Extension
23Responsible Planning . . .
- Safeguard for Uncertain Future
- Reduced Drawdowns
- Better Drought Protection
- More Operational Flexibility
- Future Releases to Morgan Creek
24Responsible Planning
- Sustainable Resource Management
- A key principle of sustainability is to manage
resources today in ways that maintain a full
range of opportu-nities for future generations.
25Would We Still Have to Use Jordan Lake?
- With the 20.5 mgd system safe yield provided by
3 bg of quarry capacity, it is unlikely that
OWASA will have to rely on Jordan Lake to meet
its water supply needs during the next 50 years.
26Impacts of Quarry Extension?
- The proposed project appears to pose no
significant threat to human health, safety, or
natural resourc-es. No evidence of past or
present significant threats to health from silica
dust, radon, traffic impacts, or water quality
could be identified through the research
conducted un-der this study.
- OWASA finds the quarry extension to be the
preferred alternative for meet-ing the long term
water supply needs of its customers in a manner
that is consistent with the communitys values of
environmental stewardship and sus-tainable