Title: GIS in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
1GIS in Environmental and Water Resources
- Research Progress Report
- Nov 20, 1998
2Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
3Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
4Brad Hudgens
- Geospatial Data Development for Water
Availability Modeling
- Sulphur re-model w/ new CPs by Dec 2
- Neches have TNRCC review data, need CPs from
FN - Nueces TNRCC working location review
- Guadalupe TNRCC wants DRG database
- San Antonio
- Prepro working on network connectivity
- Water for Texas Conference presentation by
Nov 27
690m DEM limitations
7David Mason
- Geospatial Data Development for Water
Availability Modeling
8Building the River Network
- Objective is to create a single-line network
- Must remove open water features
- use Query tool to select only R,S, and T streams
- use USGS open water centerlines to define a
linear transport path - Using Arcview, manually delineate necessary
streams not represented by rf3 - Place an outlet point at each water right
location using CRWR-Prepro
9Digitizing Streams
10The Holdup
- The water right locations to be used as control
points for the watershed delineation process must
first be reviewed by TNRCC for accuracy.
11Trinity River TMDL
- Subtask on Network AnalystKim Davis
12Tools Used
- ArcView Network Analyst
- Routing
- Tying Points to Network
- Avenue scripts developed by Zechuan Ye
- Ties points to network within tolerance
- Accessory scripts for manual corrections
13Prepared Stream Network
14Add Points of Interest
16Route Solution
18Current Work
- Problems Encountered
- RF3
- Avenue
- Network Analyst
19Future Work
- Finish method development for point data
- Figure out code/script issues
- Is it on a stream we have?
- Apply to the Trinity Basin
- Attribute Pollution Sources
20Jona Finndis Jonsdottir
- Geospatial Data for Total Maximum Daily Loads
21Topographic Maps, DRGs
- Good to understand and correct the river network
- Can be added to the view using hot link
22Hot Link
- In Quads attribute table, add a field with the
file names of the DRGs - Write an appropriate script
- Activate the hot link in Theme Properties
- Click on the cell where you want the
topographic map
23How to do this?
- But what is the best way to add the field with
the file names to the attribute table? - Does someone have a god idea?
24New Tool Development for Water Modeling
25Problems need to be solved
- Calculate the drainage area of user-defined
control points - Build stream network relations
26Create a user-defined input point theme
- The point coverage contains different type of
point. - The user can define the ID of the control points.
- The input ID will be unique.
27Implementation Addpnt_new.ave
- Script Addpnt_new.ave.
- User interface
- options"Diversion point", "Stream gage"
- choisemsgbox.choiceasstring(options,"Choose the
type of control point","Select") - id_numbermsgbox.input("Enter the ID
number","Input control point","0")
28Calculate the user defined drainage area
- Grid solution
- Identified the Stream gage points from the
input coverage. - Make a multipoint object from the points
identified. - Extract the points from the Flow-Direction grid
and make them NODATA. - Run Flow-Accumulation.
- Implementation NewFdrCreat.ave
29Build up stream network relations
- Algorithm
- get a multi-point coverage,
- a line coverage
- check all the points of the point coverage
- are on the stream arcs
- if(a point is not a node)then
- split the arc at this point
- make the point fnode of the downstream
- make the point tnode of the upstream
31Esteban Azagra
32Rainfall runoff
Run HEC-PrePro
Topographic Hydrologic Topologic
Parameters Calibration
Field Data
33Progress Report Surface-Subsurface Modeling
- Shiva Niazi
- Ann Dennis
- November 20, 1998
34Model Domain Defined by LBG Guyton
35Model Domain
36Standard Hydrologic Grid
37Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
38Lesley Hay Wilson
- Spatial Environmental Risk Assessment
39Current Research Status
- Revising draft dissertation proposal based on
comments from Dr. Charbeneau - Objective is to develop the spatial risk
assessment methodology with emphasis on
application to large, complex sites - Proposal defense scheduled for Dec 11th
- Beginning work on presentation for the defense
40Other Activities
- Completing paper for the 1999 CSIRO Remediation
Conference (team) - IGERT NSF proposal activities
- working with Dr. Katz on the capstone course
outline - preparing a Marcus Hook project summary
- Participating in development of a work plan with
Dr. Loehrs research team to implement
environmentally acceptable endpoint studies at
Marcus Hook - Drafting paper abstract for EPA conference
Environmental Problem Solving with GIS
41Andrew Romanek
- Surface Representation of the Marcus Hook Refinery
- Since last time
- Seminar
- ESP Poster
- COC Transport Extension
- Review of nearby facility data
- For next two weeks
- Hydrology project -gt develop transient recharge
rate for GW model
43COC Transport Extension
- 4 step extension to surface water model to
characterize COC transport - Conservative - no decay except from additional
flow - Compare to WQS
- Waiting on data - will complete by Jan. 99
44Spatial Analysis of Sources and Source Areas on
Marcus Hook
- Progress report by Julie Kim
- Friday, November 20, 1998
45Lube Plant Area
- Tanks
- Historical Features
- ponds
- storage tanks
- process areas
- storage areas
- loading/unloading areas
- Former RCRA Features
46Lube Area Data Spreadsheet
- Fields from database
- Coverage number
- Coverage ID
- Fcode
- Location ID
- Location label
- Environmental condition
- Reference
- New fields added
- Materials stored
- Volume stored
- Time of operation
- Releases
- Data classification number
47Data Classification
- 1-Specific release with volume and date or time
- 2-Anecdotal evidence describing release but no
time or data specified visual observation of
standing oil or stained soils - 3-Oily stains, discoloration or other evidence
based on historical photos or reports - 4-No releases identified not a source feature
48Spreadsheet With New Fields
49Future Work
- Compare concentration data in spreadsheet with
data in environmental database - Look for patterns in releases
- Edit info in Releases Field
- Join data with attributes table in Arcview
- Use releases with best info to see if they
correlate with data in environmental database - For 4 classification, look through historical
reports for more info
50Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
51Global Runoff Routing
52Comparison of Old and New Delineations
53Flow Length Zones for Each Watershed
54(No Transcript)
55(No Transcript)
56Grid Cell Translation from High to Low Resolution
- Mary Lear
- November 20, 1998
57Project Description
- Make a tool to translate fine resolution grids to
any specified coarse resolution mesh - Write the tool using Arc Macro Language (AML)
- GOAL Identify downstream polygon in a new field
in Value Attribute Table (VAT)
58Sample Area
Niger River Basin
2.3 million km2
- Well studied area
- Variety of climatic regions
- Variety of rainfall values
59Grid and Mesh
FINE RESOLUTION Flow Direction Grid 1km x
COARSE RESOLUTION Fishnet (Polygons) 30km x
60Output - Method I
- Simple Method
- Eight Direction Output!
- Cardinal Directions
- Preferred
61Output - Method II
FLOW DIRECTION GRID 3 Directions out of 8
Pourpoint Method
62Output - Method II
Inability to Choose Diagonal Directions
63Puzzles to Solve
- Eight Pour-Point Direction
- Diagonal Directions
- Translating the output to Geographic Coordinates
64Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
65Patrice Melancon
- Pollutant Loading Model for Tillamook Bay
66Patrices Progress to 20 Nov 1998
- Draft of Methodology Chapter has been turned in
- Requirements for metatdata are being reviewed
starting to look at MetaMaker - Downloaded FDGC standard - printed and bound -
available at CRWR - Transferred all currrent final coverages and
grids to Pacific - Finalized hydrology and bactimodel project files
- Bactimodel.apr sent to ODEQ for beta testing at
their request
67EMC Values
- Still looking for articles to support EMC values
for general ag/cropland and for all baseflow
values - Have found several articles with values that may
be of use for sediment part of model
68Goals for Next Meeting - 11 Dec
- Draft of Intro/Background
- Draft of Results/Conclusions Chapter
- Finish metadata for all final data sets
- Finish literature search to support EMC values
- Decide how to handle sediment model
69Katherine Osborne
- Water Quality Master Planning for Austin
70Review Steps
- Import DEMs using ArcInfo
- Used ArcView after finding metadata for DEMs
- Received Seamless DEMS from EROS
- Add USGS Gauge points
- Used points from Christines work
- Obtain stream file from City of Austin
- Delineate watersheds
- Submit these watersheds to COA
- Read Urban Model material
- Ok, began reading.
- Attend GIS class in CRP
71Seamless 30m DEM
72Difference between seamless and compiled 30m DEMs
73Delineated watersheds using 10,000 cell threshold
74Next Steps
- Decide on which DEMs to use.
- Submit delineated watersheds to COA.
- Read Urban Model material.
- Work with CAPCO data to develop more accurate
75Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
76Seth Ahrens
- Flood Forecasting in Houston
77Final Version of Model
78Comparison of Gauge Areas (km2)
79Airborne LIDAR Topographic Mapping System
- Developed by the Houston Advanced Research Center
(HARC) - Ten-foot DEM resolution
- Vertically accurate to within six inches
- Nearly all of Harris County complete
- Several other metro areas by 12/99
- 133 Mb per Quarter Quad Sheet
80Example Data Set
81Image Map from DOQQ Data
Aerial View of Addicks Reservoir
Click on blue dots to view pictures and text.
82Ben Bigelow
- Midwest Flood Frequency Analysis
83Research Update
- Wrote two more chapters of research report
- Writing Results and Conclusions for report
- Gave presentation at interagency meeting in St.
Louis (USACE,FEMA,states, and many others) - GIS display capabilities
- Relationship between discharge and area
- very well received
84Design Discharge Profile, Mississippi River
Contribution of Des Moines River Alone 128,000
cfs Tributary 49,000 cfs
Des Moines
1-day, 100-yr peak flow
Des Moines
Mean Daily Discharge (cfs)
Distance (miles)
University of Texas at Austin
85Jerry Perales
- GIS-Based Infiltration Modeling
86Tenkiller Watershed
87Research Seanns Thesis and Prior Work
- Research Seanns Dissertation with focus on the
Method section - Research A GIS Procedure for Merging NEXRAD
Precipitation Data and Digital Elevation Models
to Determine Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Parameters,
CRWR Online Report 95-3, September 1995.
88Data Needed
- The STATSGO soil databases for Oklahoma and
Arkansas have been downloaded - The NEXRAD image needs to be converted to a cell
mesh - The DEM for the watershed is needed.
89Eric Tate
- Mapping Flood Water Surface Elevation
90Recent Activities
- Interim research report for TxDOT
- Media interviews
- HEC-RAS 2.2 a better output solution?
- Finished background chapter of thesis
- Experimentation with City of Austin
photogrammetry data to create TINs
913D Terrain Modeling Example
92Research Areas
- Texas data and water modeling Hudgens, Mason,
Davis Jonsdottir, Gu, Azagra, Niazi - Environmental Risk Assessment Hay-Wilson,
Romanek, Kim
- Global runoff Asante, Lear
- Nonpoint source pollution Melancon, Osborne
- Flood hydrology and hydraulics Ahrens, Bigelow,
Perales, Tate - Internet Favazza,Wei
93David Favazza
- Map-Based Modeling on the Internet
94(No Transcript)
95ESRIs ArcExplorer
- View maps via Internet and pan/zoom/querry as a
local user would with ArcView - Maps are currently being served from Ganges using
ESRIs Internet Map Server for AE use - Advantages More reliable than MapCafe also
allows user to download user-specified portions
of maps - Downers Requires user to download AE and run it
locally - time intensive download Not as
powerful as MapObjects
96Kevin Wei
- Displaying Environmental Maps on the Internet
97Overview of my research Project
Publishing database on the Internet 1.
DataBase Environmental Monitoring data
(tabular format) in Pantex Facility. Six
Chemicals. Data processing Using MS
Access. 2. Evaluate different Internet GIS
approaches. ArcView Internet Map
Server(IMS) Map Object Internet Map
Server(IMS) ArcExplore which approach
is more efficient and reliable.
98Data Processing.
Key field
Using Easting and Northing data to build up a
point coverage. How to? Using loc_cod as key
field to associate attributes with GIS shape file.
99Run Query in Access and import the query result
into ArcView
Only 40 wells geo information are given, so
build up a query to pick up the data only from
these 40 wells.
100ArcView Access 1. Set up ODBC driver, select
mdb file. 2. In Arcview, go to SQL connect,
import database into ArcView. 3. Go to View and
Add event theme to build up a new theme using
Easting and Northing data. 4. Convert the new
theme to a shape file. So you have a shape file
with the information you are interested
in. Next step Working on the Internet Map
Servers. Arcview IMS can directly serve ArcView
project. MapObject IMS and ArcExplore are
primarily working with ESRI shape files.
101MapObjects and MOIMS 2.0 MapObjects is ESRI
component software for adding mapping and GIS
capabilities to Windows applications. The
development environments can be VB, Visual
C MapObject IMS2.0 is IMS extension to
MapObjects. It provides ready-to use software
components that enable you to run MapObjects
applications and ArcExplore.aep file on the
Internet. In machine Rimac, Volta, Viper, we
installed MOIMS2.0
Next time I ll give more detailed information
about MOIMS
102Research Review
- Next Research Progress Report
- Friday Dec18, 1998, 2PM, ECJ 9.236