Title: The French institute of agricultural and environmental engineering research
1The French instituteof agricultural and
environmental engineering research
2A public reseach institute
From research to action disciplinary and
thematic applied research Main fields
envrionment, agriculture, rural land
management, rural equipment,
Associated with
SEIGAD, University of Grenoble, France (Pr.
Dumolard) (quantitative geography, GIS)
3Plan for the period 1999-2002
- Progress in four leading areas of interest
- hydrosystem functioning
- water and waste disposal engineering and
management - management of predominantly rural areas
- agricultural and food engineering
- Several priority areas of scientific research
- terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their
relationship with agriculture - natural risk management
- Rigorous scientific approach computer modelling,
geographical information systems and
computational analysis
4Qualifications of Cemagref research and
engineering staff
Engineering sciences
Earth sciences
Environmental and life sciences
Human and social sciences
Chemical sciences
Mathematics sciences
5Long-term vision
- Develop the scientific foundations of spatial
development on a sustainable basis which will
protect, conserve and manage aquatic and
terrestrial environments, safeguard the human
activity which harnesses and improves them, and
predict and control the associated risks.
- 1000 permanent staff 450 engineers and
scientists 34 research unitsBudget 99 - 366
mFrF (56 mEuros) incl. 86 mFrF (13 mEuros)
contract income
79 Regional centres
8Staff and organisation
Developing tools and methods
freshwater systems
for integrated management
Two fields
freshwater systems management
agricultural and terrestrial ecosystems
for equipment design and operation
water and environmental engineering
land management
agricultural and food engineering
4 scientific departments
9Land management9 research units
Forest and agroforestry
Livestock system and rural areas
Mountain agriculture and environment Development
of mountain territories Mountain ecosystems and
Forest ecosystems and landscapes Forest genetic
resources and planting stock
Agriculture and rural areas dynamics
Mediterranean agriculture and forest
- Common scientific methods
- Management-aid models for complex systems
- GIS and digital geospatial data
- Scientific computing
112 units under Scientific directorate
Laboratory of engineering for complex systems
Spatial structures and systems (joint
Cemagref-Engref unit)
12The Mediterranean Agriculture and Forest Research
Unit (Aix-en-Provence)
- 4 main thematic reseach fields using GIS
Forest fire risk modelling
Ecology of forest land ecosystems
Relationship between spatial transformations and
human activities (espacially agriculture) in
rural areas (yes or non- protected)
Spatial economy of rural land market
13In the protected areas field
- Usually focused on
- - areas with human economic activities
(agriculture, pastoral activities, tourism, etc.) - - areas with multiple users (hunters, walkers...)
- - areas with multiple decision makers for land
management - gt Regional Natural Parks, Natura2000, etc.
- more than National Parks (for example)
14 so questions ...
- Which kind of protected areas are we interested
in ? - Can we imagine only one IS adapted to any kind of
protected area ? - Will the whole teams work on the whole protected
areas ?
15which level (point of view) to choose ?
- Ecological point of view animal and vegetal
spieces and ecological habitats inventories and
mapping - Operational point of view water, air and
soils quality - Integrated Land management point of view land
cover, land use, action territories of different
decision makers - -gt not the same skill-holders to inquire
16The existing experiences
- The National Parks GIS (ATEN, Ecrin National
Park, Mercantour, etc.) - The Regional Parks (example, Luberon, Camargue)
- The example of The Geographical Information
Regional Center (CRIGE) - Basic GIS data bought by the PACA Region
(together with the French State) - Left at the disposal of public and half-public
Institutions through the Web